Why don't white nationalists and black nationalists work together to get their own separate societies?
Why don't white nationalists and black nationalists work together to get their own separate societies?
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Because Jew nationalists do not like that
That's probably why. It just makes no sense because we both want separate societies from each other so why don't we fight against people who support racial integration and civic nationalism together?
We already live segregated
We already have an honorary alliance with the hoteps
I don't mean segregation, I mean separated where people live equally but in different societies rather than blacks living in ghettos and most whites live in relative comfort. The government doesn't want segregation anyway, why do you think things like affirmative action exist?
Not all blacks live in ghettos and not all Whites live good. We self-segregate and that is enough.
Because they're both tiny minorities of larpers that no one agrees with.
Good idea, Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X tried that and they got shoad
No it isn't we should have homogeneous societies where whites get the best standards of living they can get in their societies and blacks can get the best living standards they can get in their societies.
I really wish the civil rights movement in America followed Malcolm X rather than MLK, too bad Malcolm X was a threat to the Jews.
>and that is enough.
No. There is animosity on both sides and it causes nothing but violence, it's destructive.
because blacks will get theirs, in more ways than one, given time
Probably because Black Nationalists need White gibs to survive or else it's racism.
Everybody is already living the best standards of life possible. There will always be failures and bums within any group of people no matter what you do.
Do you know what Black Nationalism is? They want a society without whites much like how we want a society without blacks.
My point is, instead of the government trying to please everyone, they could focus on one race so we could have better living standards.
I'm just speaking on my own personal experience. I rarely see or interact with people who are not just like me.
Welcome to Europe where we now have to turn the entire sidewalk areas into militarized walled off zones to make it safer for migrants to impose Sharia law on the infidels.
Non-whites carry a large portion of the government and military so that wouldn't really be necessary. Freedom of association, which is our policy, has proven to be the most effective.
t. The superpower
If you don't want to get triggered don't lurk on black Twitter.
It isn't effective though, you don't see whites and blacks living in harmony, many hate each other. The word portion is something you used, I don't want whites having a portion. I want a nation with a pure white government and a nation with a pure black government as to please both races. I don't want to live with them but I do sympathize with their plight and since they're human beings like myself I want them to do well, this shouldn't be done by programs and shit since whites should not be going out of their way to give blacks gibs like we see in our society now.
That's what they are all thinking, look how much support all those tweets get. Black twitter really gives you a feel for how blacks think.
>Freedom of association, which is our policy, has proven to be the most effective.
What about when crimes occurs or how about when our money goes to them in taxes and they are always a net-negative in our society?
99% we live harmoniously. Don't get too caught up in the sensationalism of the internet and modern news. There are ethnically homogeneous countries, like those in eastern europe and africa. If it's that important to you move to Romania.
It's no different from coming on Sup Forums and thinking all white people think a certain way.
I don't want to move just because of my political opinions, I love my country. Where did you get that statistic from anyway?
Because niggers are easily buyable. Whites would have to pay them, so soros would not pay them instead. Or someone would not buy them for an obamaphone or gibs.
Basically there is no black nationalists. There is black welfare queens, black tribalists and black KANGZ high on magical thinking.
I would also say, there is no white nationalists. White nationalists would inevitably associate themselves with anglo, with old european liberal freemason aristocracy and that would destroy any potential profits from white unity.
There is actually only three decent white nations to associate yourself with. Serbs, Russians and Confederates.
We did that it's called ending colonization, Africa belongs to Africans. Now all they have to do is move the fuck back.
I'm not sure they are a net-negative. They essentially are the crux of the modern day slavery which is the for-profit prison industrial complex. Which is massive.
How about black tax dollars that go to help poor whites?
>Freedom of association, which has been our policy
I was saying, it isn't a constant race war atmosphere like Sup Forums would have you believe.
I don't believe that but at the same time to say the races live in harmony is ludicrous.
Real freedom of association would mean you would be free to tell that faggot to go pound sand if he asked for a cake. We don't live in a free society anymore.
People say they want freedom but they really don't, because freedom means responsibility and people don't want responsibility.
I can only go off of my experience, which is if you don't bother them they won't bother you, and if you're polite to them they will be polite back. We like to rage on Sup Forums but the everyday reality is that life is relatively peaceful and decent, if you have so much as half a brain.
so you mean just make things they way they were before? the way it shouldve always been, instead of trying to force different people together just because you thought it was a good idea? cause thats all liberals have really done so far.
Because the (((people))) in power dont want races working together, they want to enslave blacks with gangster culture and drugs, and enslave whites with white guilt and hate crime laws.
Exactly that. The way society was before immigration and before african slavery.
buddy stop talking out of your ass and check the stats
Which one is better?
Top or bottom?
your input would be appreciated
Because when white nationalists create a functioning society it actually works, and black nationalists are love the idea of having a black dominated society, but are too stupid and white reliant to make any cohesive system work before they fracture apart and destroy each other, and everything else around them back to a primitive level that their brains naturally come to rest at.
They'll want the same prime real estate/land/territory.
So would you rather have them in white society?
That's exactly why we should segregate.
Reality is the harshest redpill.
What the fuck would we need the help of niggers for? Seriously, they can't do ANYTHING right.
Because we share a common goal. We both want separated societies. Why fight when it isn't advantageous to do so?
This. Jews can't allow it.
>they don't
They do. It's called cuckolding, where whites and blacks live in perfect harmony.
>pic related
>White Boi Eats Chicken While BBC Fucks Wife
This would require both sides to break the brainwashing. Will never happen.
>who is George Lincoln Rockwell?
Idk, last time they tried to do this, leaders of both respective organizations got eliminated
Malcolm X got assassinated because he learned about the Jews and what they were doing.
Because we're waiting on the lord to deliver us into our land
Oh fuck no. We should probably eradicate them, to be honest. However, we won’t, because blacks will never do something singularly heinous enough for us to focus our attention on them, because we need the full support of normal folks to not appear as criminal psychos.
Which, I guess we are, but for pretty good reason. You see enough of their shit for long enough and you tend to get “redpilled” about the scum that destroys everything you love. Still, they are incredibly lucky to be in the position to pick and bite us like piranha, because we forget, collectively, about the last crimes of yesterday and see each new crime fresh, and without the greater context.
Separation is the only realistic option, I'm sure both sides would support it if you show them the good it has to offer as well.