Why people thinks nazis are bad?

Why people thinks nazis are bad?

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Because they lost

Because no matter what, it's not the same winning the war than losing it.

i was thinking on the same but maybe there was more...ty anyway

because they lost and the marxist say so

This, and the winner writes history.

one word

Because they massacred an entire unarmed population.
Also used terror to get into power and as a governing tool.

Bombed Spain like maniacs just for idealogical reasons, proving Nazism isn't just a German nationalist movement.

Not really. Massacring an entire unarmed population is pretty bad. We see that in Syria today.

you mean that holocaust that has no proof of existing?
also usa bombed japan with nuclear weapons whats your point

Spain didn't border Germany, they bombed it for ideological fanaticism.

Hiroshima was an atrocity. But Japan began the war.

Nazis are really bad, especially when they gassed me 6.000.000 times and made soap out of my body fat

Because they brought fear and oblivion into Europe starting the world war.
Not to mention the death camps

You must be 12

the only thing you could think in posting is assuming my age?
what are you retarded?

I wont say that the spanish bombing was not bad, but the thing is that what usa did is still worse and they arent portrayed as the bad ones

“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.” -A.H.


You must be hideously fugly, frankennosed retard jew shill

>implying that without the nazis a world war would not have started

Jewish propaganda. Once boomerfags die, Hitler will be hailed as a hero.

Do you think we'll ever see a full blown war against Jewry ever again?

I dont support the idea of just exterminating someone because he being or not being a jew but the world need to be cleansed someway, i still have hope in my heart user

That applies to you probably, I’m not ugly Sven.
Yeah, you really are an underage faggot.


And you are actually wrong, so if you dont have any arguments go somewhere else faggot

Japan didnt attacked with nuclear weapons and i havent deny germany attack.
What are YOU talking about.

The response to japan attack wasnt nuclear bombing it isnt that hard

What america did to Japan was terrible. Do not compare it with Holocaust of Jews.



Same reason why people think Mao is bad, retarded autist massacring millions of innocent women and children even outside his own country

I what im saying is that both are terrible
Im just pointing that Nazis are portrayed as the devil while americans not, making bombing spain not an reasons to have the hate they have today.
heck almost any country has bombed or destroyed in any form another countrys territory and people is almost normal, not something that make them be hated by all the world

I havent investigated Mao so i wont argue that

ok dude

nope, the conditioning and propaganda plus education system have ensured no generation will ever figure out anything ever again instead they will fight among themselves.

The decodes show America knew that attack was coming and ignored it because they wanted to showcase the bomb thus why they sent a fucking camera crew up in the enola gay.

Hitler had nothing to do with the holocaust though, Heinrich himmler was the one who acted behind his back and gave operation reinhard the go ahead.

That pic is what Chads look like.

he's always been a chad

>Muh Holocaust.

Kike propaganda

People are soft.
Equality sounds more appealing to masses than "Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?"

Ironically that "equality" is destroying everything now

because hitler was a manlet who took race realism to absurd new heights and build fucking huge cannons he stuck onto trains, he was an ill anti science brainlet.

>he was an ill anti science brainlet
the fuck?

Because the holocaust is real. Hitler did everything wrong.

>Massacring an entire unarmed population is pretty bad.
You mean like what the Commies (our (((allies))) )did?

Only one country fought against Communism in ww2, desu.

piss off /r/t_d nigger, the holocaust never even happened

>But Japan began the war
Mfw my countrymen keep demonstrating the Burger education meme.

>Not knowing that the US had the island of Japan (which was dependent on imports for many basic things) under embargo leaving them no choice but to declare war.

Our ZOG is still doing this sort of Jewy shit to this day, either making shit up, doing false flags on our own citizens, or trying to make the other guys (Russia) look like the bad guys, even though we are the ones aggressing on them.

Turn off the (((legacy corporate media))) and try thinking for yourself a little moar, my fellow Burger.


(((Winners))) write history in the way that pleases them.
>pic related

>they brought fear and oblivion into Europe
Tell me again, why Hitler rose to power? No particular reason? Germans are just bloodthirsty invaders?

these storys never cease to amaze me

>Do you think we'll ever see a full blown war against Jewry ever again?
Pic related

I was going to tell you to lurk moar faggot, but then I saw your flag. You have to go back.

