She doesn't deserve her

She doesn't deserve her.

No one deserves her, but she wants her.

>hands are touching

dude censor that shit

>strings are loosely wrapped around their bodies
do they know how cup phones work?

Why are they using cup phones when they are right next to each other?

Which one is the she

You're a she

Because cup phones don't actually work.

Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole episode.

Karen's the man obiviously.

we are the she here, karen isn't included in this question, it was just a distraction, OP really wanted to say was that we do not deserve honoka.

Honoka has a cuter girlfriend than you ever will.
How does that make you feel?

Honoko was almost a background character, why do you pair a main with that? it's like royalty mating with a commoner.

That was what Honoka thought at first but now she is royalty too.

Well, since

>Ayaya and Youko are already a couple
>Shino and Alice are complete shit
>Kuzehashi is too old

Honkers is pretty much karen's only choice.

Honker is a good girl

Shhhhh, Shino is sleeping.



>why do women text when they are right next to each other

That's what makes it so cute. Honkers's purehearted love was so strong she ascended from a background character into a secondary cast member.