give real source faggot
>mitch mcconnell
what is that greasy fucker up to this time?
oh shit yes
I'm so tired of going to the store and seeing people with baskets full to the top of shit they would never buy if they were paying for it. You can always tell a food stamp shopper just simply by seeing their basket. You don't even have to see the person.
Big if true
Virtue signaling to their donors. Nothing more.
My family owns a business that sells food the food stamp program is completely fucking retarded. We can't sell people hot premade food with food stamps. But we can sell them energy drinks and candy
Das rite cracka, gib me dat grape drank
Always love to see nogs and spics buy junk food and sugar water with food stamps.
>Republicans continue to do unpopular things instead of the things they were elected on
color me surprised
>Ending the welfare state isn't what Republican voters want
Nice proxy, but you clearly aren't American
Is it really unpopular, though? I thought the republican party kept getting votes even after their neocon bullshit because people in the USA genuinely want a smaller government with less taxes being wasted on nigs.
actually tax reform, healthcare reform, and entitlement reform are the main reasons republicans ARE elected. for once they are doing their job. Strange I know.
Hes probably a shill. All entitlements need to be ended, however dropping just ebt would save the country billions.
Yep. I was dating a girl who had a couple sisters on food stamps. They lived on shit like potato chips and ice cream sandwiches. Not generic brands either. And they had enough EBT left over each month to buy some groceries for friends at a discount and use the cash for smokes and alcohol, stuff EBT won't buy.
yep, if theres anything Republican voters support its the welfare state.
whats with all the shilling today anyway? where are you fags even coming from?
Exactly. Most of the unpopularity of the GOP among right-wing voters is because they continue to support American militarism and foreign aid. Most people who are against welfare programs also aren't really keen on gibs to oil companies, Ugandan dictators and Germany as well.
It's why Republican voters on average also give more to charity. There's your gibs, nigs. Let us keep our money.
They’ll have to phase that program out VEEEEEERY slowly.
A significant percentage of Americans litteraly depends on that program to eat.
There will be riots in the street if it gets yanked away just like that.
t. LeDarius Washington
All this shit needs to end. If people want "help" so badly then they can start going back to church and using the help they offer and giving back when they dont need it any longer. But they won't. They just want that gubmint cheese and all the lack of accountability that comes along with it. God forbid they actually give back. Which is why ALL these programs will fail. Minorities, women, LGBTBBQ fuckfest ... none of them will give back to anyone once they get theirs. Fuck all of them.
that's honestly fucked up
people really need that
there are people who will die without them, and then there are niggers who just don't want to work
the latter needs to be fixed
people won't just let people starve without literal riots
>so badly then they can start going back to church and using the help they offer and giving back when they dont need it any longer.
that falls apart immediately when you realize there are people who are just completely fucked
they'll look to replace it with something like basic income instead ;^)
Not as much as you'd think.
Food stamps isn’t unpopular, nobody really wants to cut the program completely. But the program is seen as rife waste, fraud, and abuse. Politicians will never end it because it’s a farm subsidy though.
>so badly then they can start going back to church and using the help they offer and giving back when they dont need it any longer.
NEET on food stamps here. Currently have ~ $500 on the EBT because I just can't spend my entire allowance each month. Thinking about heading out and grabbing a nice ham to bake tomorrow. Had steak for lunch and getting ready for tacos tonight.
No work requirements of course because I am (((disabled))) due to depression and muh Asperger's. That also gets me a free apartment and free health care :D
Luckily I don't have to work - I can only deal with a tiny amount of social interaction everyday and I wouldn't be able to deal with roasties long enough to bang them if I also had to spend 8 hours at a job.
fake & gay, wish it weren't though
Yes, I support eugenics against people such as myself and yes I am making sure my genes aren't passed on. Hitler was right, etc.
>would never buy if they were paying for it
They fucking are paying for it. It's still money/credit that they're using up and you can only get it by having an extremely low income.
OMG please fucking do this
>47 million Americans on food stamps
>~19 million of these are white
>70% to 80% of whites with low income voted Trump
If Trump wants 15 million of his voters to starve, go right ahead. The Blue Wave is coming.
That's why FUCKING ALABAMA is blue now right?
We get no wall, instead we get to die for Israel and when we get back home with PTSD we get no food, and pay away all our shekels to ISPs because we got rid of NN.
