Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Aoi a QT

This shitty general will finally die. Hope ArcVfags don't fuck up the VRAINS threads

This. DM and GXfags are cool, Zexalfags are kinda boring and 5D's and Arc-Vfags are just shitposting balls of rage.

It's gonna be mostly the same faggots, with maybe some other faggots joining up over time, just like Sup Forumsrc-V has been over the years.

VR/a/INS will be fun with a side of shitposting. Hopefully the ride will be just as interesting, even if it's not always good.

We're still going to be dealing with Arc-V fallout though

However thank god the show is ending in two weeks

>meanwhile on the show Yuya and Yuzu kids

We have a month without yugioh.

Literally this. We need a VRAINS thread for true patricians.

Forgot the picture.

I'am glad Joeri will do a last Amazing appearance and fuse Odd Eyes with Starve Venom. Second best Yu after all.
Also, Reiji's new monster looks cool. This will probably be the best duel In ARC-V

I wanna fug Erin-chan

>This will probably be the best duel In ARC-V


>implying VRAINS, the show itself, won't fuck up the VRAINS threads

>Second best Yu after all.

Aoi is so bland. Like she LITERALLY looks like some background character that's just there but never talks.

Its a shame the show is Pokemon tier now. Has the MC and Eri hook up yet?

Sorry Fusion but i was talking about Ute

Arc-vfags and Ritualfags will ruin those threads since day one.

This. The worst part of Sup Forumsrc-v was all those anons calling Arc-V a revolutionary show.

It actually just graduated from Pokemon tier and now they're going to go into the Deep Web, aka: Digital World.

I think that's a deliberate choice. Her VR avatar will probably be very flashy. Expect MISUNDERSTANDINGS as Aoi and Yusaku are both normal plain people in real life while in VR, Playmaker and Aoi's VR avatar have a longstanding rivalry.

Less than a day until the final cast list.

Who do you want to have speak in the final episode?

Rude, desu. Yugo is very tender.


>Pokemon tier now
What are you smoking
>MC and Eri hook up yet
Why do you guys always grasp at straws?

Them! I want them all back. I want to see Yuya and Reji dole out synchro and fusion for Reji pendulums and for Yuya a synchro pendulum for Clear Wing. I want Reji and Yuya to actually go at each other with all they've got with NO ACTION CARDS.

>Who do you want to have speak in the final episode?
Kaito and all the Legacy characters

>TrickSTARS have great designs, a flashy mechanic and will likely get popular as petdeck
I seriously hope nobody is expecting Aoi to NOT be the main girl.

Where was this a year ago?

>Rin had so little screen time
>Ruri had so little screen time
Konami and NAS will always do shit shows

She will be the main rival, also. Don't forget that.

Arc-V ended up shilling fusions harder than pendulums.

Konami pushed rank 4s harder than pendulums in the packs.

Pendulums were cucked from the start.

>People think trickstars will be relevant
You've learned nothing

It shilled synchro harder than pendulum, dumbass


In the final moments, it's revealed that everything was a book Roger was writing, he shows it to the City council who tell him that it's an awful book with a terrible ending. Then they ask him about those captured Lancers and Roger tells them they all died during the riot they tried to stage.

The End.

It's not shilling unless the cards are good.

Pretty good, user.

I don't think they will be relevant, but they're definitely quality pet-deck material. I'm not dumb enough to expect her to be the rival but she is definitely main girl and I'm actually sure TrickSTARS will be treated better than Melodius.

>irrelevant piece of shit


>He did overthrow Zarc as the final boss

Yuzu. That's it. Probably not going to happen.

End of series Yuya's deck.

>Rune Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Brave Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
>Odd Eyes Violet Dragon
>Performapal GattlingGhoul
>Performapal Odd Eyes Metal Claw
>Odd Eyes Vortex Dragon

>Enlightenment Paladin
>Nirvana High Paladin
>Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
>Odd Eyes White Dragon
>Odd Eyes Meteorburst Dragon

>Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
>Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon
>Odd Eyes Raging Dragon
>Odd Eyes Absolute Dragon
>StarTime Magician

His extra deck has grown massively compared to the 0 he had before. Through I still doubt Yuya's keeping the other 3 dragons. Yuri,Yuto and Yugo all still called them their dragons didn't they? Plus without them, the odd eyes pendulum extra deck monsters cannot be summoned.

