The guy at the next apartment is beating his wife again
What is the redpilled way to deal with it? I don't want to be a white knight cuck
The guy at the next apartment is beating his wife again
What is the redpilled way to deal with it? I don't want to be a white knight cuck
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Join in and gangbang his wife together, one in each hole.
Pound on the wall and tell him to fucking keep it down.
But it's also very annoying they fight and throw things almost every single night and I can't sleep.
Call the police and let them deal with it.
Also this
Knock on their door and ask them if they're alright
Ignore it. Let them deal with their own problems. Once you become a man you will see you need to deal with your own problems as a man and not involve any outside factors.
Stop being a pussy for once in your life OP
Pound on the wall and tell him to keep it up.
Call police and complain about the noise
Mind your own business.
post more of the street shitter. Some of their women are pretty hot as long as they are potty trained.
Greeks are not white. Deal with it Habib.
>tfw no poo gf
Have a talk with the woman, with or without the husband present, and tell her to stop fucking up so badly and to show more respect to her husband.
>mfw I yelled at my neighbors just last night for being too loud
Tell him to pay denbts in a german accent through the wall.
He'll abandon his apartment
Pay the guy for a tablespoon of his cum, then eat it
help him with his duty
That sounds beta like white knighting for some damsel in distress cunt.
Call the cops anonymously. No need to get personally involved, that's a load of trouble you don't need for a chance you won't even be helping.
Post more of this hot brown bitch
I'm sure there's two sides to this.
The real redpilled way to deal with this problem is to fucking kill yourself
>Ignore it
This is what I already do I just turn up the music while she screams and whines. But this has to stop. What is the least invasive way to deal with it?
Go over, knock on his door, and ask him if he needs a hand?
threaten to call the police if its that much of an issue
So is this a crypto it's ok to beat your wife thread?
Keep going and I'll stop your debts
Who is this semen demon you're posting?
Agreed. Those are very beta approaches. Just pound on the door and shout “SHUT THE FUCK UP” as loud as you can. They’ll know to shut up because you’re pissed or deal with the consequences
Kill her.
Hope she listens better next time.
I would give you tips but then again not everyone does cage fighting.
Had something similar with the guy above me.
His bitch would do jumping jacks every day
Punched the ceilling, bitch kept on, punched their door yelling you fucking uncivilized retards
His bitch rose the tone and went super agro
Said shut the fuck up woman
Her faggot said " don't talk to my girlfriend like this "
Said if it goes bad you're her defense in here.
Got in my fighting stance... I saw fear in his eyes
Get cucked mother fucker
>Go to door
>Ask why there is niggers in their apartment
>Tell you could swear only niggers can keep noise like that, "you ain't a nigger - are you?"
works erritim
Tell the man to shut his wife up next time you see him. He'll respect you for not being a white knight faggot and going to him and not the police
i dont think she ever posted nudes
You don’t know what she did. For all you know she refused him sex.
Ask if he needs assistance in disciplining his property.
>What is the redpilled way to deal with it? I don't want to be a white knight cuck
By jerking off
No she is a grown woman she can leave him or go fuck herself for all I care. How do I stop those insufferable cunts from affecting me with their stupid problems? I don't care if he beats her to pulp I want my peace
Leave passive aggressive message on their door, you can find template on reddit.
I white knighted this once outside a nightclub at 3 in the morning and the man and woman kicked the shit out of me. If it is stopping you from getting sleep pound on the wall and tell him to stfu like
this desu
Call the cops. Move if nothing changes.
There is plenty of good looking India whore
this and maybe recommend that next time he beat her with a shoe
Do nothing. Beating your wife is redpilled.
call the police and record, do it or OP is a faggot
Call the cops and say you heard children screaming too
Some cunts need to be slapped, who cares?
He is like 15 years older than me and he is like an authority figure works as a teacher. Maybe if I ask him nicely he will be shamed enough to stop making so much noise
Shoot your gun greeceanon.
>What is the redpilled way to deal with it?
buy him a beer
there are 1.2 billion indians, they has to be some hotties somewhere if you shift through the poo in the loo
>tfw no poo gf
>Be white knight
>Confront enraged man
>Pulls out a gun
>Oh shit.jpg
>Shoots you dead.
Its better if you dont. A friend of mine killed a man who stepped into a fight between him and his girlfriend
>friend of mine
Is he still your friend, fag?
paki whore from milwaukee. deleted here tumblr like a year ago.
Seems like you care about not inconveniencing the guy. Just call the cops.
Icky guy
Did your friend go to jail?
Typical Europoors trying to dictate what other people do with their property.
The redpilled thing to do is buy a house out in the country with several acres and become self-sufficient.
Apartments are for wage-cucks.
Why do I suddenly want to fuck a brown girl?
Don't even have to ask him nicely. Just tell him to shut his wife up because she's affecting your sleep.
