Brexit CANCELED!!!!!!!!
It's time to start a revolution Brits
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Brits coming to their senses. Who would have thought.
All conditions for revolution are here.
If nothing else brexit will have revealed the true state of 'democracy' in this country and the rest of the EU.
We're in major shit and believe it or not Hans, so are you.
You are not living in a democracy if your government refuses to do what it's people specifically voted for
>post yfw Britain is literally on the verge of a commie revolution
The people are dumb.
They can't even defend themselves from random niggers and kebabs.
You'll do nothing.
> can block the referendum
Gas that one quick.
Why even have the vote? Might as well be declaring war on the peoples democracy.
>candidate A gets majority of votes
>canidate B gets sworn in
You may not like it, but this is what peak democracy looks like.
never lose faith in queenie
she is still here
Blackshirt legions when?
once you go BREXIT we don't want you back!!!!
We don't claim to be a democracy. We are a democratic republic.
they arent living in a democracy, the queen/king are above the law.
It makes no difference. Regardless of whether the UK stays, or fully leaves the trading bloc, the EU is finished either way. Soak it up, Otto.
politicians need to start dropping. Not even meming. People need to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice or their country will be forever a corrupt pawn of globalists
>Make an ultimatum backed up by the threat of pouty faces
>Expecting a different outcome
But really though, the EU is in desperate need of reform, and the UK simply re-joining like that as if nothing happened, could take some wind out of the sails.
Yeah and Trump will be impeached any day now. Truly, we are living in the dreamworld of the Progressives. All hail Madame Fuhrer.
>We don't claim to be a democracy.
You're a banana republic.
>We're in major shit and believe it or not Hans, so are you.
Pretty much. It feels so wierd that the pilitical class is so detached from the people they are supposed to serve.
Britain is a fake democracy that needs to be liberated.
TFW you realize they never actually planed on listening to the voters.
want me to come over there with my guns and handle this for you?
>Nobility is based, traditional and natio-
We are a constitutional republic
>want me to come over there with my guns and handle this for you?
What Amerimutts handling things with their guns may look like.
Really inspires confidence. Thanks for handling it, niggerburger.
With what knives?
Feels good seeing Br*ts get what they deserve. Western democracy works like intended.
>a commie revolution that will lead Britain out of the EU anyway
How much power does this Lord Heseltine faggot have? So long as Tories have the majority won't the Brexit bill still pass even if Corbyn wants Labour to block it?
Those aren't Americans those are niggers.
We avoid them like the plague over here, you should too.
Today I will remind them.
Is there rule of law in the UK, or what. Was Brexit binding or not? Was it just a whimsical opinion poll that can be disregarded?
Whites don't deserve this at all. The EU Jews must be defeated at all costs. All Jews must be defeated.
Only in theory. In practice it's more of an oligarchy but oh well.
was an imaginary heeb
If you say so, Mohammed.
Not going to work, they're already doing precedings to kick him out.
>ID Contains "EU"
Europeans purge themselves of Jews, while you Jews trick you into thinking silly unexperienced Europeans don't know what they're doing.
Once Muslims start to take high positions they will go rabid any Jew they see. That what has happened in Russia. But silly newbie obviously Europeans can't calculate this, what amateurs they are. He-he-he.
Truly the most british thing to do.
It was a referendum. Technically not binding, but it truly shows where loyalties lie within their system government. Also reveals the spineless cowards who were all for it slinking away from the challenge of pushing Brexit forward.
They are the most pretentious and arrogant people on the planet(next to Americans), wtf are you talking about. Every time theese faggost start losing an argument they go "MUH EMPIRE RULE THE WAVES", despite the fact that they got reduced to where they started, and now getting their dose of enrichment. Fuck anglo.
This is true.
The difference is you idiots allowed a direct vote, made it binding, and then are trying to say "lol fuck nah" which is clearly retarded.
>forced immigration
>forced tv licenses
>forced blocking of democratically voted on Brexit
Don't get down. It was never going to happen.
The referendum wasn't binding but the subsequent activation of Article 50 certainly was.
What happens when Labor comes to power and cancels Brexit, triggering a Civil War? US and EU jump in on opposing sides?
No one like you 7. You are the gayest namefag to ever post on Sup Forums.
December is almost over and so should your life be over
I'm talking about the US you dipshit.
I'm American.
The jews won... again
Scratch that you didn't even make it binding you just taunted your public, which while legally less retarded is far worse socially.
Reminder that Labour will never win another election in the UK. Brexit is not cancelled.
Them use the correct flag, and we are a democratic republic you moron.
Except the Brits' balls.
Better Lord Heseltine is fucked.
>'So This Is How Liberty Dies...With Thunderous Applause'
The media will go crazy ciclejerking about that, and the people will cheer in pure joy of (((freedom)))
you are too stupid to hold a conversation with god damn
I am using the correct flag. We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC you stupid dense fuck.
this old faggot has been whining about Brexit for ages. This really isn't anything new.
>Britain is an authoritarian nightmare
>and people are JUST realizing this
Dude why did you think America wanted to get away from these retards
That whole country is rotten and it won't ever get wny better.
>be Britain
>have your vote completely ignored
>get a new nigger royal
>get fined for no license
Hi! Thanks for remembering me!
My grandfather was roomates at oxford and has dinner a few times a year with this guy
My grandma says he sucks
>candidate A's party 1 gets a plurality of votes (exact amount irrelevant)
>party 2 gets between 10%-20% of votes
>candidate A agrees to give occasional blowjobs to party 2
>candidate A gets to radically change social and foreign policy how she pleases without any resistance
I tell you, anons, there are few things as terrifying as "parliamentary democracy with proportional representation." As much I hate the American duopoly, at least we actually get to pick our leaders and have the opportunity to recall them. America will never go months without a President just because some fringe party wanted to get free blowjobs and won't stop pouting.
oh fug
>All native Whites are beheaded and mowed down by trucks of peace but hey at least sandniggers don't like Jews
Yes, please overwhelm the country with ragheads. When we relocate the entire population of the Middle East into the country we will finally defeat the Jew. What a fantastic calculation! Fucking brilliant.
If we dont fight them on this, we are nothing, we will be as pathetic if not moreso than Sup Forums makes us out to be, BRITON AWAKEN
Theresa May is our only hope for a fair Brexit. Commie Corbyn would destroy Britain.
Better than being a jewish empire that is actively genociding its own people and jonestowning the entire continent.
Yes, please.
He wasn't talking to you, Hans, so take your Refugees Welcome flag and fuck off.
theoretically, what would happen if they cancelled Brexit? what do you think the reaction would be? would people riot? goddammit this is infuriating.
This would cause riots and civil war
You cant have an election and change your mind because you dont like result.
Big if true
Theresa may is an incompetent, cowardly little lapdog for you know who.
Damn fucking right.
Pussy, handle it ourselves.
I'm joining the Whites in this Civil War.
May is redpilled.
Post hand.
If I recall, a majority now support Remain so... no civil war.
Fuck off shill.
I wouldn't have an issue with our buddies helping kick some kraut arse, if they wanted to. This is an issue that affects all of us.
Proof that you need.
Don't kid yourself. They binned their knives in 2014.
>brexit vote was more than a year and a half ago
what the FUCK, Britain. Just get out already
>a majority now support Remain
according to what (((polls)))?
Good boy.
I can agree, but we must be the ones to start it.
Madam President!!!
It was a flash vote, where 90% of voters had no idea what they voted for. British people want to stay in the EU.