Trump cant compete
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Gosh this really helped me see the error of my ways and I'm totally changing my opinion on all my political beliefs.
Thanks, without your post I would have never seen how I've been wrong my whole life.
Wtf, I love king nigger and queen cunt now?!
Consider me persuaded.
>A Gallup poll of poor people and niggers who should be lynched has found
Im srry but someone who allegedly ran in favor of the middle class and then ends up losing to a literal billionaire whose main agenda is to drop corporate taxes is one shit candidate loool.
Do people still believe fake news?
Oh shit wtf I hate drumpf now
>inb4 donors shill for her again so dems lose
Say it with me...
>L O W E S T
>A P P R O V A L
>R A T I N G S
>I N
>H I S T O R Y
Say's who?
KEK haven't laughed that hard since the election
Al Capone was admire too. Before prison.
My God
Can we have another election to make this right?
Who the hell admires Hillary Clinton
Even democrats hated her, that's why they didn't turn out more.
Awesome. What is this from?
empire of dust
His body language is 100% "muh dick mufugga"
Thanks! Found the full length: youtube.com
That text makes no sense, is it written by Russian trolls?
If they hated her they wouldn't be screeching about the Russian hacking conspiracy theory all the damn time.
top kek. this retarded chink doesnt get that during colonial rule no knowledge is passed on or down. he clearly has no fucking idea what he is blarking about.
how did korea get to where it is without japanese occupation? why is it that areas under colonial rule tend to be the better parts of a country?
No, they know she's shit. That's why every time you point out a major crime f hers leftists say "why are you still talking about her?".
Bitch, it's because that was the direct alternative to Trump, she was the most corrupt candidate in history.
Enjoy Germany while it last.Nigger.
Hopefully the roaches wont sell you into slavery like they are doing to niggers in Libya thanks to Americas firs nigger president .
wow really? i'm changing my political beliefs this instant! i'm with her now! thanks for opening my eyes kind man
Fucking pathetic media shiling. Hopefully all media members are murdered soon. With prejudice