>be me
>watching porn
>porn scene starts buffering
>won't load anymore
>scene frozen on the penis so do my best to finish on that
>call Comcast
>yell at them for throttling my internet
>person says hold please
>get back on and they say "Hi user, it appears you were on the website "" which is on our throttle list. You hit the daily allocated data transfer for that site. Would you like to pay $10 to recharge your connection and get 500 more mb allocated to that site"
>I respond "T-t-this....this isn't fair! How are you doing this"
>Person on the phone smirks and responds with "Net Neutrality bitch" and hangs up

what do I do now? Comcast is the only internet in my area?

This story definitely happened, guys.

Nothing comes up when I search for zootube , have any webms user?

>>Person on the phone smirks
This is how you know it's a true story.

i don't even want to know.

>actually looked for it.

Won't let me link. Literally google the word zootube it's the first site that pops up.

Start your own ISP obviously

Is zootube interracial porn site with niggers and race traitors on it?

probably dog and horse fuckers.

>Searching for zoophila
Good, now there will be less communist furfags.

I have Comcast as well and go on zootube. Just use a VPN. This was you make it difficult to track your browsing habits and they won't throttle you. All my friends are whining about Comcast throttling them I have yet to face this.

Watching porn. There doing you a favor

This is extremely hot OP

3d Shadman stuff.

My eyes

go to bed nerd

Zootopia porn. Best type of porn

are you the guy from yesterday? I'm not a nerd faggot and it's not that late here, also I usually sleep during the day

Trump has freed the internet from SJW corporations like youtube, google and fb.
i wish these shariablu faggots would get of our bored REEEEEEEEEEEE

You guys are on Helsinki time, right?

No, why would we be on west mongolia time? there is a 2 hour difference.

I'm so glad that Trump has stopped OP faggotry. Can we stop winning Mr. President?

>has to google it
>doesn't have 2 terabytes of beast porn saved in current year

Notice how the moment net neutrality died everyone was butthurt(except for us). Then like 4 seconds later everyone stopped talking about it. Sup Forums was right again.

>be shartblue
>complain about being called a cuck
>trump paves the way for porn vids to be more fairly streamed / slowed down
>can’t stop being a cuck
C’mon shartblue, NoFap your way to freedom!

Trump is a jewish goyim. He just works for a different band of kikes .

its 2am

>watching porn
you deserve to lose your internet

2am is nothing everyone goes to sleep late here, I know some of you Amercucks wake up at 6am to make shekels for shlomo, we don't, we are lazy niggers

Is that one of those sites that's actually a pop up ad looking at itself in between two mirrors?

Of course a fucking leaf wants to see porn from a site called zootube.

Don't knock it till you try it.