Hitler unleashed the jews on this earth, forever giving them ammo against goyim, and didnt he establish Isreal?? Fuck him. Idk why you fags romanticize him so much. He fucked Europe and the world, was funded by rothchilds.

Kekistani Master Race

>massacring millions
Oy veyy! It was gorillions! You must be sent now to reeducation camp, bad goyim!

>giving up hope just when the term "deep state" has come into mainstream usage
We are in the midst of a great awakening, instead of giving up, how about you do your part and start dropping subtle red pills whenever you get the opportunity?

When you are free, you are not equal and when you are equal you are not free!

It's not a crime to start a war , it's crime to lose it

>caused a war that resulted in millions of death
>mass extermination of innocents
hum, I wonder why

Hans go prep your wife for the bull, your once proud culture and civilization is finished

Hitler did Nothing Wrong.


But Jews didn't have an army dude!

Yes they did. They had the Red Army, British Army and US Army

Declaring war and commiting mass murders on civillians? And im not talking about holocaust.

Sure. Hitler was fine with Night of Long Knives, sterilization of Rhineland blacks, Kristallnacht...but Holocaust is too far.


Wait what lmaaaaao

The Commies rose up against the criminal Czarist regime and soldiers that created an international catastrophe called world war 1.

Leon Degrelle explains Hitler's Final Solution to The Jewish PROBLEM


And next up on GoyTube:

There is no ZOG. There is a WOG, a white occupation of this Indian and Mexican country.

Russia is the bad guy, they began a rebellion in East Ukraine.

(((Winners))) implies Jews had an army and state, which they didn't.

Same reason Fascism rose in Italy.

because they started the worst war in human history and engaged in genocide along with it

>Hitler invades Poland, everyone goes ape shit
>Commies invade Poland, no one says shit
>(((Allies))) come to the aid of poor little Poland
>after winning the war, hand Poland over to the Commies anyway
Really activates the old almonds

Lol OMG what a catastrophe the Jews get their own state.

What? Lmao

Why would Jews support the anti-Jewish British?

Hi dope. This was after Britain ceded Czechoslovakia and Spain to Hitler. Try harder.


>> Not to mention the death camps
Here’s your (you)

In the end times

>(((criminal))) Czarist regime
t.Burger education on display again
>(((international catastrophe)))
Yes (((they))) are great at those

Lurk moar, newfriend

since their getting their own state they have no problem ruining other ones like they are doing in EU, Canada and are trying to do in the US by radical pro immigration propaganda in jew owned MSM

So you're saying the MSM used random numbers as well? This makes it look more of a hoax. Jesus christ you shills need to up your game.

the nazis aren't bad, hitler was bad and easily the worst out of the trio (mosley, rockwell, hitler)


This is the best answer.

No one says shit? Its basic history here. Do you really think that we think the war was black and white? That the commies and allies were good and all nazis bad?

They didn't start the war. And they didn't attempt genocide either.

Reminder that Nazis lost and are never coming back. The punishment is the slow annihilation of the European race before your very eyes


Kid, you have a meme flag. You can't be any older than 17

>anti-Jewish British

>what is city of London
>who is Lord Rothschild
>what are Zionists
Are you JIDF or is this just garden variety Burger education / lifetime of Zionist media brainwashing?

>caused a war that resulted in millions of death
>mass extermination of innocents
Literally any war


I just didnt wanted to put any flag and now i am automatically an underage? at least 17 is more close to my real age

Actual Pollack probably does understand that, however many here in the West don't study actual history and we have another movie or TV show every year or so to keep reminding us "Hitler bad mmmmmmkaay!"

BTW, keep on telling the EU to fuck off! Based Poland!


The King of England was a Nazi sympathizer. The Rothschilds took control of British finance doesn't mean the British wanted them to.

OMG! Supported Israel! The right to Jews to live! How pro-Jewish if you don't kill them you love them.

Rockwell was worse. Imagine thinking a white and Mexican land belongs to Anglos.

Hitler was trying to expel them, not genocide them. Lurk moar, newfriend, you've much to learn.