>Cards he never used
>Cards you made up

Better than the real ending for sure.

Melodious were treated great outside of a single fusion being garbage and getting no non-Fusion support. All of their cards were good (outside of Prima), or at least reasonably playable.

The worst part is that they never got a Rank 3 or a Rank 4 that wasn't Fairy Cheer Girl. Synchros and Pendulums would be nice, but it became clear when Bloom Prima was summoned that she was getting dropped hard.

Hopefully they'll be treated better than not only Melodius but also Cyber Girl and Rose. Aki's rose cards are terrible for the game even back then and the Cyber Angels are ritual deck without a ritual draw engine.

I feel sorry for anyone thinking that Aoi looks good, will be relevant, will be a decent duelist.

>Ad hominem
Nice argument you have there, (You) sure showed ME

Aki didn't have an archetype in the anime. It was just random plants with a random dragon ace.

She will be as relevant as Aki or Azuka were allowed to be.

Aki's deck was like Yusei and Jack's decks were: They HAD an archetype, but there was a lot of semi-generic support in there. If I recall, it was supposed to emulate how competitive decks were built, but honestly the archetypes themselves never really went anywhere originally. Junk Synchron was the only Synchron worth a damn for the longest time, and only 2-3 other Synchrons have ever been good outside of that. Resonators had to be saved by secondary support and Arc-V (by a second archetype of all things). Roses have always been the worst parts about Aki's deck to the point where even the anime dropped them.

You will feel ashamed of your words when Best Idol Girl decides to unleash the true power of her Tricksters deck.

Tricksters already look somewhat degenerate.

Fuck dammit,Yuya!

Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon
Performapal Pyro Lobster
Performapal Shieldrummer
Performapal Pararhino
Performapal Undercover Hippo
Performapal Nightmare Knight
Performapal Drogallop
Performapal Flat Rat
Performapal Trap Mimic
Performapal Dropgallop
Performapal Flat Rat
Performapal Miracle Mirrorabbit
Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver
Performapal Odd-Eyes Minotaur
Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron
Scales Magician

At least he's finished with Jack now so he doesn't have more to shill but I really fucking hope the only new monsters he uses in the Reji duel are the Odd Eyes Venom, Odd Eyes Wing Dragon and maybe something that brings those and Rebellion Dragon together

Yuya's ED will most likely look like this by the time the show ends:

>Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
>Performapal Gatling Ghoul
>Starve Venom Fusion Dragon
>Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon

>Enlightenment Paladin
>Nirvana High Paladin
>Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
>Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon

>Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
>Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon
>Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon
>Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon?

Integration (Fusion-Synchro-Xyz-Pendulum):
>Supreme King Dragon Zarc

Arguably Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon are now Yuya's but he'll almost certainly never use them

she is a CHARISMA duelist with Go its in the fucking description they are a duo and likely join Yusaka's peanut gallery or become team rocket

>This will probably be the best duel In ARC-V
If Reiji trashes Yuya like the rest of their duels it will be.
Yuya did nothing to reach this level except the show sucking his EGAO dick.

They'll probably both start as minor antagonists who hops onto Yusaku's dick after he smashes them in a duel.

She looks good and nothing will ever change that even if she becomes Yuzu 2.0

I'm going to run a Trickster deck and you can't stop me

This, YGO has been garbage like this since GX, The dick sucking dweeb patrol never ends. I'm sick of it. Yuma's shitty friends, Judai's hanger ons, Yusei's season 1 friends,Yuya's friends. It needs to fucking end or I'm done with this franchise.

I know that there are more of these images. I beg thee, user, post them.

Yuya defeated Jack and Joeri. Isn't that enough?

Jack let him win.

You mean to say the entire time Yuya was doing his retarded over the top entame parade bullshit not a single action card spawned?

