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Hahaha, what a dumb Cold War propaganda.
No fucking way.
Eat shit commie.
Fuck off, CBL.
Do these figures include people who starved to death ?
Where's this?
looks like nyc
>Times Square 2017
>Cold War propaganda
The absolute mental state of commies
roughly. It's closer to 120 million.
To quote one of my favourite polish mercenaries ever:
>"They (the ANC) are communist and they will destroy this wonderful country. They will squander all that was built here by Whites with such difficulty. It pains me that everything here will be destroyed in the name of a multiracial Utopia that will never work here. They want freedom and democracy. In a few years freedom and democracy will be all they will have."
Do you know of a good book / source of information that I can read in regards to these figures?
I'm erect
That's metal.
Why does Sup Forums hate an ideology responsible for the death of one hundred million dead asians, niggers, sandniggers and latinos?
Because we don't want to be added to that statistic.
It's funny cos it's true, amirite?
If OP did this with his bitcoin stash I'd be rock hard.
wow omg maybe kill yourself you racist fuck
>Why does Sup Forums not want to drink the poison offered to it? The poison killed plenty of niggers and spics.
>t. pic related
Because communism and all it’s variants are murderous, corrupt, unstable and evil, and brainlet sjw’s want to bring it to the west because
>real communism was never tried
max NY lib triggering
To be fair, the chinese don't really count because they're not human
Haha it wasn't real Communism because it wasn't my version of Communism haha
B-but why are you here?
>1 post by this memeflag
Back to R/Politics for you.
But so far it has mostly killed non-whites, with just a million whites (1% of total casualties) in the Eastern Block.
Then why does Sup Forums keeps praising zyklon b and gas chambers?
>praising zyklon b and gas chambers
how can you be this dense
i-is that real?
Oh!? They haven't seen anything yet. They should add a billboard 16 times the size of that next to it. Each pixel could be a different name killed by capitalism.
Further proof the left can't meme
Are you fucking retarded? it was mainly memezuelans, cubans, nicaraguans and chileans, literal niggers.
They can't shit if they can't eat.
Neck yourself commie nigger
Doing God's work.
Say the line cuck
>shitskins kill other shitskins, FAULT OF CAPITALISM!
>shitskin children starve in Africa, country deprived of capitalism, FAULT OF CAPITALISM!
>burgers bomb some shitskins for oil, FAULT OF CAPITALISM!
If you were smart atleast you'd blame the last one on jingoism, but the left is so fucking out of touch and losing a PR battle for 10 years straight, you just didn't feel the effects until now. People are tired of being strangled by political correctness. You'll be lucky if deathsquads won't roam the streets to hunt you fuckers down.
Use the get, friend
Yeah it's funny to see them add in totally socialist and communist and Jewish run enterprises like they are all driven solely by profits, it has nothing to do with civil strife or competition and conflict over resources, which is tribal and primitive warfare. The idea that only profits are the driving motives behind it all is the fuck up in the meme. Some people just like to kill they don't give a flying fuck about costs or savings or making money from it, though many vultures will swoop in to get some. I suppose this is the weak ass attepmt to flush the communism killed 100 million to make it seem as though capitalism kill 16 times the number of people, as if making money was about murdering people. First thing a commie does is try to persuade you that the wars they started were really wars fought for imperialists and capitalists. Next thing they do is conflate every death with capitalism, just cause it happened around people making money. Next they ignore abortion. Clearly one can see this list is trying to deflect.
The billboard is talking about civilian deaths, not wars. Also, you can't just count WWI and WWII as capitalism killings because there were capitalists involved - communists did most of the killing in those wars. Also, are you really counting the Irish Potato Famine as an example of Capitalism killing?
306m killed by cigarettes.
>Capitalists fault that they smoked
So communists smoking are equal to being a traitor somehow - because its a capitalist's thing to do.
Rly makes u think
Only with capitalism would this be possible.
>civil war
100 Million in 100 years? Pfffft the Nazi's killed 100 million jews in 2 years.
Get REKT son
You know there is a defintion of Communism right and you have to follow it to be Communism.
There is no point even replying to all of you so I'll do it one post.
Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society in which the workers owns the means of production.
This is the basic defintion and it has never existed.
The black book of communism is the 100 MILLION DEAD book and it's just propaganda and no reputable historian says the number are factual.
kys commie
>Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
>based on the USA
what a load of bullshit
Day of the Helicopter soon, communigger.
wtf i LOVE NYC now
Yeah but what about the hundreds of millions that capitalism has killed through imperialistic wars, famine and starvation because poor people can't afford to eat hmmm?
>steals rightwing memes
>claim that they're good at memeing
Kek, you faggots are retarded, maybe that's why you think capitalism kills people
You know it's never existed because it's a retarded fantasy that's impossible to implement right?
Are you doing an impersonation of a retarded commie or are you a retarded commie?
Name capitalist countries where people have starved.
Just like communism my retarded, larping, cuck friend
Imperialism isn't entirely tied to capitalism. Colonization and slavery have existed since feudalism. Post-industrial capitalism has very little to do with imperialism. It has its flaws; you're just looking in the wrong places. Distinct entities are responsible for these hundreds of millions of deaths. The will to power is completely natural, it's present in animals as well. Capitalism isn't the complete conquest and domination of a people. You're making links between imperialism and capitalism when you should be making them with aristocracy, slavery, etc...
You shouldn't defend your position by saying that the other is as wrong. Two wrongs don't equate to a right. You can't have a superior position by claiming the other party is as wrong, it doesn't make you any better. Your choice to remain wrong despite your recognition is nonsensical. You're just running from the truth. Capitalism has its flaws, but it's a better system than most communist systems that have seen light. .
No it's because CIA coups.
>Sup Forums is so quick to call people from these regions subhumans
>still uses their death to make some shitty point
>acts like that was even real communism, something that hasn't been allowed to be tried properly because of capitalists blocking it with embargos, tariffs and sanctions
Fuck off
Should said TRILLIONS killed for added dramatic effect. It wouldn't be any less of a lie and nobody would be the wiser.
Nonono. We're talking about Communist murders right now. Stay on topic.