depression is fake along side with other 'mental disorders' like autism adhd and ect debate with me if you disagree with me
Depresion is fake
Any proof there skippy or is this just based on your feels?
Depression is 100% real. I think it's like a glitch in your brain that gets stuck in thought loops were you cant really break out as normally as somebody else can.
I use magic mushrooms 1-2 times a month and it cures my depression everytime
But what do i know? Im just some guy
was that a Hitch Hiker Quote?
>magic mushrooms
wtf youre right, guess im not inexplicably sad anymore
I have Aspergers, am an INTP and a sociopath.
You are objectively wrong.
Yep, it's fake because it originally wasn't in natures vocabulary or scientific evidence?
What is schizophrenia
I met this one guy with bipolar, of which every word he told me sounded like bull-crap. That, or he put himself in a really messed up situation.
I wish you were right but you're not. I have bipolar disorder. I fought it for years by trying to be tough and deal with my mental issues before realizing I had to accept my illness get medicated.
>I use magic mushrooms 1-2 times a month and it cures my depression everytime
If you're getting depressed in the two weeks between mushroom trips, you need to stop fucking around with drugs and treat the root causes of your depression.
Bipolar people tend to lie a lot, but even if his symptoms sounded like BS he was probably telling the truth, it's very real.
Idk lol, i just typed it. Never seen the movie.
Mushrooms dont flip your political sides as some people think, however they allow you to think about things more logically.
If you have tried mushrooms you'll know how it can heal you, however most people cant handle that stuff as it takes you for a ride and it gotta be ok to allowing the drug to take over and allowing anything to happen.
Just telling Sup Forums how i cured my depression. Whether depression is real or a broken pattern of thoughts one gets trapped into, it can be managed.
I cant explain but mushrooms are just magic.
Quiter. I have a permanent state of psychosis, get called schizophrenic a lot, have dementia and recently found out Im a sociopath.
Get notice by the CIA, is my motto!
depression is real but its not what people think it is. life is suppose to make you feel like shit. thats the whole fucking point. your goal is to reduce the shitness. being depressed basically means you dont realise this and think that life should be groovy by default.
Oh I know, but he was altogether harmless. And he had some talent.
Psychosis is fucked
Slide thread.
Not fake, just VASTLY over diagnosed to keep the pharmajewticals happy.
Most 'sufferers' are self diagnosed or diagnose their own kids for the sympathy shit and to excuse shitty behaviour.
It's usually self perpetuated.
the rise of the depressed introvert is directly correlated with the expansion of the internet and video games which lower dopamine levels meaning you find socialising less rewarding which leads to a shitty life which leads to depression
>Hey guys debate me on my objectively wrong views.
>1 Post by this ID
shrooms just give you self awareness. thats it. jesus took shrooms and taught people how to have self awareness. give a dog some shrooms and it will recognise itself in the mirror.
you are fake
debate me
WTF ?!? It's been the most interesting thing to happen in my life, FOR ALL TIME!
wtf a credit card
Social media too (maybe that's what you meant by internet)
They've already done studies showing that using Facebook affects dopamine receptors negatively.
Entp thinks this is a clear sign of mental health issues, I'd advise speaking to a professional rather than pol.
>debate with me if you disagree with me
Make an argument first instead of just squawking like a retard.
a good majority of people who are depressed also use some sort of dopamine booster, which acts as both the cause and solution to their depression. you might have good days where you're happy because you're full of drugs, or are still experiencing the after effects of a drug (psilocybin), but the lows hit hard and you want to dose up again because it easily cured your depression before. cannabis and psychedelics are the most dangerous silent killers here. they have very, very low physical toxicity, but the psychological damage can be brutal if the individual gets into it too deep, or their predisposed to psychological conditions.
I don't disagree with you.
These useless faggots should buy and utilize the item pictured.
Welcome to life. There is no such thing as an end game. What if my problem is money? Sure i could work my life away, but someone else benefits more greatly.
Mushrooms allow you to view the causes that make up "depression" and give me an afterglow and motivational boost.
Also what defines a "depression"? well that's everyone's perspective as there's too many roots to depression and it can be different for everyone.
Mushrooms allow you to just re-connect. I know there's some psychedelic users on Sup Forums that know what im talking about.
