How and why did this creepy perv come to be recognised as a great authority of the mind?

How and why did this creepy perv come to be recognised as a great authority of the mind?

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he rightly pointed out that all people are creepy pervs and explained why in intricate details

Probably has something to do with jews.

Let me tell ya about jews and their ethnic nepotism...

Are you stupid? Go for a walk, look at the damn people around you. You'll be amazed by just how they're all primitive pervs.

because when jews control the media they can make their fellow jews seem "important"

nice try harvey

>why do (((they))) love a pervy jew
Read Jung! The Virgin Pervert versus The Aryan Psychologist.

He understood very clearly that the jews were mentally ill, mainly because of the practice of incest. He then proceeded to extent the jewish problem to the entire population.

You're being pathetic, unconstructive and ignorant.

I want to have sex with underage Finnish girl :(

because for centuries jews were laughed at for not having ever produced any great man in any realm of human achievement as valued in western society:
science, art, religion, philosophy, you name it, the kikes cant spawn any great man
so they faked it as soon as they had the jew gold to do it
that's how you got freud, einstein, marx and others, all frauds
and of course the fruits of those rotten kikes pretenders are as toxic as you know and imagine
it's all smokes and mirror but now that we're taking their shit for gold (hollywood for example) they cant feed us enough of it

I can play that game too:
So the europeans were mentally ill, mainly because they practiced raping each others' asses. They then proceeded to extend their problems to the rest of the world. Thus, LGBT appeared.

Me too :(

Because they can.

Cнaчaлa тaблeтки выпeй, шизик.


except there's no factual data to support your funny narrative

Here's a red pill for you, many of Freud's works were deliberately mistranslated and misinterpreted by his cohorts, including his own daughter. He wasn't wrong about A LOT of things. Look into Michael Tsarion's presentations on Freud, he went deeper than sexual kinks.

Go read Herve Ryssen, Salazar.


>Michael Tsarion
another jewish fraud

he's a jew and a pussy worshipping mason who invented the lies of homosex and heterosex. jews love unbiblical lies to cover for their spiritual problems without bodily evidence called "mental illnesses". they admitted this in their encyclopedias

Sigmund did nothing wrong, just pointed out something that was always there.

It was reactionaries who weren't capable of react correctly and got overrun by the new wave of british psychologists.

Is he a jew? He always said he was half Irish half poo in the loo. Not that it's any better lol

Yes. Somewhat more down-to-earth than your fellow frenchman Rene Guenon.

Yeah sure, it's such a norm in your rotten society that they teach how great LGBT is in schools. Go ahead and prove me wrong.

gee I jew wonder

>just pointed out something that was always there in jewish shit and spread it all over goyim culture
the usual infection
hitler and the nazi were right
the jew is a disease or at least is infected by and behaves like one

His nephew Edward Bernays.

Bernays saw through his uncle's work that psychology could manipulate people, he used it in politics. He then made his great wealth by convincing corporations they could sell more products and make more money through his form of manipulative advertising. He made women smoking cool and accepted by using the suffragette movement of female independence. He used the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of human beings to make billions.

Bernays is the godfather of advertising. his uncle Sigmund would have been a footnote without him.

fucking Jews, eh?

it might be good for you conservatives to know that the reason he was a creepy perv was because sexual repression and dissatisfaction was a huge problem in an era with no divorce. He was focused on sex because his patients were focused on sex, and his patients were focused on sex because they were involuntarily locked into loveless marriages. that's the dreamscape you want to go back to.

i have no evidence for this, just a hunch
quacks like a duck and acts like a duck

that's the jew's work, not white society

You're a retard bud keep on truckin

>his uncle Sigmund would have been a footnote without him.
dude the psychoanalysis freudian cult is still fat and spitting all over western jewry infected nations

Hey it's cool that you saw Century of Self too, but maybe you should mention that Freud wasn't happy about what Bernays was doing with his techniques, too

I'm curious about Einstein.
I hear that he was a plagiarist and that his theories have been disproven or something.

>I'm not a physicist or mathematician
>I'm still gonna decide that Einstein was a fraud
is this the height of Sup Forums?

it goes further than plagiarism
he was an ultra zionist kike puppet through and through
he fled to america because euro scientists flamed his ass
and once in murrika he didnt talk about science, only zionism

>argument out of authority
what's your iq pal?

Ass raping doesn't produce offspring tho. He said they were mentally ill because they were the product of incest, not that their mental illness made them practice incest (although this could also be the case its not the argument).

he taught at MIT what the fuck do you think all he was doing was talmudic studies

yeah what did he talk about?
he was a superstar by that time, you think he gave a hardcore physics class?
i picture him like the black science man of his time
just fluff and advertising
a "science explainer"

Newton was disproven too, doesn't mean he wasn't important.

He only parroted what Brentano told him.

"Many philosophers, and among them very considerable thinkers, have regarded only that mode of pleasure which is peculiar to the lower phenomena of the class, and have entirely overlooked the fact that there exists a pleasure and a displeasure of a higher kind. David Hume, for example, betrays almost in every word that he has absolutely no idea of the existence of this higher class. How general this oversight has been may be judged from the fact that language has no common name for

do you have ANYTHING to back up that claim?

do you have anything to show what einstein taught at the MIT?

Not to mention, you can't view Freud's theories as quackery and then hold Bernays' work, which is based on them, in any esteem. Either Freud was right or Bernays is shit.

alright so you're a confirmed tin hat fucking loser. if there's any hope for you it's that you're seeking contact. get off the internet.

how to manipulate people != how to understand and heal people

you made the claim, i just made a counterclaim based on as much assumption as you did
then you call me a jackass for not evidencing my claim
grab a mirror jackass

If the theory of mind is wrong you can't manipulate anyone, genius.


