Tabarnia independiente motherfuckers.
I'm tired of being opressed by dirty catalonians that only profit from our economy
Tabarnia independiente motherfuckers
This is great, have a bump.
No atureu jordis, això es molt divertit.
kys andalusi xarnego scum
For those who doesn't speak español
>Tabarnia is bi-lingual zone, both spanish and catalonians live together happily
>Only care about the economy
>Not separatist
>Highest gpd, compared to rural and suburbans retards
>Catalonian politics doesn't represents us
>Want less goverment
>Ciudadanos highest % of votes (Our semi-lolbertarians, for the rest of catalonia they're facists)
I've read in some post about this woman being major of a city or something? What countries have we infiltrated so far? UK, Canada, Catalonia, what else?
Indepe, GET OUT
bump for the lulz
add val d'aran, hilarity ensues
You first Manolo.
Lol this fake country again. TaBarNia is a fake country made by butthurt leftist politicians and ideologues with no concept of history.
You're completely wrong and should shut the fuck up
Not even Catalan, not even mad. Though so long as Spain exist, y'all will be dealing with separatists forever.
Unless of course, the shitty central government finds a brain and puts this issue to rest permanently by giving the Catalans a proper referendum.
"els tabarniyans sunt lliure"
we r bein opressed of catalania this is franco v2.0
>muh language
>muh culture
>muh obscure reference in some dusty medieval book
>muh layetano oppresd preroman roots
>muh catalan fascists
>muh mediterranean oecumeno
The guy is right, you didn't get it at all.
Step 1: Flood a place with dirty southern imigrants.
Step 2: Make them think that just by living in a place they are part of it.
Step 3: Give them the right to vote.
You know that niggers do this, why do you try copy them?
Spanish gimmigrant in the Netherlands, real Dutch men don't shill for the Spanish. Fact is the Galician turncoat Rajoy is frightened of been seen as a regionalist so does everything to appear unionist, yet he can't save Spain's economy for peanuts at all.
>real Dutch men
have your eyes checked m8
where is our flag mods?!?!
Half of your first guess is right you dumb pict.
About Rajoy just keep guessing.
Well, first it was Tabarnia, now it's Tabanarnia. Please you insult my intelligence.
What does a random castle have to do with anything? But I like being called a Pict since we did help fuck Rome along with the Germans.
This is great. This is how you counter every secesionist argument.
Tabarnia should break free from catalan opressor
libertat presos politics
I never had any respect for you southern Manolos, but this getting out of hand.
Please stop embarassing yourself.
>imagine living in a frankenstein province composed of cucked barcelona and a bunch of industrial low-iq manolo infested hellholes
this tabarnia would be like 60% manolo, 30% shitskin immigrants and 10% aryan catalans
as an old family pure catalan of Sarrià, this is most unsettling
Lol go to shit. Now the PP is afraid of C's.
We will not negotiate
>it's a "Spain devolves back into independent city-states" timeline
Niggers prefer fighting and imposing over negotiating, I am not surprised.
This is the best that could happen to us, you know what they say about not interrupting your enemy when they're making a mistake.
lovely, the never ending independentist butthurt when someone demands the same thing as they do in their own territory.
please carry on...
This is a male.Not a woman.
Alah is getting old...
This land is rightfuly Catalan, I can't get in my mind how some southern Manolos are able to come and decide what future will it have.
You don't know what you even want Tabarnia or Tabanarnia or fucking Narnia, at least the Catalans are consistent you literal Liver Fluke.
Yes, free Tabarnia! But wait the majority of comarques in your supposed Tabarnia are majority independentist, but wait even in the most unionist comarques the majority of municipalities are independentist, including the city of Barcelona. And if this wasn't enough the core of all cities are independentist, it's only the Manolo infested ghettos in the outskirts full of crime, unemployment, poverty and shitskins where people want to remain in Spañistan.
So you have my vote for a free Tabarnia, we will get rid of all the scum in a single blow.
Whatever you say manolito. Xarnego Kosovo won't happen.
nice fake map, schlomo.
aixo mateix
cal fer purga de Manolos aviat
whoops I made a fluke
>places where all the mudslimes live are all pro independence
what is the agenda?
Xarnego Kosovo won't happen in your dreams manolito.
>Poble Nou
Are you even form Barcelona?
We should give them a megaphone desu. A idea taken from a bunch of NEETs from forocarros which Ciudadanos made theirs, the ones who cried about independentists breaking up families and Catalonia, now showing their true colours and that this was their objective all along.
This is a distortion of reality as a result of their inability to cope with the election. Tabnarnians like to play as elitists and laugh at rural Catalonia forgetting that their own base are rural inhabitants of the south who came to Catalonia and their blue collar sons. Let them divide and conquer their own voters, what could go wrong?
100% real. The data is the official result from the last election.
Poble nou is muslim as fuck though
it's full of niggers too
the other two are not, but the centers of cities like sabadell, terrassa and basically every single town in girona are overflowing with mudslimes and have 80%+ pro indep
and no I'm originally from figueres but currently in bcn
>Tabnarnians like to play as elitists and laugh at rural Catalonia forgetting that their own base are rural inhabitants of the south who came to Catalonia and their blue collar sons. Let them divide and conquer their own voters, what could go wrong?
cognitive dissonance is strong in manolos
My impression is that the city centers are relatively free of shitskins compared to the Manolo ghettos in the outskirts. Except in Lleida where I saw a ton of niggers in the old part of town.
Cry more you little cunt. You are our property.
Not mayor, in the council of Badalona. The PP won with 40% of votes, commies and indepres kicked him.
Tabarnia will be free and rejoin Spain. Catalufos are just salty.