My company just tried to order physical gold for a drilling project that we need specialized components for. No physical gold in stock from our supplier or backup supplier.
A happening is happening
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Get ready for the gold standard
Yer using AU for drilling? m noe understands, user. Using it for electrical components?
Maybe he’s drillin ur mum m80
Tell your boss to invest all the company money in Bitcoin instead
Shills cant be wrong can they, he will make so much money you wont need to drill
Yes, we're drilling down to water in the California Desert, need something that can withstand the constant heat.
What did retarded euros mean by this
I have a Govie job, if the drilling ends they just find me a nice comfy desk job at the same pay. Oh yeah our main supplier is a Fed. Warehouse.
i can sell you some golds
i have 12 kilos you can purchase for a reasonable sum
It means i can be very rich.
That hardly constitutes evidence of a happening, OP.
it's the purity you mutt
>Yes, we're drilling down to water in the California Desert, need something that can withstand the constant heat.
Surely an extremely expensive, soft metal is the answer
Gold prices have been so low that it hasn't been profitable to mine; obviously, this is a problem. The price of gold needs to go up, but some sort of (((artificial force))) is holding it down.
Your retarded
Get better suppliers.
What do you need gold for in drilling anyway?
Ok, how does 999,9 in any way represent purity?
>Living in a fucking place where you have to drill and pump in all your water
Liberals are fucking dumb as shit
You don't really expect us to believe that, right? Drilling projects may use diamond bits for it's hardness, not gold.
Learn 2 larp.
user obviously knows this, he's making a point regarding why Europeans use a comma instead of a dot.
why not tungsten?
It means it’s certified 99.99% gold.
Holy shit, for wiring not the drill bit you fucking goob.
Oh 999,9 = 99.9%? What kind of retarded math are you niggers using
Need these quadz to confirm that Gold is down
I went to the desert once, user.
There's no water there.
Time for me to dig out my gold pans
historically.. as of 1850.. an ounce of gold was the equivalent of 1 month minimum wage labor nigger pay. Gold is hyper inflated and silver hyper undervalued.
Millesimal fineness expressed in units of parts per 1,000
999 = 24 karat gold
999.99 - Purest type of gold currently produced
It's 999.9 parts per 1,000. The 1,000 is probably to do with the metric system. They just use a comma instead of a dot in Europe--I know, it's retarded. So 1,234.56 would be written 1.234,56 Fucking crazy and gay looking.
No fucking idiot.
1% is a lot margin, so if you rise it to is more precise
Holy shit, what the fuck do you learn in school?
trips of truth
>People taking the bait
That's not OP you mongs, this is
it's like 1200 an ounce right now
what's nigger pay these days?
Sorry I don't speak Mexican, retry in English
Shit, it disapeared...
*if you rise it to Pic related *
Today I will remind them:
In the 1970's scientists claimed that teslas vibration theory worked by.. get this.. transmuting molecular bonds.. in a fashion which could only be described as alchemy.
Gold is intrinsically more valuable. If ever a reason gold became less valuable than silver would be a feat of science or connery.
you are not only an idiot, your parents are siblings too
There are deposits in the grand canyon that would make gold relatively common and worthless.
>Living in a place where there are no natural resources of any kind
The Japanese and the Swiss are also dumb as shit by your standards, yet they enjoy some of the highest standards of living in the world.
Economic decision making is more important than access to resources
>whats nigger pay
About 750 and 200 in foodstamps
Yea, China/Russia have been buying it all up. They are going to offer a gold backed currency and kill the dollar. Wake up faggots. Get your wealth out of U.S. dollars and into hard assets like physical gold and physical silver.
average for entry level nigger tier unskilled labor is ~$8/hr. So.. Well I'll fucking be... It works out. Huh.. I did the math several months ago and it was way the fuck off.
Where at?
