Daily reminder that all anti soy propaganda is being spread to the masses because the men behind the curtain have...

Daily reminder that all anti soy propaganda is being spread to the masses because the men behind the curtain have realised it is a god food and will ruin their plans for an unhealthy population.

There is absolutely no link between soy consumption and estrogen in your body.

The same cannot be said about plastics, yet here you all are rattling your fingers away on a plastic keyboard, resting them on a plastic mouse, boiling your water in a kettle with plastic in it, giving your child hot milk in a plastic baby bottle, cooking your microwave meal in a plastic container, hell they even brought out white plastic tooth fillings as an alternative to putting mercury in your mouth!!

Eat your soy or keep being one of the sheep.

Plastics are the real enemy, yet there's never been mass memetics about them like this.

Why do you think that is? It's because the truth isn't profitable for these demons.

Good points. Inexpensive and healthy foods that can be used in many different ways must be a nightmare for them.

You have to be extra retarded to believe that, fucking kill yourself

I don't get how so many people are buying this bs about soy & estrogen.

Like any food it gets murdered by your stomach acid, and then any nutrients/ calories are absorbed.

What's going into your stomach isn't going to disrupt your hormones strongly either way, and even when chemicals or nutrients from foods do have slight effects, the male endocrine system will always naturally counter any surge in estrogen, while the female endocrine will always naturally counter any surge in testosterone.

Plastics on the other hand have no nutrients or natural compounds you'd get in food, but industrial chemicals like bisphenol A which once in your food (or on your skin) aren't getting digested, but circulating and fucking things up.

Many healthy & natural foods are anti cancer, though. I didn't make the image, but I don't think it's retarded at all.

please go back

>may reduce hot flashes
Women have hot flashes for drops in estrogen as part of symptoms Of premenopaus, aka reaction in estrogen.

Explain yourself.

Then why is soy in literally everything, and why is it one of the most genetically modified foods, and why such a large amount of the soy production in the world owned by Monsanto and other huge corporations? Soy itself may not be so bad, but the way it's been used is certainly not healthy or godly.

t. I don't know what cancer is

No thanks, I'll keep drinking from PET bottles instead

>Plastics are the real enemy, yet there's never been mass memetics about them like this.

There has been lots.

>There is absolutely no link between soy consumption and estrogen in your body.
the link is my eyesight, soygoy

I never browse /fit/. There is a very real meme/ current topic on Sup Forums about soyboys and how eating soy makes you grow tits.

It's a crock of shit and it's being peddled by someone.

Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.

#bringbackourgirls #justicefortrayvon #metoo #elizabethwarren

There's been some very surface-level studies about phitoestrogens in soy and estrogen-mimicking molecules decomposing from PET plastics since 2011 at the earliest
Want me to look for some right now, or can you do that yourself?

It's probably the strong correlation between soy eaters and being naive, effete, emasculated, weak, treasonous communists.

>I don't get how so many people are buying this bs about soy & estrogen.
The people that have eaten soy for centuries, East Asians, just happen to have males that look soft and feminine. Totally unrelated!

Harvard study showed men who consumed soy had a 41% lower sperm count, try again faggot.

So go post this on you soyboy manlet. You will be BTFO in minutes with actual scientific evidence and not kikebook infographics like you just posted.

Soy is shite and should not be consumed in the amounts and forms that most people are exposed to. That said plastics are awful, should be used much less than they are now (ie any hot food or beverage at least), and probably have contributed to gender bending second only to glyphosate. It isn’t the GMO foods, it’s the pesticides that go along with it.

It's true, soy is but a scape goat, the real culprits are animal products and petroleum based products such as plastic, pesticides, aspartame, ect.

if i eat soy will she like me?

Hahahaha this. It's literally good as an estrogen supplement.

it's over, america has fallen
>Approximately 20–25% of U.S. infants receive at least some soy-based formula in their first year (there are no numbers on how many are exclusively fed soy formula).

Most soy is GMO therefore it is pesticide infested. You're basically eating pesticides when you eat Soy.

Fuck off vegan shill

So you're saying there's anti-soy propaganda?

>Prevents Hotflashes because it's full of estrogen

Keep parroting that ugly mutant Paul Joseph Watson you autist speds.

Don't bother looking into the positive views of soy.

No. She's always looking for someone better.

Is that the reason that asians in america look manlier?

(Sup Forums is fucking stupid about almost any topic, except the jew)

i..i will keep looking thankyo user

There are literally massive quantities of phytoestrogens in raw soy, there are also massive quantities in plastics and massive quantities of actual estrogen from birth control pills and atrazine in the drinking water.
Why the fuck could you possibly need to consume it? Vegan? Eat potatoes and nuts. Poorfag? Food is cheap if you shop smart.
Explain yourself

that dude is such a faggot. literally every video is cringe

Are you the manlet with the bitch tits that wanted his gf to see a real man's body?

No thanks, I will stick to whey protein isolate. Fuck off with Monsanto pesticide poison.

>media attacks corn (anti-corn syrup)
>media attacks wheat (anti-gluten)
>soy promoted as wonder food while it's secretly put in literally everything
oy vey how could I not see the benefits of soy?

Is this the best the Jews have to offer? A retard sperging lies that are scientifically provable as lies.

Lol, you couldn't last a day doing what I do kid.

Plastics / phthalates / endocrine disruptors are terrible for your health, but soy is not good either.

All of my male friends who eat soy and drink beer are skinnyfat messes with man boobs

Daily reminder that soy is for chinks and faggots. Europeans eat hearty grains, meats, and cheese.

>that jiggle at the end

That's racial, not diet. Those fuckers eat bugs and testicles and all types of shit

Oh yeah? What's that? Backpage mtf nonpassable "escort"? No thanks.

Here have another to save your test from the OP test goblin.