which one is the refugee in that pic?
how long do they have ?
Look at the (human) man's face.
He already knows that his wife is getting fucked daily, but he isn't a cuck.
It can end one of two ways, the man kills the ape or the ape kills them both.
this is beautiful, more intelligent city people should follow this couples path.
Or the woman kills the man to stay with the black man.
Old white upper middle class liberal women are evil incarnate.
reality has become more entertaining than any fiction
>shit I forgot to hide the cucked porn
>muhammad is going to bang my wife
>didn't think this one through, at least I get to watch :DDD
The absolute fucking state of France
The epicenter of the Enlightenment, and look at where it got them. The Enlightenment and the (((liberal))) values it promoted were a mistake. Muh equality and muh liberty sound great until they give way to feminism, atheism, open borders with no assimilation, and post-modernism. The French aren't even allowed to claim themselves as a race anymore. This is what liberalism does.
hopefully he kills them in their sleep or something
she's grinding up glass to put in his dinner
Or just the old antifreeze sunday dinner.
That man probably hates her already, so he would destroy the coalburner
Lmao that slut is hanging all over him
Lmao this has to be fake
He's not going to do shit, she's got a leash for his nads that she pulls anytime he makes a minor complaint.
> Evil liberal womin face
> cuck doing his best cuck face
> smug, black stallion ready to fuck the wife
This is 1st grade meme.
>27 ans
is that how long they have to shelter him for?
Jesus, she's even rubbing the bull's shoulders. It's so clear what's going on with this picture.
>réseau "Welcome"
Are there juifs behind it?
Bet she's not even liberal, just old and bored looking for a black man's company and the husband knows it but stays simply because he would be left with nothing otherwise.
Pretty sure its meant to be his age user.
t. Did highschool french
young dick for the granny
>quintessentially French
Somebody post the series from the German newspapers. I can't find this shit anymore.
Good nose, Hungary.
It's literally (((Jésuites))) a.k.a. Cuck(((stianity)))
>Gérard Tailleur.png
Memes aside, explain the thought process behind this.
>Hmm let me just invite a Northern African into my home because I have too much money and/or room anyway. I will let them live in my home, probably even pay stuff for them that they would have received by the state through welfare anyway and will receive nothing in return whatsoever.
What is wrong with these people? That's plain retarded.
What is the official stance on the Jésuites?
They have no kids of their own / the kids have moved out and they're yet to become grandparents so they want someone to take care for.
Should have just gotten a couple of dogs ffs.
It's the final boss of virtue signaling. It's how liberals attain status in a hierarchy of post structuralism. Nothing matters except power and my people have had power unjustly this entire time and must work overtime to make things fair again.
It's a mental disease. Liberalism and brain cancer are one in the same.
Even cuck want diversify
>these three minors
>adult negro adoption
Watch this youtube.com
Negro women are so filthy ugly that the survival of their race has been contingent on the negro man having no qualmps fucking anything that moves, and stick in into everything that has a semblance of a pussy.
That's how you see the phenomena of negros rape even elderly women who are about to pass away.
That lady over there knows this, it's why she acquired that sex pet.
that picture lmao
Three women, one cuck.
Like pottery.
>dude france lmao
>post with amerishart flag
top fucking kek can't barely breath
I always wondered why niggers regularly rape 80+ year old women, I guess they are better than a fat smelly sheboon.
I'm glad I'm white.
that's the look of bitter regret, he just figured out why his wife kept bringing strange nogs home.
How long until she sleeps with him?
They really are
oh my god her hand is on his shoulder and he looks so worried, nigger and wife are grinning.
I want a french mommy to live with
Remember that poor brit lady that did the same and endured hell? PART AND PARCEL
> Mamadou a donc posé son sac à dos dans un pavillon discret. Celui où Espérance et Luc ont élevé leurs trois enfants. « Bourlingueurs » de la première heure, l’enseignante de 58 ans et le juriste de 61 ans ont ressenti le besoin de « garder une fidélité à [leurs] croyances de l’époque » en allant au-delà des dons et des cours d’alphabétisation. Ils ont découvert Welcome par le biais de leur paroisse.
> Héberger Mamadou, comme Guerghis arrivé d’Erythrée avant lui, « c’est une goutte d’eau », estime le couple. « Si on peut juste offrir un peu de bonheur… » Eux s’estimeront comblés le jour où le jeune Guinéen recevra ses papiers. « Il est débrouillard », glisse Espérance, confiante.
it says she's a school teacher and this isn't the first nog they house.
We have had this in Finland for a long time and our prime minister invited refugees to live with him
>adult negro adoption
Holy shit, how mad is this. Can't we all just agree that the negro race has failed.
That's the face of a broken man
Wew at least she wasn’t called a racist
for not fighting for lil Abdul to stay. Close
one but she is still one of the good ones. Hopefully the child is still ok, he seems troubled but living in a society as racist as the UK has consequences.
Zero sympathy for when the inevitable chimpout occurs. There are enough examples of blacks killing us to know this isn't a good idea.
and his relative got raped so he shut his door.
they get social status points for doing it
>I always wondered why niggers regularly rape 80+ year old women
It's how they evolved. Without this in-discrimination, the negros would never mate with ugly negro women.
Negros will put their dicks into anything.
They put their dick into moneys,
They put their dick into corpses they have dug up,
They create aids and all sorts of ebola weirdness in that continent.
Cuck points, if you will.
>It's the final boss of virtue signaling
They didn't get the idea on their own, the articla says they got it from christcucks. There is a well funded international NGO pushing this crap.
> The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organization that aids refugees, forcibly displaced peoples, and asylum seekers. JRS operates at national and regional levels. JRS was officially registered on 19 March 2000 in Vatican City as a foundation. JRS's international headquarters are located in Rome.
> JRS has programs in 51 countries. In total, more than 700,000 individuals have been beneficiaries of JRS projects.Over 1,400 workers contribute to the work of JRS, the majority of whom work on a voluntary basis
*knock knock*
>Cuck: qui a porte?
>Greg Lansky: Je suis une videographer très bonne. Nous produit une magnificent film, une grande film.
>wearing white socks
how much more proof do we need that these muslims will never integrate?
Don't ever say that.
The poor migrant is at most 13 years old acording to press he needs a mommy
Wonder what she’s showing those boys on that laptop...
Whatever’s happening, that white guy isn’t nearly as into it as the other two.
Everytime the man's face is meme material
Not to worry... she’s trustworthy.
Funny, both of these couples are posing in front of their prized tribal artwork.
Notice how both women look so happy with themselves while the guy doesn't know what to do
we need to push this hard , its so progressive and it'll show trump ..somehow this makes trump mad and wrong!
Sombody should check in with some of these couples to see how these situations are working out. I can’t imagine it makes for a stable happy living arrangement.
She must have watched that invasion movie
Well, at least I gotta give a credit to those idiots. They at least do as they say, they ain't do-gooders in name only.
checked and keked, could read your accent
Why does this situation look funnier every time I look at it?
Stay away from best canada french fags I hear more and more of your fruity accent around these parts and the faggotery hurts my ears.
Quit teaching it to the niggers too
Kek. Not the first nigger
I am not too sure of the intention of this post user
For the sake of it I've tried tinder in the US with a vpn
You just can't compare
I had all these anglo holes fingering their anus for on snapchat and here nothing. The only tinder slut I ever had here was literally from France.
I did it for science, and now I can confirm that anglo sluts are the easiest sluts
Pic related needs to be shooped into >154677620
many holes were stretched
God damn you hive mind, I was just about to do something similar to this
You’d be upset too if this smug buck just effed your wife...
Holy shit