This. It's a statistical distribution and they have the numbers on their side
Call the cops. Tell them it sounds like someone is being murdered. That's usually enough to have them swat the place.
Because when brown chicks are hot, they're really hot
deal with it as a noise complaint if you have to deal with it as a noise complaint.
the redpilled thing is not to assume she doesn't actually deserve it.
just call the cops and issue a noise complaint
If you don't call the cops now and tell 'em what's going on I'm gonna come over and beat your face in.
Buy some earplugs so that you can apply yourself towards improving your career-related skills in your free time, such that you can afford to live somewhere where you don't have to share a wall with a trashy domestic abuse case couple
That's a radical move and it will look like I am a whiteknight. What if they just like rough sex and is all a misunderstanding?
let them sort out their own issues in private. white knights and cops usually only make things worse.
>People disturbing the peace and quiet of your home.
>None of your business.
Call the cops.
>works as a teacher
Well shit nigger, do you think the roastie parents won't care if the teacher of their kids get outed as a wife beater? Is Greece really so degenerate that no-one will care? Careers have been ended for far, far less.
Make videos and recordings, post them in school or on websites, profit.
Then they'll stop if they don't want the cops called anymore.
Tell him to pay debt
>I don't want to be a white knight cuck
that's not white knighting. being fearful of doing objectively the right thing for fear of being a "cuck" in the eyes of incel muttburger subhumans is the cuck thing to do.
to answer your question then, you should just call the cops when it's happening (now) if you fear confrontation
Where did she go?
I'd dick this paki
> (You)
Yeah no shit hes in jail. Fucker was high on drugs, ruined his whole life because of someone else.
> Go over there
> Bash the door until they open up
> Kick the guy's ass, then tell him he's a faggot for wailing on some dumb skirt who couldn't put up realistic resistance even if she wanted to
> Spit on the girl and tell her she's pathetic for not having enough self respect to leave the guy
> Tell them both that if you hear one more fucking sound you're coming back with your mossburg
> Go home
> If police show up, feign ignorance
I once saw a nig beating his white wife at the parking lot of walmart and this white guy tried to intervene and the nig knocked him out in one punch.
Fuck his wife when he's not home.
>Heh, nothing personnel, kid.
She chose to be with him so you should do nothing, she needs to take responsibility for her own decisions and therefore should suffer the consequences of her bad decisions. The only time that stepping in and white knighting for such a woman would make any sense would be if the marriage was arranged and she had no say in who she was with.
Then go buy a roll of duct tape and stick it in their mail box
y u no show nip/pol/s?
didnt know they were into Henna
>Make videos and recordings, post them in school or on websites, profit
I don't care enough to do that. I just want them to shut up so I can sleep
Hey retard, there'd be 2 eye witnesses who'd say this retard got confrontational and that enough is probable cause for an arrest and subsequent conviction.
Grow up you faggot.
into henna as much as any westernized whore
Where are all these white knight faggots popping out from? Is it a r*ddit raid? One of the reasons men are such faggots now is because we can't deal with our own problems as men. Faggots want to immediately run to big daddy government because they can't deal with their own problems. She's a grown fucking woman if she really wanted the cops involved they would have been there at the first instance
It's either that or move. If you're fine with getting personally involved in someone elses relationship and all the baggage that involves then by all means try knocking on the door and asking them first, I wouldn't recommend it.
dont complain.. I had a room mate once a brazilian chick, very hot.. anyways ( no i didnt )
her bf had been an ass lately and i didnt stick my nose in it but one night he came over and in her room they started fighting. She had told me once before to not get involved so I didnt, but let her know i'd END it if she asked
so shes in her room, im out in the big room drinking so co. and looking at some pornos on my tv because its my dam house.
serious thud agaisnt the door and crying and she opened the door and said XXXXX end it!
SO I jumped up and slammed the door open and walked ove rand grabbed the guy by the throat and slammed him against the wall.
it helps he was a manlet and i am 6-5 300, i can lift a engine out of a car with no hoist. so this guy was a piece of cake.
I stuck my finger in his eye and i know it hurt and I said LOOK here mutha fucker. in our country you dont bat up girls! I dont give a fuck what you do where your from but you are in my house and im going to squeeze the everloving fuck out of you till you stop.
he tried to squirm and i just made it hurt worse. I picked him up and threw him by his balls out of the house. and I yelled at him, I don't ever want to see, I don't ever want to hear that you fucked with her or any of her friends ever again because this is MY COUNTRY and I will fuck you up... this was back in the late 80s. you could do shit like that then.
oh, and he ran away like a little bitch.
my roomy was eternally happy, she eventually dated and married the next door guy and every time she talk to me she was perfect girl. She knew who was boss.
I rarely do stuff like that due to the fact i can break most guys in half. So i have to watch myself when i'm out to, how do you say? watch my power levels.
shes a basic bitch desu
White knights are pathetic
>westernized whore
only muslim women ive seen using henna are litterly women in Hijab