Women should NOT be allowed into the police force. They aren’t as strong as men and can’t take down a criminal without assistance. Wasted tax dollars.
Women should NOT be allowed into the police force...
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they could still take you twinky ass down lol
besides, someones gotta write those parking tickets
Same with fire department... they can’t even pick up that big hose.
I'm surprised that leaf police carry firearms tbqh
>Women should NOT be allowed into the police force
>Wasted tax dollars
In California the fire departments use female prisoners to clear dried brush, that's all they're good for.
be careful in canada they'll arrest you for assuming their/xir gender you cis scum
Correct. They're a danger to the public and are taking jobs off better people.
Cop here, they are an asset. No not in the SWAT team. But for example in poor neighborhoods where there is domestic disputes or domestic violence, they respond better than Officer Chad. They can talk to the women, put the the children at ease and convince women to press charges, give up their gang boyfriend and just be able to calm situations down. They are also good at sweet talking gangsters into talking/giving us information
>taking jobs off better people
In the US is it not about the strength needed to pull a trigger?
They wouldn't be working at all if i had it my way.
I disagree
It's not wasted tax dollars, it's better than netflix
Lol! have any of you poltards ever let a diversity-quota woman cop tie up and kidnap you?
par for the course
They should not be allowed to own pitbulls either
You’re picture proves my point even further.
a lot of the work cops do arent related to strength.
if you honestly think cops spend most of their time clubbing people you are retarded
All the female officers in my city are either fat and useless or blonde.
>my point
>fat and useless
they dont use physicality 100% of the time therefore what? whats your fucking point cuckold
It's so naturally obvious that women in the police force and army is a huge sign of a doomed society.
That's why most people replace the trigger on their glock. Mine's so light Stephen Hawking could use it
When my dad beat the shit out of me as a kid the female cop made me feel better.
cops TALK.
a lot of people respond better to females than males. that alone can be useful.
just being like "lol no females in coppers maga" is beyond retarded
Your dad probably had a good reason for it. You kids are too soft now and days. I bet you think getting hit with a belt is abuse.
I gotta big hose they can lift if yaknowatamean heh *yankee accent*
Edgy. Go ahead and punch your young children in the face and see how they turn out.
Fucking Swede lmao. The memes are true! it's more sad than funny though as most Swedish males are emasculated ultra-betas like this. This is why Swedish women vote on mass to import more masculine men from the third world.
Obviously he should of kept going
how does this prove that the police force should be 0% female?
are you retarded
I think you are mixing up regular cop duties with Robocop's duties.
Normal cops do all sorts of shit that's not in video games and movies...you stupid nigger.
But what if they want to become cops?
Fuck off, cuck
>The absolute state of Europe
They do. I turned a corner going the speed limit and a lady cop snuck up into my blind spot and waited until I got out of the car while holding her hand on her gun. She then (while holding her gun still) made me say what I did wrong, which was literally nothing. I don’t know if she was trying to get me to incriminate myself but I literally did nothing wrong (white guy, poo cop). Power crazy bitches with guns is a bad idea.
What if they want to become Presidents? Answer: Don’t let them. They all want it to be a womens world.
I'm supportive of total castration of all swedish men - get it over with already, watching your downfall is too painfall.
It's nice to have wants, isn't it?
they should become actors and play cops on television? Who gives a fuck about what somebody wants to become, faggot
Cops enforce laws. If people don't respect cops then they don't respect laws.
well fuck, you got me
the woman wants something, it's imperative we halt male recruits and get the bitch in ASAP
This is the dumbest post I have seen all day. Kys
i see. and there is only 1 type of job for all cops? they all do the same thing.
you are a child.
We are talking about grunts. And yes they all to the same kind of job.
grunts? you dont live in fucking iraq.
cops need to talk 99.9% of the time. they arent soldiers
and you are so grown up, such a sophisticated adult seeing all the nuances that in a few years your people will be wiped from the face of the earth and your country will be a second somalia. Keep sniffing those farts Sveny boy.
When i watch zootopia i cry every time
First of all, females can't talk. Second, grunt means cop on patrol. Third, a cop takes a call, writes a report, job's done. If neccessary he should beat the shit out of people who don't comply. To prevent his he should be intimidating in the first place. Rarely he shoots people. The end.
>cops need to talk 99.9% of the time. they arent soldiers
Cops need to exude authority you cuckold dumbass. And guess what, some painted 50 kilo roasty is no better than a child at doing so.
>Women should NOT be allowed into the police force.
obvious statement of the year
OP is correct. The worst part isn't the physical weakness. It's that they always act like they have something to prove and will antagonize subjects (especially males) to the point of having to call other units for backup. Then, when they do arrive, the female has the nerve to go hide somewhere while the men take care of the mess she's made.
Swedes who believe that women are entitled to any job because "they want it" may frequent these pages
Some bull dykes are stronger than a lot of men. There are many butch lesbians on the Police force.
Women need to stay out of men's affairs period.
This thread is not complete without the rape scene webm from Riot.
>on my way to school
>stop over at coffee shop
>cop ahead of me
>looks like she hasn't worked out in months
>I am 5'9 and pump iron 4 times a week
>realize that this midget is just walking around with a gun strapped to her hip and I still am not even MILDLY intimidated by her
I got into this discussion with a friend of mine and said that there are certain jobs that women should not be able to do, just like how we do not allow men to work in women's shelters. She thought it was sexist and I just asked her, "Okay, 4 am. There's a loud break into your apartment. You call 911. Whom do you hope comes to protect you? A male cop or a female cop?" She gave me some weak ass argument, but I could see that she and I both knew that she would hope a man shows up.
Women are retarded and society is retarded for putting up with their bullshit.
Stop posting this coal burning subversive
The guy just simply walked away from them. Jesus. Our cities are becoming more dangerous as a result of female cops and liberals consider it to be progress.
Oh my god you're a badass
>More dangerous
>MUH liberals
Actually this is the safest time to be a live in the history of humanity, and crime rates are continuing to fall
Thank a liberal
That was, without a doubt, the most casual get away ever. I mean, the guy was just being nice and just brushing them off of himself. If he wanted, he could have punched one and knocked her out, taken her gun and murdered the other.
As long as they are paired with one another I give not a single fuck.
Same for the military. Wanna play soldier? great here is your platoon/squad or what ever.
Go have so fun girls.
Not all Swedes are like this. Don't fall for the meme. I know many swedes personally and i can tell you none of them is that way and neither are they cucked.
Allthough i am totally against women in military or police forces. They are physically not able to accomplish.