Do you own gold Sup Forums?

Do you own gold Sup Forums?

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A little but not enough.

Nice try Mr. IRS agent

Go bitcoin OP
I just bought this handful of craigslist for $8k
Not selling till it goes to $100k though

*off of craigslist

No, I lost it and all my guns in a tragic boating accident.

No I own bitcoin because gold is gay

Hi, I’m William Devane and I see the world in financial crisis. With trillions of deficits, political upheaval and unstable governments trying to print their way out of money troubles, I’ve become very concerned and that’s why I buy gold every chance I get. I even like the feel of gold. I buy my gold from Rosland Capital because I trust them. No zero or one percent over cost gimmicks.. And Rosland ships my gold faster than anyone else and that’s important to me. You can also put your gold in a retirement IRA. So protect yourself from the chaos, choose stability with Rosland Capital. Ask yourself: Are you safe?

I always thought buying gold was just aimed at old insecure paranoid retards???

Only a couple ounces. I'm going to be getting more, eventually.

It is.

>Mfw I read this entirely in his voice

I need to get my parents to stop watching Fox News...

*off Craigslist.

Bitcoin's value is entirely dependent upon the perceptions of the sheeple that are pouring their money into it thinking they will "get rich easy". Gold and silver will always be worth the amount of work required to extract them. Gold>>Bitcoin

Do you own gold relics?

ya i eat it yum yum yum godlike

>buy gold at market price
>price goes up
>try to sell
>cant sell at market price

what did they mean by this?

some physical, some paper gold
My PM is mostly silver now

Those coins look like they've already been redeemed...

Strictly speaking, the IRS doesn't care if you own gold. They care if you sell gold, and you made a profit doing so.

No but i own this

Gold is useless when a real event hits the fan. People want food and sex, so gold would be useless to most in a situation like that

Silver is gold for po-folks like myself, maybe one day I'll cash out crypto for a gold coin or two.

Very interested in getting into copper bullion as well.

how do you know it's real gold? not pyrite or gold plated?
you got ripped off nigga!!!!

Holy shit, that's cool user. Nice taste.

noticed theyre shilling against gold in the media in my country today, then i see this thread.

wtf cunt how many bitcoins did u get??
and only $8k? holy shit u got a fuckin steal of a deal there mate, even 1 of those bitcoins there is im pretty sure about $15k

Ducats are nice.

you are super dumb mate. yes, in the immediate aftermath of a major even, you would want food, water and guns. if you are preparing for such, you should have those, before gold. However, if you are investing in something that will survive a major happening, like world shattering that would make you need to use those food, water and gun stores, well guess what the currency is gonna be shortly after? It's going to go back to gold for a time like it has for thousands of years. Though i'm sure you could trade food, water or guns for shit, which is also why i said you should have those first. That watch is pretty cool, but if you wanna be wealthy in a rebuilding civilization gold is what you want to have. All paper money will likely be worthless as well as everything stored online(most people's wealth).

>using bare hands
just fuck my currency up fem

Son of a gun I did too, and I can't afford to dive for it either.

Yeah, before my grandfather died he bought a shit ton and left it to me and my brother.

how much is a shit ton

Good taste

And guess what? I brought that shit in El salvador

Read my name im not user

Honestly we have never weighed it out, it’s just two burlap sacks of gold coins. Plus he had a bit of silver as well.

I did this with baseball cards back in the day

how rich are you that you have like 100's of thousands of dollars worth of gold that you never bothered to find out how much it is. also i hope you don't tell many people you have that, because that's worth robbing you over, even for people that aren't niggers.

Are you fucking serious? Ahahahaha hahahahaha ha aaaaahahahahahaha

Some, but not enough.

I wasn't too bummed about missing out on bitcoin until apmex started accepting it.

I could've bought 1 bitcoin for $1000 a year ago and had MUCH more gold than I do now.

Kinda sad

yes I have golden chain

That's a shame.