Then quit it, retard. No one is keeping you here

There's not a single duel Yuya won on his own in the entire series. Think about that, every single one of his victories have come from either Zarc taking over, action magic spam or his opponents looking at his stupid ass gimmick instead of running for their own action cards because Yuya is SOOO FUCKING AMAZING.

Then you combine this with miracle draw and Yuya is the weakest fucking protagonist, even weaker than Yuma!

>Rat to 1
isn't that too harsh?

What about now? Yuya will defeat Jack

Why is this allowed?

No, it was cancer. Rats need to be exterminated.


>My friends are cool, the others are boring and ragers

But with Drident and Barrage gone, the deck is essentially dead already.
If you leave rat at 2 at least they can do something, still.
All their plays hinge on having 3 rats available.

Yuya's friends were his friends from the start. The only one you could argue was dickriding him due to a defeat was Sawatari, but honestly Sawatari surpassed Yuya pretty early on, only getting shafted by lucksacking and MC-tier bullshit.

Im the retard for having standards? Fuck you,user. If Vrains starts showing the obvious sign of being shit, then I'll leave this garbage franchise and never look back, but for now you're stuck with me until episode 50 or 26 and I'm gonna show you what's up every step of the way. I won't let them get away with this for a 3rd time. I'll make sure everybody knows how garbage the anime is and not to tolerate crap should Vrains fail to deliver and right now, it's looking to fail with how awful everybody looks and how bland the lead's cards are.

Rat is a potent engine. Good engines can make Links just as easily as they can make other shit. It's less about Rat and more about shit that Rat can accomplish that will keep people from buying the new cards.

Now to see if TCG will actually put out a list this decade.

You tell them, user. I'm proud of your conviction.

Staymad fag

>The dick sucking dweeb patrol
But that's been happening since the first one

That happens in literally every children's franchise

If you wanted people to buy links you'd kill infernities

>she is a CHARISMA duelist with Go
I'm pretty sure all the duelists who do the VR thing will be called Charisma duelists since that is a real term for people who cosplay or act different when they duel

I've never seen a YGO series where I ended up hating an entire archetype before

user, the current year is 2017. Infernities have been dead for years. They had a small uprising when Destruction Magician came out, but they were quickly quelled again.

>for a 3rd time
Man, Zexal was seriously not that bad at all

fuck they're called infernoids, right

I'm talking about 5D's. I got sick of hearing "Sasuga Yusei!" or "YUSEI!" Every time the guy made a single move. I hate shit like that, just shut the fuck up and let the goddamn duel play out, if you're so goddamn worried JUMP IN! The guy is trying to kill your buddy and you're right there,too! Don't just watch if you're that fucking worried, what kinda friends are you?

I'm tired of it, just completely tired of it and 5D's and Arc-V had it all over the place and it just got worse and worse and worse as the show went on.

Noids can go fuck themselves. Them and Kaiju are the only times I've ever looked at an archetype and gone "how the fuck are they supposed to hit this without hitting literally the whole archetype".


Ban Decatron.


remember me?

Konami can't design cards worth shit, it'll either be broken cancer or unreasonable garbage.

capture you or set you free?

With help from Yuto, Yugo and Yuri even if what they did amounts to "Summon my dragon you crybaby"

Konami basically banned the entire archetype, all eight Dragons and Super Rejuvenation.

With Arc-V about 2 weeks from ending, I have to ask, what was your favorite reaction image to come from it during it's run?

Crybaby dragons for crybaby protagonist

I can't believe they're lashing out was excused as them being scared of Ray.

No, many times there's an "enabler" in the archetype/deck that, if reduced/removed, would make the archetype much more tolerable to deal with. The issue with shit like Kaiju is that the archetype is played because of a SPECIFIC mechanic that the entire archetype shares. Hitting something like Gameciel, for instance, would only mean that something else likely takes his place, until only the 3k+ Kaiju are left, and even then some people would still likely consider it.

Rulers were fine at 1 each with 0 babies. The only time the deck was absolutely irritating was when everything was at 3. After that they were basically a decent 4 slots in any Dragon-centric decks. The simple solution was to just stop making meta Dragon decks, but of course K-Money would never do that.

She's a scary, violent, bully though.

I guess that's the problem when you make the protag Duel Jesus