Also i only use 1 gram of mushrooms. Everybody is different but i found what works and mushrooms allow me to get that "push" from wanting to sink into despair into giving you hope and a taste for change and a boost of motivation that can be used to take your life to where you want it to go.
They dont make you some hippie, but i do view life in a very odd way now and it's shown me just how alien and random life can be.
I always feel "healed" after a trip.
Call me a druggo,junkie or say i fried my brain, but for those deep down enough wishing to kill yourself; try mushrooms. Try fighting the mushroom experience and it'll fight back.
Wew lad, psychosis is wild. Had a bit of an amphetamine binge and ended up hallucinating for the next 24 hours. I knew what was going on and why, so I didn't freak out and learned to control the hallucinations like a lucid dream. Ever will a bird into existence and shoot it with the hand you turned into a gun? Shit was bananas.
We like american credit cars.
We are living in the Matrix
Reality is merely a state of mind
Debate me if you disagree
Depression is real.
Anti-depressants are fake.
> Shit was bananas.
This guy's gets it. Learn to enjoy the insanity, not fight it!
> Doctors are stupid, self medicate.
>1 post by this ID
Sage and report this thread
Yes, psychiatry was hijacked by drug companies, yes, mental disorders are voted into existence by the APA, and yes, the DSM gets bigger with each edition, but to say that depression and all other psychological maladies are fake is just naive. They're just like other medical phenomena: Sometimes, they're symptoms of something else, sometimes they seem to be the central problem themselves. The goal is to determine if the problem is caused by something else and if no other cause can be found, resort to natural methods and only use meds temporarily *if needed to function.*
Low effort bait slide thread.
I'll debate you, but I have to start by saying high functioning autism like Asperger's is just a misunderstanding and even modern psychology believes that the label holds very little water. Low functioning autists are literally bound to wheelchairs.
Depression is caused by neurological pathways being blocked, same with many other mental conditions.
This guy has the right idea. Mushrooms seem to reset the neurological pathways. It's only healthy to do this in smaller doses though, you don't need to trip balls and tripping can actually cause more problems (which can be solved with micro dosing of shrooms lol)
You have none of those things, prove me wrong.
When will you be exploding?
have you ever seen anyone manic, that shit is hilarious
Probably not
Not if you are an INTP
Depression is an excuse made by weaklings. I work with fucking Haitian niggers and I can cope.
If your job sucks, GF or BF is annoying and else, you're just weak and deserve it
It's a great topic and we're talking.
eating healthy and exercising is what a body needs. mfw i see pencil necked bitch boys lamenting that theyve tried everything for their depression and nothing works. You obviously have never picked up a dumbbell in your life and you think you've tried everything.
your body is crying out and youre ignoring it. A healthy body means a healthy mind
what if your neurological pathways are blocked because you act like a faggot and your brain adapts to it
I think depression is a natural human emotion that we're meant to fight through on our own. I think giving depressed people attention for it just turns them into bigger self-excusing faggots.
i dont think thats how it works
How do you explain chemical imbalances and faults in serotonin receptors et al that have been proven to cause mood imbalances?
You can't just say "It's all in your head". I mean, you can, and you'd be right, but here's the thing - cartesian dualism isn't real. Your "head" (here meaning your thoughts) is a product of your physical biology. There's not some higher "you" that controls your thoughts, your thoughts are a function of your physical form. And that physical form can get sick. Just like a liver can get cirrhosis, or a lymph node can spontaneously grow a cancerous tumor.
I have ADHD, it sucks. I really just want to pop the next fucker who says "durrr jus try n focus, ur not tryn hard enuff" right in the god damn mouth, because they don't get the point of ADHD is that you don't have enough attention to GIVE to tasks; the harder you "push", the harder your brain "pushes" back against you, and you just end up more dazed and mentally exhausted than before.
But I'm not a faggot and I don't use that as an excuse, I take concerta and I'm right as fucking rain. I know some faggots who think all psychiatric meds are SSRIs think I'm being manipulated by the kikes or whatever to take my zombie medication and be a good little worker bee, but honestly fuck off statist you can't control my decisions.
Wrong. I've validated because I'm not here to impress, faggot.
I'm here to teach.
> Map to Infinity, God and the Universe.
Then why the fuck do I have to watch a cartoon show about cute horses on a daily basis to get some positivity and joy in my life?