The feds will offer to help look for them at your house

Hell no. Only my family and a few close friends know we own it. I live in the backwoods of Kentucky, so almost no one lives near me.

300 oz of silver

Bait right?

Buy gold goyem, it's a good investment.

no but my family has a ridiculous amount of silverware form the 1700s

Yes once the dust settles, it'll instantly regain value again
Sure, guns will be almost priceless
But if you own 10 guns, you'll probably want to sell one for enough gold
Thus, the economy is restarted

False. The value of anything (except for maybe food) is determined by perception.

I have 8 gold sovereigns from my grandmother so 65g of gold.


No, you are an idiot. Gold and silver are valuable and needed for many things. Their high density makes them an easily portable medium of exchange. Gold and silver have been incredibly valuable throughout the recorded history, and pre-history of mankind. They will probably be valuable 12,000 years from now also. The electrical contacts in your faggot phone are not coated in bitcoin. You are a slobbering idiot.

That is absolutely true. Gold was, is, and always will be valuable till the end of times. Globalists hate people storing physical gold and sell scams such as "Gold ETF" or "Gold derivatives". There is a reason why Russia and China are storing gold in a very large number, in case of fiat American dollar collapse.

Silver is also very valuable, next to gold, because it is intrinsically valuable and is used to manufacture a lot of important electronics.

Books to read:
- Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis
- The New Case for Gold
- The War on Gold

this is gimmic

>Rosland Capital is a Gold IRA scam.

>A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau
>Guides on how to transfer your 401k's, stocks and bonds to precious metals

Try it out now for a discount when you use promo code "Ben" at checkout

Buy physical gold and store it YOURSELF. Don't buy gold IRA, gold derivatives, gold ETF, etc. or store your gold in any banks. When shit goes down, your physical gold in your own hand will be the safest bet. Any gold stored in banks will be taken for the sake of rescuing market.

nah, the paper market killed all interest in it, but i'm interdasted about what will happen in the morning cause those threads seem to not to be accidental, my bet is that trump's rally will get whacked, quite soon maybe because of that:
we'll see

Read this:

Invest in gold?
>How about investing in something you can use? Or maybe something you can dispose of sub-human scum hoarding gold with?

Because it is the safest asset when fiat currency with no intrinsic value (like US dollar) collapses.
Read this:

Sorry wrong reference:

Oh, I was reading shitton about it back in my ancap days, if trump will pull the trigger on clintonites there are no limits to what can happen, but I know for certain that currency wars is/was a misnomer - the guy behind is a hack proven wrong over the years (Rickards, just remembered the name), It weren't wars, the western central banks acted in concert inflating one after another, not trying to fight off the debasement of others but propping asset prices globally.Thing is, after some years predictions and supposed hard limits of all sorts get broken. Even if I had shiny I wouldn't be happy to see the price rising - it means trouble, big trouble, and most of the time it's trouble for you, not the bad guys.
ps. Russians seem to be first and foremost for itself and so is china. Sure the fight our overlords (well at least russia) but that doesn't make them saits. Making the biggest holders, that is Indians, filthy rich isn't a nice prospect either.
too complicated go this:
or some polimer, whatever, there are tons of good 9mm

No, the currency war is just getting started, with China starting to launch gold-oil-backed currency and demanded Middle East countries to trade oil in yuan. Russia is stacking physical gold like ever before.

The time for U.S. dollar to endlessly print is about to be over. New competitors are in town. U.S. reserved currency could be replaced by Chinese yuan or IMF's new currency in the next 10-20 years.

The reason why Ron Paul was wrong was because U.S. at his time does not have any competitors, and could print endless amount of currency and everyone has to use it to buy oil. But NOW, China and Russia are really challenging U.S. dollar hegemony, and the case for gold is more relevant than ever.

>Gold is useless when a real event hits the fan. People want food and sex, so gold would be useless to most in a situation like that

And the people who have food, what will they want for the food? Cigarette lighters? Bottle caps?