No, they aren't paying for it. The taxpayer is paying for it. It's not income they earned.
Bullshit. I'm paying for it along with everyone else.
Get a fucking job you piece of shit leech.
This. Person I was dating had a friend who would complain endlessly about how he was “starving” and “so poor” but most of his EBT food purchases were traded to others for weed, beer and cigs. If he whined enough on his FB a friend would wire him some cash. He’d also hit up local food banks. He managed to maintain a lifestyle of being drunk/high on the couch all day.
Who the fuck is allen cm marshall?
wrong. people voted in trump because of immigration and trade not welfare
the proportion of americans who actually have good jobs is not enough to elect anybody
Nice blog post, faggot
Call me when the annouce their opposition to DACA
>doesn't remember Paul Ryan's inner cities generationally dependent on welfare statement
You seem upset. Did Mr. Shekelstein yell at you for not being a sufficiently productive wage-slave today?
> people don't need food
> poor people wont rob and steal from everyone in their vicinity to eat
how do you not spend all of it? i also get ebt but its not enough to last me. i drink 4 liters of pop a day so maybe that has something to do with it
>confederate flag
>complaining about entitlements
Without the military, all you toothless hicks would starve. Have you ever wondered why most military bases are in the south?
How will P Ryan support unlimited refugee and illegal alien resettlement without a social net welfare program to make up the difference in living expenses between a legal wage and an illegal below minimum wage?
Well I enjoy cooking real food, so there is efficiency there I suppose. Frozen pizzas add up quick, I'm sure. I only drink about 4 liters of soda myself, and I generally get what's on sale for $1.
>obsese beaners ands nogs are LITERALLY starving!!!
>working for the military isn't really a job
>this is what NEETs and inner city niggers actually believe
Society is getting sick of NEET bullshit. I wouldn't speak so confidently if I were you.
Fuck off nigger, go troll on /b
>They fucking are paying for it. It's still money/credit that they're using up and you can only get it by having an extremely low income.
>they are fucking paying for it
>implying they pay taxes
>implying it's their money
Of course people need food, but EBT tends to be more money than people need.
most people on food stamps are white you fucking retard
welfare is literally the only reason why theres very little white criminals in western nations.
they don't work for the credit they purchase things with, literally worse the monopoly money
>military is welfare
>playing NBA2K all day on a stolen TV is work
The absolute state of niggers and NEETs. I can't wait to line you all up against the wall on the day of the rope.
>most people on food stamps are white you fucking retard
most people in the country are still white, retard.
>risking your life for Schlomo
Israel thanks you for your service. The height of heroism is strangling this society through malicious compliance and accelerating its demise.
>Society is getting sick of NEET bullshit. I wouldn't speak so confidently if I were you.
We're in a democracy where most people are degenerate leeches. Shit will fall apart, but not for 50-100 years.
(you) seem upset.
yo triple fucking retard, who the fuck is going to feed those whites surviving on food stamps if they're gone?
fucking dumbshit low iq shit eating trumpfucks
go finish preschool before you talk to adults on the internet
I'm a 6'3" and do fine with 190-something a month. Learn to take better care of yourself and how to cook, you pop drinking niggers. Potatoes and cereal are your friends. Drink water, or milk if you have to. And most people on this shit are trash. I've talked to social-whatever people about it. I know a guy who works with people who most of his cases are all fucked on some drug or another. DO NOT legalize drugs. You've no idea how bad you'll make things.
No, you just seem poor.
You're get excited thinking you're upsetting someone when in reality you've shown you're not different than niggers or white trash. Have fun staying poor.
>the only thing keeping US from Ukraine-tier famine and death is food stamps
Ending food stamps to boost the economy is a sound plan. Dat hunger can be a bitch.
Rather than food stamps people should be given a select list of foods they can order on their card via phone which will be delivered right to their door. No more $200 of ribs a month while their children starve.
It would make me either get a job or an hero, desu.
Cool but Nehler is better
The leftists will release their angry shitposters and they'll backpedal the shit out of this.
kill yourself shill rat
>in-debt redneck losing his gibs might have to finally get a job.
No more gaming the government with food stamps and welfare.
