Again, why does any working class, poor, or even liberals against Trump's Tax Cuts again? It is just requiring wealthy people that can afford to live in expensive homes to pay their fair share in property taxes by limiting the deductions.
People Living in Million Dollar Homes Do Not Want To Pay Their Fair Share
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Nobody knows what the tax bill says and everyone just shills for their team.
>million dollar homes
Point being, if you live in a million dollar home, you can pay your fair share. Leafs...
They're billion dollar company you use was their "fair share". It pays hundreds of millions in taxes, pays a thousand workers and supports your way of life.
I'm sure by paying my share you meen pay for your kids to go to school pay for your road so you can drive to work pay for your Health Care by your food for you pay your electric bill
>work hard to get currency so someone who does nothing can have it
that system sure will last
Um hello it's damaging to the middle class as well can't you even read dumb drumpfelstiltskin I can't even right now.
>work hard
You mean jewing around?
if its so easy then why are you not a billionaire?
>1 mil annual income
>single and no kids
>renting a home
Why would someone who has that much expendable wealth rent and why do we care they get taxed slightly more for not taking advantage of their situation?
That depends on where you live.
Oh, a leaf.. Yeah, well a million dollars ain't much when the most it can afford you is a 1br trailer.
Worker wealth.
>kike puppet state defending their masters
I make $100k on retirement. We're not all slaves to the system. Someone of us gain from it.
I'll never understand why a majority of US citizens seem so protective of their rich.
Taxes for the rich in the US are very low in international comparison, yet the myth that the rich are paying too much taxes in the US keeps surviving.
The rich own the factories and and build the products we sell.
You're a moron.
tax BMW 80%, how long before they quit building anything?
>property tax
It will be bought by ChiComs and turned into Hyundais.
well its not easy. connections, a nice smile with naturally good looking genes, some startup money... most people dont have all of those things.
I am sorry user, but I was under the assumption that this is a thread about taxes for wealthy individuals, not companies. :^)
You know what rich cunts do here to avoid tax completely?
Everything goes to tax Haven's & we don't see a dollar.
Is that better than lowering taxes so they can't be fucked to risk it?
at the point of wealth you whine about they can move to whatever country they want so whats to keep them from outsourcing themselves then you get no tax money
But user, we have plenty of rich people who pay far higher taxes than your rich people.
This is why I am so confused about the American approach.
I am not advocating for you to raise taxes. Your country can do whatever it wants. I am merely confused because experiences here are completely different from what a majority of US Sup Forums posters are claiming to be universally true.
Poor fags should have to pay their taxes for them. Death to all liberal and progressive leftist.
wow imagine the 9/10 preteen stacy living there you could rape while her boomer parents OD on the couch
I grew up in the upper middleclass suburbs, I know what I'm talking about
>fair share
The average nigger costs $10,000 per year.
The average spic costs $7,000 per year.
The average white provides $2,500 per year.
If anyone wants to start talking about fair shares, we can.
Ahhh but we are about to cut out the spics share, and give the niggers half the spics share as a raise. Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to stop it.
We should redistribute that house
Since i have the money, I shou ld get to determine what percentage of it is the "fair share" I should give to you.
top 20% of earners pay 95% of income tax. what's fair about that?
You misunderstand; *US* dollars.
And to be fair; you're right. My 1500 sqft 1955 house is worth $950k
What kind of dumbass pays that much for a 1500 sqft house? You deserve to be taxed higher for your stupidity.
People are pretty sure that the (sunsetting) cuts for poor people won't be reinstated, but the ones for rich people will.
I bought it in 2000 for $370k. LA county.
It's pretty incredible that most of the people complaining about paying a "fair share" don't actually pay any tax.
Dude the wealthy get 20% tax cut, the middle class 3%. Get the fuck out. The wealthy already pay jack shit, now they pay even less. How are we going to fund anything? We're sucking the productive class dry and letting the lazy corporate scum hoard even more wealth. It's asinine.
They're brainwashed by capitalism and media
It is funny because they always say the same about the Russians.
Yet, they are the same in that regard.
Holy crap that is no better, but somewhat better.
How the fuck do you know what people pay? This is why I advocate nuking most of Canada. We will choose the best of you which are anti socialist and smell the turd burn.
Eat a dick.
I told you. They are about to cut all benefits to illegals and their children. This is a start. They are also going to cut foreign aide by 90%.
It makes perfect sense. If you have more money, you're going to have more to pay in tax. It's a drop in the bucket for you, but their selfish greed prevents them from seeing that. They just want another million to their millions, they don't care about country or fellow man, they just care about lining their fat pockets.
Fuck you.
I got lucky investing in bitcoin.
I want to spend my gains on a million dollar house so I can raise a large happy family in a nice suburb.
