Anyone need a laugh?

I got quite the chuckle out of this anons.

Other urls found in this thread:




Nice link, sperg

Your digits say you can google it


this is some North Korea-tier shit right here.



I'm starting to think the fake news is literally to give the deep state hope, to keep carrying on

lol americans are cucks

Polls say what the people who commissioned them want them to say

I bet not a single person can name a single thing Hillary did besides run for President.

If it was an actual poll, not some political ruse, somebody like pic related would probably be the most admired American.

You know it's BS because they're selling it in the media as 'Obama beats Trump as most admired American '

She wrecked Libya and opened the floodgates for negroes migrating to Europe.

man you got anymore of those words n numbers man..

This is now a sexy af Hillary thread.


She doesn't look human in this pic.






lmao all these nigger americans posting a nigger meme of a subhuman laughing. they must all relate to it being niggers themselves

>when Huma hits that spot


plus, she landed in serbia under sniper fire

You just know.

i love zombe-bill's face, it's like he doesn't even know what the fuck he's staring at


Liberals are the most brainwashed morons on the planet





Her and her husband worked with FALN to garner votes in the new york senate race.

Faln is a Puerto Rican terrorist cell.


She put only one white child (Chelsey) on the planet who now is married to a jew and gave birth to two jewish children.

Nice going HRC

they are corrupt as fuck but at least they defend america's national interests: bowing down to the globalist jews, wreaking havoc on the middle east for israel and keeping your fat dumbass population disempowered so you don't fuck up the big picture

these were the foundations that would secure peace and prosperity for America throughout the 21st century to share the global stage with its polar opposite, China

meanwhile, le drumpf is so dumb and naïve, he manages to destroy the foundations the american elites have been building ever since the end of the cold war, in a single year!

>backs out of tpp
>backs out of paris accord
>backs out of iran deal
>backs out of Cuba
>backs out of Syria, giving the spoils of war for free to Putin
>kills the palestinian peace process with a single dumb move (which will still cause the fall of netanyahu)
>shits on rule of law because he doesn't understand it
>shits on judiciary because he doesn't understand it
>shits on congress because he doesn't understand it
>shits on establishment media because he doesn't understand it
>shits on WTO because he doesn't understand it
>shits on UNESCO because he doesn't understand it
>shits on WTO because he doesn't understand it
>shits on allies like australia, canada, mexico, germany and south korea because he doesn't understand anything
>allies with fringe lunatic politicians
>allies with fringe lunatic media
>allies with fringe lunatic world leaders like duterte, putin and MBS

like a big dumb baby that can't understand the world and just yells NO NO NO NO while China pats it down in the head "good lil baby boy you're doing gooood"

America stands on nothing but a few aircraft carriers now, I hope y'all remember Pearl Harbor very well

Funniest fucking Fake news of the week!!!


>Clinton winning for the past 16 years
There is something very manufactured about this poll. Even in the 90's I recall Hillary being despised. Did they only poll CNN viewers over 40?

Sixteen years in a row for Clinton- wtf? Even if they only polled democrats, I can't see Hillary being so consistently beloved. Half the country thinks she belongs in jail or in the grave

>square miles still held by ISIS during OBAMA: 17,500
>square miles liberated from ISIS during TRUMP: 26,800


really makes me think (about propaganda and distortion of statistics and how the average american doesn't know the first thing about geopolitics and thinks ISIS was an actual threat)

>A corrupt politician and a nigger are the most admired people in America

How ridiculous.

even liberals barely tolerate her, this has got to be bullshit

He doesn't.

Oh no no no no

>that greasy hair
>that oily skin
>that burnout coked up stare

Just imagine what the drapes looked and smelled like.

>tfw babby adrenal glad is out of season

>implying the Norks would support this Zionist filth
Reminder that Best Korea hates Israel and basically follows NatSoc
>inb4 bringing up the system they abandoned after 20 years of existence by their own choice, even while the USSR was still in existence and influencing them

Poor Trump, he must be more miserable than usual. I guess it was one poll the TrumDumpsters and Putinbots couldn't rig.

Would you, a young Hillary?

>Hillary Clinton
>the most unlikeable presidential candidate in American history
>won "America's most admired person" for the past 16 years

I bet it took days to coach that homely ex wife look so she could pass for normal in Arkansas.

Which is kind of a vague concept.

Oh man, those old ass Ironman Casio watches. I went through so many of those as a kid.



Of course. I would am old Hillary, but I am a degenerate. She is evil incarnate, but so was my ex wife...and besides, how many chances in life would who have to missionary some bitch that has the Devil on speed dial?

She suicided Vince Foster.

I noticed that shit too. Lol. I had to doublecheck what I saw since I'm an oldfag who had a calculator watch in the 80's unironically but still managed to fail math.

Nah Korea is at commie tier government level conspiracy, we're no good guys but neither are they.

She never learns

Any of ya'll nibbas respecc women? Who here /respectswomen/?

Yeah, the ethnonationalism and existence of companies really screams "communism"

Before the beast moved in.

Reading comprehension, I said communism-tier government conspiracy, meaning everyone is encouraged to spy on their neighbor at soviet-tier levels. No, their economics are not communist, you are correct in that.

Is your source Criminal News Network, Faux News, or anything of the sort, on that claim?


What's up man? Are you trying to make a HRC appreciation thread? Should anons break out the lewds?

It's fake you retards. Stop bumping these obvious bait posts. Hillary Clinton had negative approval ratings for several decades.



It's multiple accounts from defectors who claim they were made to have weekly meetings where they tell what others in their group have done wrong and other things like that.

First hand sources bud, use em

Appreciation would be a bit of a stretch, but lewds indeed sir.

Well, I respect that you use actual sources
Fair enough

That image is begging to be shopped.

It would have been interesting if she had stayed a Goldwater girl.

I spy with my little eye

If the MSM says it's so, it must be so. They would never lie to us.

I would wager ole Gerald was first....and those legs...wew

...something that ends with suicide...

Thank you, and yes the Faux News Israel cocksucking is the most annoying thing in the world. I too am suspicious of jewish interest in a NK war, I just recognize NK probably aren't really "good guys" just because we are such clear "bad guys"

You make a good point

Put me in the screenshot

Jesus Christ...cringe af. Those handler faces...

Yep. That was your base Hill.

Ah, the pre-diaper days.

After the salad days for sure.

Thanks, I know it's tough because once you realize WE'RE the villain, there's a tendency to lionize our enemies as victims (i find myself wanting to do it too) but unfortunately we've got to keep in mind basically everywhere in this world is evil now in one way or another.

Hopefully we can find a way to start overcoming this.



Honestly though, these thighs were sexy af, its just what is underneath and the fact she detests bathing, smells like rotting meat and probably was a free bleeder is what is horrorshow. I would still hit. I need therapy.

well when you have a 98% chance to win the presidency how couldn't she be



I would go balls deep on her in that pick against that door.

So what? We all found out how honest and reliable polls are not too long ago.

Hillary at free babby brunch Tuesday when they were in season back on the 92 campaign trail.

Is that pizza pepperoni or plain cheese?