>moves the goalpost from water, the most important resource on the planet to literally any resource
Kill yourself lefty
Get better supplier.
sage this shit it is either a slide thread or OPs company is too stupid to remain in business. Either way it is nothing.
Electrolysis was also considers alchemy at one point.
Alaska claim jumper
dules confirm.
LOL. I'll pass.
Underage get out
Understanding free market economics is hardly a lefty thing to do.
The Soviet Union had more resources than any other country on the planet ever did, yet their people starved to death regularly.
>plastic guns
stop being a gay please
Nope. The amount of gold that exist on earth has nothing to do with its intrinsic value.
You can't spell jewelry without Jew.
You wanted to buy gold to make wire.
>>No one uses solid gold wire
>>Gold wire is readily available
>>just like pure gold is
you are a fucking worthless nigger and a liar.
>buying literally air
What is gold backed by?
Fuck off, we're full.
Mein Gott!
This interests me.
What's your company. What country are you in and how much gold did you try and source?
Nice larp, what kind of drilling project requires gold captain dipshit.
use bitcoin instead!!!!! HODL fellow lambo-aires!!!!
physical gold will only last you as long as you can budget spending it. If the economy is truly in a shit it would not be any practical use to you until the depression is over.
Ammo, tradeable good and supplies and a fixed rate mortgage are also things that need to be considered.
>a loaf of bread costs a wheel barrow of money bux
>oh hey I got some breads gimme half wheelbarrow
>pay off mortgage for breadcrumbs
eat shit kikes
>btfo and ignores primary comment
Thanks for playing
Gold is backed by decades of history user. Read some books
999.9 is called "four nine gold" It means 99.99% pure gold. Investment grade bullion is four-nine.
>let me speak to your manager
by its usefulness. in this example, gold is being used for extremely specialized components that are required for multi-million dollar mining operation.
I work for the Canadian Mint and we're almost out. But we get close a couple times a year. The demand gets pretty high around Christmas. Depends on what shipments come in and how many orders we get. As well, suppliers can be unreliable at times.
which components?
It’s as if you think an Alaskan owns one gun.
You'd use copper then, not gold. Shit bait
Your fucking device you're using to retardpost on Sup Forums.
>Go to the post office.
>Its a bank.
Gold is a non corroding shielding.
>more valuable
It's not about more value, it's increase by percent.
If gold goes from $1300 to $1400 in the same time that silver goes from $16 to $22, your gains from buying and selling at the same point would be incredibly different. For every $1 you would get from investing in gold you could instead have $3 from investing in silver. This happened around the 70s/80s, gold tripled while silver quintupled.
Investing is not about owning something pricey, it's about your investment growing by a large percentage. $2k in gold is worth just as much as $2k in silver.
Don't tell him he's just after golden treasures!
The gold has all been moved to a secure but unknown location until everything settles down.
They love taking the gold from countries they have subverted an sending it to you know where.
We had to prevent that.
copper melts at a lower temperature than gold and it does not have the tolerances needed for highly accurate equipment
I suppose you think your cpu is made of copper?
More than 4,000 years of documented history.
You sir are fuckn retarded
invest in gold lol
You're arguing subjectivity / connery.
You cannot argue the intrinsic value of gold.
There is absolutely no need to post on Sup Forums and showcase your ignorance.
Next time, use a search engine.
Currently, oil MUST be bought in US dollars which means countries must buy dollars first in order to buy oil.
China is about to create a PetroYuan, but nobody wants to deal in Yuan, so they're creating an oil-yuan-gold machanism.
Basically it's oil to gol, with the yuan in teh middle.
This is about to begin trading in the next few weeks and the chinky-chongs have been buying all the gold they can get in order to support the system.
Fucking CHINA!
Why dont you hire the mexican? I work good and I'll get the job done fast
Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton made sure America lost all our gold. All Nixon did was say all currency wasn't backed 100% by gold. Clintons were the ones that handed the gold over to the Jews.
holy kek
Hire me