Faggots like you want to make that impossible for middle class guys like me, using MUH RICH PEOPLE as an excuse
Cutting foreign aid is great
Illegals already don't get aid though unless they steal an SSN
>millionaires have to pay more in taxes
Hey Trump was right!
Bullshit. Their fucking kids get free med care. They also draw food stamps, and most anchor babies get a $400.00 / month ssi check. Quit spewing your lies.
This is a bass pro shop.
what a beautiful house
I figured out a way to fill the gap. Issue hunting licenses to rednecks to hunt and kill Daca, Illegals, and their anchor babies.
you didn't get lucky. you saw an opportunity, and exploited it. That takes guts and foresight and risk.
there is no way house is only a mil.
Could be a Cabela's.
I'm against high taxes because I don't want my money to go towards feeding niggers (both domestic and internationally) spics, giving foreign aid to nearly every shitskin country in the world, or giving healthcare to aforementioned niggers/spics. Once your country gets overrun by third world filth you'll understand the average white American sentiment towards taxes. If we were a much whiter country and our taxes actually stayed domestically to benefit our people I wouldn't mind higher taxes but that's just a pipe dream at this point. Most people against high taxes here share this sentiment but they will rarely say it outright, instead they will give some bullshit answer to avoid revealing their power level
in any predominately white, yet affluent city / town with its own economy, low crime and its own attractions, its going to cost you upwards of 650k for any shoebox
That actually makes sense.
I guess the average American is just more focused on personal gain, while the average German does not mind to give parts of their income for solidarity.
It just seems to be two different mindsets. Thanks user!
Lets see ... I live in a low crime area. On 40 acres. my 2100 sq ft home cost right at $80,000.00 for me to build. Around 170 if I paid a contractor. I could not care about being around people. Ohh imt 39 years old, I had it paid for by the time I was 25.
americans are selfish and individualistic and view the government in a negative light
giving them more money doesn't seem to help anything
Poll tax is only fair share, why should someone else pay more than you for the same government?
even in a tier 3 city like Boston there are 1500 sq/ft condos that go for well over 2+
750 is entry level for something that's livable.
It reminds me of that Hitler quote about helping fellow Germans and not the rich giving to the poor. It makes sense because Germany was ethnically German. I wouldn't mind at all helping my fellow Americans if we all shared a common mindset and love for our country and people, regardless of race but at this point I understand there is are huge fundamental differences between races and niggers, spics, or other shitskins would never, ever do the same for us. It pains me to say it but as any country falls into ruin they might understand the American mindset
why the fuck should you pay tax for something that you already own?
>work hard
>start business
>save your money
>finally afford your dream home
>have to pay the state a fee for living in your own property
what the fuck is the logic behind this?
Why live there then? Not a single neighbor around me own less than 10 acres of land. Most bought their properties and sold the timber to buy or build their homes. We all have gun ranges to practice, and plenty of food so we can keep the city fags out when the system collapses.
Unless the richfag is using public services way more often than the poorfag then his "fair share" should be the same, when you and your friends buy something, how do you determine how much each of you has to contribute with? Because normally you would either all pay the same or pay depending on how much you are going to use/have access to the thing, not based on how much each friend makes.
Yeah, that is the big difference I guess.
I do not mind sharing, as long as the people whom I am sharing with actually do something productive, or have been dealt a bad hand by fate.
i get local property tax because the town should decide how to fund its schools and amenities. Its my choice to live in a town that funds parks or a town that doesn't.
the issue here is should you be able to deduct the local property taxes you pay from your federal taxes...
and the answer is yes because areas with high property taxes typically require less federal funding.
I like how everyone on the television says that their taxes are going up. NO. You are actually going to have to pay some of your taxes. Then, as always, we walked almost everything back.
If you choose to live in a high tax state that builds parks for basketball Americans to sell drugs from then do so, but do not ask the rest of the people to fund your community outreach drug infested programs. I know.... Why not vote out the politicians that hiked your taxes up up up.
because they've bought into the huge lie tht they can become that rich themselves one day. the vast majority of people who believe that lie will never achieve the wealth they're protecting for others.
i cant do my job at the level i'm at in rural areas . i worked pretty fucking hard to get here so i want to enjoy it. at this point in my life i like the city lifestyle. i love being able to walk everywhere and the social scene.
plus i want my children to go to the best schools possible and have no college debt.
heaven willing, once my last one turns 22 i'm moving to a lobster island and becoming washashore lush in a weather beaten captain's hat.
>I'm against high taxes because I don't want my money to go towards feeding niggers (both domestic and internationally) spics, giving foreign aid to nearly every shitskin country in the world, or giving healthcare to aforementioned niggers/spics. Once your country gets overrun by third world filth you'll understand the average white American sentiment towards taxes. If we were a much whiter country and our taxes actually stayed domestically to benefit our people I wouldn't mind higher taxes but that's just a pipe dream at this point. Most people against high taxes here share this sentiment but they will rarely say it outright, instead they will give some bullshit answer to avoid revealing their power level
Agreed. My city's property tax money gets funneled to my state's biggest (most diverse) city so they can pay their diversity bills (educating the unwilling/crime/public transport)
Broke is a mentality.
