Mongol Empire >>> anything Europeans have ever done

Mongol Empire >>> anything Europeans have ever done


Why is this so hard pill for especially Brits and Russians to swallow?

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Nice to see a Finland thread not made by another Finn for once.

Never forget the Hyper war.

This isn't meme thread. Fuck off.

An to continue you finns weren't even be part of this great empire so stop WE WUZZING.

I never joke about the Mongolian Empire.

finns are mongolian, and finns are white

therefore the mongol empire was white

Fuck off with your stupid memes.

This thread just proves how hard it is to whites to admit that the greatest empire ever was not achieved by white people.

The legend tells that Genghis himself was of Red hair and Green or Blue eyes.

wtf i love the legend now

I claim this thread in the name of the greater Finnic khaganate and there is nothing you can do about it. Only the purest mongol blood writhes in my veins, can you say the same mr 56%?

Wrong faggot, all they did was rape and pillage.
The spread of western civilization dragged their subjects out of ignorance and poverty.

Also have better folk music then Europeans
I wish Kengaskhan would come back and invade our territory
I for once would dedicate my life to the mongolian overlords

Yet these great western countries couldn't do anything when faced against the great Khan and his empire.

What are you talking about? Netherlands never belonged in the empire.

Why russians and amerifats are so weak.

Was talking about European territory. if they ever got here we'd sure as hell be Mongolian bootlickers. Just like we did with the Romans, French and Nazis

You've seen nothing yet

fuck off with this degenerate new age beat!
only real music allowed

Have you guys noticed how the so called Scandinavian/ Germanic master race have NEVER had an empire? None of their pre-Christian religions survived at all, not even in text form. Why were they so shit for most of human history?

>greatest WHITE empire

Gunpowder bitches

In the end, they couldn't conquer Europe

That's because of the ice age and the rough nature of the north. In comparison to most empires of history the northern peoples only had so much time to grow in population or raise an empire. The closest we had was Sweden during 12th to 16th century and even then their major problem was their relatively small population. In the modern age where the size of the population has become less relevant all of northern Europe became first world and set the standard that most people wish they could have. (Not counting the collective suicide Sweden has been committing for the last decade or so.)

>Have you guys noticed how the so called Scandinavian/ Germanic master race have NEVER had an empire?
You mean unless the German or swedish empire?
How come anglos never know basic history?

>what is the British Empire?

>what is the American empire?

>the Soviet empire?

>the Viking empire?

Mongol empire still better tho.