And Jordan the Cuck STILL thinks Hitler is le ebil bogeyman. Sad!

How closely related to the work of Freud do you think modern psychiatry is to the work of Freud?

In the end Freud thought most of his work was wrong and unethical, but it was too late. Many of his letters have been kept hidden by the Freud society. However, some of them were released after his wife's death, and by people in the society who believed they should be open to the public.

Still, by the time these letters came forward a whole industry had sprung up around his brand of psychology and continued to be honored and used to manipulate people today. They don't want to let go of the power they have.

We have a lot of information at our fingertips and there are those who wish to profit from the old and harmful ways of thinking. The internet can change that or it can make lazy people dumber.

Trump has done a number of good things, calling legacy media fake and manipulative has been one of his greatest accomplishments so far.

Trust is now more important than ever, the internet is a doubled edge sword, but you can help people learn who to trust and how to double check their sources.

Even just asking someone who repeats a thing, 'have you vetted the source' will go a long way before believing.

You want to get into some really fucking neat and far-out psychotherapy, look into R. D. Laing

Because he's a literal and unironic Jew. He's a typical Jew, he uses something completely unprovable to justify his own degeneracy. At some point you'll notice all of these Jews, in any position of science, only ever come up with unprovable models.
The difference between normal people studying something like psychology and Jews studying it are glaring

>Be human
>Try to understand why humans do the things they do so you can better humanity as a whole
>Jews see what the humans are up to
>Realise the potential for such a thing
>Finance the humans
>Whole time think "how can I use this to my advantage?"
>Wait until the field is established
>Push Jews into the mainstream regarding whatever it is
>Manipulate whatever results you need to further your agenda

(((Commies))) even do the same thing. (((Commies))) are convinced that once X is invention is realised then (((Communism))) can flourish. (((They))) did it after the radio, television, and today, the internet, among others.

>How and why did this creepy perv come to be recognised as a great authority of the mind?
There are barely any actual Freudians left in actual Psychology, most of his ideas are dismissed nowadays. He's only survived in popular culture

the one big thing I learned about psychology working for psychologist is they are all in need of a psychiatrist.

This is one academic discipline where the people attracted to it are in the greatest need of it. Most if not all who enter have some deep seated issue they are grappling with.

Psychology should be listed as a religion, and any use of narcotics for patients should only be distributed after a 6 week stay in a hospital setting with yearly follow ups.

The higher the cost of a thing the more regulated it should be and especially for SSRIs and gender reassignments, especially in children.

Einstein wasn't so much a plagiarist as he is credited for things he didn't do, and because people that did similar things sometimes sooner and more rigorously are dismissed because of an irrelevant difference of detail.
Easily most overrated man in history after Shakespeare, which doesn't mean he wasn't genuinely great.
He's still guilty as fuck for ridding the media's bandwagon when the standard at the time was to at least fake humility. A large part of the myth comes from le ebin scientist making funny face and having funny hair. Compare that to a Hilbert, Poincaré or a Minkovski, all of which give you autism just looking a them.

psycho-analysis, not psychiatry
they're a freudian cult that still grabs ton of shekels from rich fuckups

This revelation was brilliant and no one noticed it.

This is fortunately true in most of the world, but for some (((reason))), he is persistent in France (also Argentina which is weird).
I mean, you have mandatory Freud bullshit taught in both psychology (already bad) and philosophy (wtf) class in college.

>Hilbert, Poincaré or a Minkovski,

had to down a bottle of grape drink just to come back from looking them up.

gee i wonder why (((france))) of all countries would have a (((freudian))) cult
israel, usa and france are the countries with the greatest proportion of kikes
it went down from over 500K to about 400K recently though, thanks to jihad

Same reason Einstein is praised as one of history's greatest geniuses.

same guy who wrote this book

I mean we learned about Freud's ideas, but they were caveated with the note that they were mostly disregarded. Is it the same in France or do they unironically take his ideas as fact?
>and philosophy
haha what the fuck

His ideas will be presented without further comment, good or bad.
For maximum cuckening, it's not just in college. It's also mandatory teaching in high school so that even people that go to college for stem or don't go to college still have to regurgitate some Freud at least once in a marked paper.

Sophocles (/ˈsɒfəkliːz/; Greek: Σοφοkλῆς, Sophoklēs, Ancient Greek: [so.pʰo.klɛ̂ːs]; c. 497/6 – winter 406/5 BC)[2] is one of three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived.

His first plays were written later than those of Aeschylus, and earlier than or contemporary with those of Euripides. Sophocles wrote over 120 plays during the course of his life, but only seven have survived in a complete form: Ajax, Antigone, The Women of Trachis, Oedipus Rex, Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus.

Freud came on the scene a couple of thousand years later and fucked everything up

Because the entire psychology field at the time was full of creepy mentally ill perverts, and so is the government.

I've heard the same thing. People who work in the general field at rehab centers and the like. A lot of them end up getting hooked on booze and prescription pills. I know it would fuck me up listening to peoples horror stories every day.

get a life


>"Projected" his sick and deranged Jewish mind into his work
>His Jewish fledglings saw truth in his concepts according to their semitism
>Fast forward 80 years
>Contemporary psychology is an outright pseudoscience unless applied to the diagnosis of the disgusting Jewish pathology that it was built around
>Any modern advancement in psychology is flawed at best and psychologically destructive at worst since it is all fundamentally predicated on the perverted Jewish mind

I mean this guy was a real jerk.