Numale encounters

ITT: we post our experiences with oversocialised people

last one

First for Sup Forums without pajeets.

the most important thing I've found about people first hand is that they all act according to the politically correct androgynous mainstream when in groups, but they are completely different people when you talk with them one on one

Thats because you need to bullshit to get ahead. When you are with the right group it is a shitshow.

i'll check back in on this thread when it has more posts

found the numale. waiting for a narrative to be established before contributing so you can tow the line later. real men are leaders.

Bluffing only goes so far. It doesn't work in the long run

I think they're just guys who struggle to make the cut so they turn to social justice. "I can't be a man...BUT if I change the definition of what a man is then I can be!"

No more Javascript please

I have a cousin that is a bugman
He has arthritis and shit and he's like 27
Loves Star Wars and Kanye West
Still has a hot Gf so good for him


god i love that video

I don't think that's the case. They're not trying to change the definition but instead they cling to their beards as the ultimate sign of masculinity

and that's why cats>>>>>>

That got me keking hard

is he seriously plucking her fucking pubic hair?

jesus christ at least cop a feel

why do some people call them bugmen?

Jewgled it and found this

That’s his sister, but he’s gay so it is halal.

What is even happening here? Was that his cat? In any case I'd kick that mother so hard it barfed up its kitty Chow.

Yeah, it's not that they can't meet the standard of masculinity, it's that it's too much work, and they're too lazy. Growing a beard takes literally no effort.

This actually proves that cats are just autistic dogs.

>scream near cat
>cat jumps you like a retard

wtf it used full force
not even my cat(whose a meany sometimes >.

Yeah guys what he said!

Someone in the last thread said bugmen stick out one hand while covering their heads with the other. Are there any examples of this?

That confused me at first, but it sounds like a "please, no more, stop, have mercy" type of gesture.

And beards hide ugly faces.

Cats can be successfully be trained to attack and kill nu-males.

It's perfect, they love cats.