>Potatoes and cereal are your friends.
and pasta
It should all be healthy food, so were not paying for their healthcare down the road. I've seen people buy lobster with a card before. They could eat better than me,because they're not paying for their apartment either.
Because fuck poor people right?
You autists don't realise if you didn't still live with mummy and daddy getting cares for like a mongoloid into your 20s most of you would be poor.
>unpopular things
To you, Jamal. For the rest of us this is exactly what we aim to do. Make poorfags incentivized to stop being so fucking poor cause it sucks and so do you.
What a sad life you have larping as someone on food stamps.
The idea isnt to cancel food stamps completely but rather end it for able bodied workers.
Poor and not being able to afford food are two different things, if your food is more valuable then your life then that food should go somewhere else or you should grow your own food.
>serve for 4 years
>recieve a lifetime of healthcare benefits and gibs
>become a shitty 2nd lietennant
>earn 2x what teachers earn
FUCK the military. All we need to defend this country are civilian milita.
>Who is going to feed those whites
Churches and shelters. Maybe having to look someone in the face to get your free shit every day will shame you just a little bit into working.
Typical poor American you spot in the wild
> Flat Screen
>Luxury SUV with aftermarket mods and underglow
>Gucci Shoes
>Louis Vuitton purse/accessories
>Beats by Dre
>Endless collection of hats
>Cart full of booze and babyback ribs
>Frequents McDonald's 2x a day at least
>Has minimum of 4 badly behaved children
>Fancy Manicures
>Lots of gaudy Jewelry
>Bags of weed or coke
>Pack of cigarettes
But no job. No plans of ever getting one either. That isn't poverty you ignorant mongoloid, it's a lifestyle choice
does your hot pre-made food have lobbyists? If you aren't willing to do what it takes to win then you're a LOSER.
>grow your own food
Real life isn't one of your movies you stupid autist.
If your mum didn't buy you your tendies and fries every week you'd be on food stamps.
I want the government to propose legislation that people can't live with their parents past the age of 20 and watch how all you lazy autists react. You all are as as much of a leech on your parents as poor people are on the government.
Half the posts on here are twisted bullshit. Just because some idiot posted something on the internet doesn’t make it true.
A simple search reveals he’s trying to push reform. If there was any truth to OP’s fake and gay post, the news would be flooded with it.
Potatoes are OK. Grains are bad for you. Protein and vegetables is the way to go. If you are too poor, eat a lot of eggs. Pork is relatively cheap as well.
If you want outside for once you would realise that's not true there is millions of people living in trailer parks with disabilities and general hardship that you will never experience.
I like this board but it dies disgust me how most of you are on the spectrum and have no emotional sympathy to people or even empathy
The Pentagon is who is spending the federal government into oblivion.
Welfare can be afforded but it destroys the incentive system of society. Suddenly people can be assholes and dicks to each other and still go to bed well-fed thanks to Uncle Sam! Before long they stop needing even God. Or so they think.
The overall poorest people I've known live like this. And they'll have junk food everywhere are and their house. And they all seem to smoke cigarettes and drink/do drugs. And I work my ass off to support these scum. Makes me feel like a fucking cuck. But, I own my house and truck, so at the end of the day I feel good.
Why are Americans so fucking retarded??
Your solution is even bigger government? Why am i not surprised. Big government got us into this problem in the first place.
Also you are making assumptions that NEETs would not work for food.
They’ve had two decades to do it.
>t. never met a poor person
I volunteer at my local soup kitchen, these people can't even afford clothes or housing, much less a car.
>>grow your own food
>Real life isn't one of your movies you stupid autist.
Dumb nigger, you don't know how to grow food? No wonder you're poor, you're fucking retarded.
>your solution is big government
Where the fuck did he say this??
You're not even American you have no fucking clue what you're talking about maybe you could benefit from heading outside for some enrichment
My solution is to have people on the spectrum like you get locked up in camps and get turned into slaves for the benefit of society. It's funny how people on here think they are better than poor people because they have been able to leech of their family all there lives.
I've don't the same. Most of them have mental health problems, or are on drugs.
>inner cities generationally dependent on welfare
How else are you going to force families to break up to boost the economy? Only a big government police state could do this.
Crime rate would skyrocket so high if EBT was cut off. If you don't have a gun you'd be fucked. It'd be like The Purge.