>autism is fake
objectively false, exhibit A: you
>i take meth for my fake illness and im fine!
absolutely trudeau-tier
Not an argument dingo
What? I hate Trudeau!
I've seen your posts before, you was obsessed about the Chi Roh and that it means ass rape, that Jesus was gay, and I assume that man boy love is just fine with you too. Sound about right?
Because you THINK youre sad if you don't, just weak mentally, kys
Meth is no different than Ritalin, so yes. It's medicinal if "administered" and not "abused".
The means matter.
everyone has adhd. No one likes doing work and everyone is easily distracted
Depression is most definitely real. And it sucks balls. Thankfully I came to the correct solution: nihilism.
odd, im a sparky and all of my coworkers seem pretty on the fucking ball m8
100% agree
All of these things are bullshit. Imagine complaining about depression and ADHD 100 years ago.
this is your problem. you automatically assume everyone is doing better than you because you've defaulted yourself to ADHD
and go fuck yourself if you think adhd is i "don't like doing work"
I like my job but I find myself zoning out and just wandering off thinking about other things when im doing something simple
unless i'm on "meth" that is
>oh but i took adderall once and it was way too much i went crazy
yeah no shit faggot, if you have low blood pressure and you take beta blockers you might faint from low blood pressure, that doesn't mean heart disease is fake you cock licker
Dude lmaooo
Nothing hamfell,kid
Greater than 100 years ago spergs were leaders, artists and philosophers.
> Pythagoras was a sperg...period.
I tried to deny it for a very long time actually
after I continually got from almost all of my coworkers "get your head in the game/pay attention man/you have to pay attention dude" i started to think differently
>but I find myself zoning out and just wandering off thinking about other things when im doing something simple
oh no somebody shove meth down this poor mans throat!
Used to use addies for that, pop a couple every few weeks to keep the crippling depression away. My theory is that Adderall is slightly serotonergic which is why it works.
He would work harder.
> The company approves!
What about brain scans and stereoscopic structure of brain tissue being demonstratively different in autistic cadavers?
> autistic cadavers
Congratz, you know about the golden ratio and phi I assume.... Whats the point?
I can't hold all these non arguments
>stimulant is chemically similar to another stimulant
wow thanks for the brilliant insight where'd you get your biochem masters
With...drugs from your doctor /s
Just pray the chemical imbalance away.
You're trying to "get something" out of eternal knowledge, instead of learning the secrets to the universe.
Dig deeper to live forever!
What verse was that in?
It's not fake, but it is the natural response of the average person to the state of the modern world so it can be difficult to sympathise with somebody who lets their depression get to them.
No you mong you've got it backwards, human form follows the golden ratio, if you try to replicate it it will be mathematically consistent. That doesn't mean that the builders and architects of antiquity were autistic, it just means that they had to reproduce a mathematically consistent pattern.
When he disappeared for years in India+, dunce.
>m-muh leylines
alright hold the fucking phone this faggot is even worse than the dingo
leylines are not statistically significant, if you had a piece of paper filled with dots you'd easily be able to draw a line somewhere across them and you'd connect multiple dots
>indus valley
wew nigger, i like how the image calculates out to the nearest half mile and the indus valley is roughly the size of italy
You wut man?
Cadavers that were known (diagnosed) sufferers.
The difference in size of certain structures is also found in vivo (CT scans).
You're full of shit.
Quote me, not "interpret how you want to straw man your own ignorance".
It's 100% real. It's biology's way of telling you to course correct
>ITT autists insist something that shows up in scans of brain activity doesn't exist
Failing to see.
> How did they do it...?
how do we subversively sell our illegal substances to the public? I know, lets CREATE an illness!
so naive
It was a fucking joke you retard.
Think more, speak less.
Sell?! No, dump it in the well and watch the hilarity.
depression is real, but normies use it as a social tool for attention
>waa im sad pls someone give me attention t_t, look at this edgy sad pics i share lulz
No the drugs come after the years of loneliness and anxiety
>Failing to see
Failing to see what? That the two "exactly equal" measurements are totally bogus considering the "indus valley" point could be landed across any hundred or so miles of land?
>How did they do it...?
They didn't
>fucking ALASKA
>633,000 square mile plot of land
>WOW it lines up exactly so long as "it lines up" means "they both land somewhere in this massive continent sized landmass"!