Getting "rich" takes effort and risks.
I prefer to live a normal life. And so do most of my countrymen.
>fair share
why don't poor people pay their fair share?
dude you are kind of misreading me. im not talking about on a state level im talking on a town/city level. I chose to live in a high tax area. you dont have to. i'm not asking you to to fund it. my area is among the lowest takers of federal funds in the country. i just think that an area that takes no federal money should be able to write off their property taxes on the federal income tax (which for the record is probably well in excess of 15 thousand dollars more a year than my "high" state taxes.
It's not that we're protective of our rich, Commie scum. We're protective of the right and the liberty to become rich if your disciplined and responsible enough to do so. Obviously you dont have a firm grasp of this concept.
I think you need to look into who pays the most taxes in this country.
Part of the issue is that there are so many definitions of rich. So people on the cusp keep getting fucked. At my level I have to do things that fly in the face of logic to lower my taxes. By spending money on expenses I normally wouldn’t take (uber to meetings instead of taking the train, buying high end computer equipment, take clients out to lunch) I actually save money on taxes. When in reality I would prefer to save that money so I can become actually rich.
That's bullshit. You've obviously bought into the lie that anyone who has money obtained it in some nefarious way. Stay thinking like a poor fag and you will always be a poor fag.
Who defines what a "fair share" is?
>Americans are selfish
Remind me again what country donates the most to the world as a whole.
Envy is poison and one of the main driving forces of the Left.
Wrong. They want to pay 0%. I think that's a fair share across the board.
I do not get why you assume that I am a communist, or do not have the liberty to become rich if I have the skills and motivation to do so.
Your point of view seems pretty one sided to me.
Oh, the common definition over here is that you are wealthy if your net income is higher than 3.500€ a month.
You are rich if you have a million euro at your disposal. Very rich if you have five million and upwards.
Poor people have a net income of less than 1000 Euros a month.
Those are the common guidelines over here.
Now that you mention it, I have no idea what Americans actually refer to as being "rich".
>do not want to
They have to, anyway.
"Fair share"... what is that anyways? If you make $37,950 - 91,900 in the US, your income tax rate is 25%. Why is it that when you get higher, it jumps to 28% all the way to 40% for $400+k?
And think about it: Is it really fair to take more just because you earn more? Here's a breakdown of US income tax dollars for 2015:
28.7% on health programs
25.4% on the Pentagon and the military
13.7% on interest on the debt
8% on unemployment and labor programs
5% on veterans benefits
4.6% on food and agriculture programs
3.6% on education programs
2.9% on government expenses
1.9% on housing and community programs
1.6% on energy and environmental programs
1.5% on international affairs programs
1.2% on transportation funding
1.1% on science funding
If you try to justify it through use of tax-funded social services it gets even more... unfair. Does a millionaire somehow use more socialized healthcare, unemployment, education, and housing benefits than someone barely above the poverty line? Is it fair to make someone who is less likely to use a service pay MORE for it on behalf of those who use it regularly? It's like saying someone who doesn't own a car pays 15% more of their share for city road maintenance. This is why income tax as it stands now is basically forced charity.
based asf these poorfags will literally never understand
so? that's lower middle class in Vancouver exchange rate adjusted. All this talk about how Leafland is doomed etc etc but we're all rich asf. Soon Leafs will be like Jews, we are already over represented in Hollywood.
>we need some of your money because you worked your ass off to afford such a house
>fucking kikes
> 40%
You are like little baby. Watch this!
The average income in Denmark is ~28.000DKK (~$4500) per month. You'll end up paying 51% all in all with all taxes included.
I wonder what Michael Moore thinks about the Trump tax cuts?
>pic related
There's literally nothing wrong with anything there.
They already paid their share you commie fuck
Nothing wrong here
Because rich people think they are working class or poor. “You can’t buy a house where I live for less than a million dollars. It’s not fair. It’s the going rate over here and I am working class just like you” Wrong wrong and wrong. You’re rich
Fair share would mean the taxpayer gets to decide how much he is willing to contribute
Who gains? This is the economic determinist argument.
If Trump's government borrows a bunch of money, there's less money supply. That scarcity drives up costs for investors. So he's doing the opposite with fiscal policy. Trump makes having a mortgage less valuable, so fewer Americans will have them. If the money supply increases, or if interest rates go up, the banks and Wall Street celebrate and Main Street loses out again. Billionaires are the only people Trump cares about.
>If Trump's government borrows a bunch of money, there's less money supply
>That scarcity drives up "costs" for investors.