Your comment is anti-historical, and basically......retarded.

yes i stick it in my asshole

Muh gold.
I mainly buy dental jewish or nigger blood gold.
This year I won't buy,last year I bought in case Lepen won and she went full frexit unfortunately french pussied out

>That rare post where the jew give good advice

That is a very good video. Very good argument for gold.

PS: WTF is that digit???

that's so dumb laddie
jews can't print an infinite number of the second

That's why they invented the futures market.

So the true currency is......
Muh dik?

you have no idea what your talking about, it's been years since anybody tried to peddle those stories, something is afoot, like I said probably hammer is going down on S&P to punish trump, wonder what he'll do about it since he essentially owned the rally after election, now fuck off I need to read a few comments under the article I linked

The difference is that one is valued by everyone else and can be used. Network effect.
Same reason why Facebook is poz'd but has value and MySpace is also poz'd but worthless

When S&P going down, guess which price is coming up? Paper money or gold? Research every other recession and see the charts, see which price went up during every single recession and depression.

Or ok I don't know what I'm talking about. Keep all your dollar paper money. Don't keep any gold at all. It's bad for your health. Good luck.

the difference is that the one HAS more value
value is determined by what people are ready to give for it.

kys your pics suck

>value is determined by what people are ready to give for it.

You say one piece of paper has more value than another one? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes all the paper goes in the trashcan. US is a special case, because our paper money (although it sucks) is still the best in the world. But remember it still really sucks, it's illegal, and the government will probably steal it from you or me. Bitcoin was worth ten million times more it turned out. Anyway gold is OK.

blockchain is already dead

Yep, wish I bought more bitcoin instead.

Nope but trust me when it comes down to it prostitution will happen

oh, ...... yeah let us know how Armageddon was you manly SS survivor you.

Should I buy silver or fractional gold? I can only buy about 650 dollars worth every month so going for a full ounce of gold would take too long to have a proper DAC.

Sorry, DCA rather.

What is reverse image search? Do you newfags even know how to do that from this page?

What? I couldn't understand what you were trying to say can you please repeat?

what is that? real sweet looking action

gold in the US is shilled so when we reset the USD, we can nationalize all gold and you all can suck dick because uncle sam now has your gold

How does this one even work?

>Uncle Sam has your gold

Look at east.

Someone threatening to steal gold, just proves gold is the real thing of value.

>Oh man gold really sucks it's shit!!
>But I also want to steal it from you so bad!!!

if you don't physically own your own gold you're doing it wrong. same thing will happen to banks as it will gold vaults, everyone looking to withdraw and they dont have the gold in stock

Death to Yanet Yellen.

>do you own worthless useless shiny jew trinkets?

No senpai.

If you arent regularly setting aside some amount of your income and buying 1oz gold coins when you have enough, then you're legit an idiot. Gold isn't even about making money - it's about keeping the money that you have valuable. $1000 in paper money doesnt lose it value in the same way that a $1000 in gold does.

ton of a shit?

How about silver? I was thinking of slowly and secretly building up a briefcase of 1 kg silver coins over the next few years

All the gold bugs should shut up. They/we were all wrong, only the bitcoincucks were right. the most I can say now is 'gold is OK' but man we fucking missed bitcoin.

no, because this isn't the 18th century.

Sometimes no physical bar available for the amount I want to buy.
Right now 10g bar is rather scarce here, I have no choice but to buy 10g gold certificate and withdraw it when restocked

Got my jewgold stashed so no fking white can get to it.

That's why I'm have diversified into owning 20 Thai prostitutes.

Same idea. Again, from my perspective, in terms of sealing the value of the paper money that you have I'd recommend it, though I'd still recommend sticking to gold if you can. Smaller footprint and immune to jewish tricks. Not too sure about how silver would be treated, but certainly a lot better than nothing.