Memes aside, are all Jews bad? Are all Jews the same or do some Jewish groups believe differently enough to not be lumped in with the Soros type comic book villain type kikes?
Memes aside, are all Jews bad...
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A disproportionately large number of Jews are bad, but if you seriously think that all Jews are exactly the same then you're autistic. There are "good Jews" and most Jews are likely just neutral actors.
You could apply the same to most goys, though.
I am not familiar with Judaism are there certain denominations that aren't as bad?
Orthodox are anti-zionist.
Not all Jews are bad. Some Jews are good.
All Jews? No.
All Zionists? Yes.
Aren't "ultra orthodox" the penis suckers though? Or is that just propaganda made by the Zionists?
The jew is an opportunist. The jew will say any lie to you that helps him. He does not cares about truth. Remember that being a jew is being superior to the goyim. Would you reject the notion that you're part of the chosen people?
The religion of Judaism actually isn't that integral to the JQ. Jewishness is more of a cultural and ethnic identity than anything else; that's why there are ardent atheist Jews who still identify as Jews.
Im not sure to be honest.
boycott jews
Warning to all Sup Forumsacks. Due to recent events trumpfags have softened their stance on the kike.
This has invited a massive invasion of kike shills who regard this as an opportunity to strike.
Don't let them subvert this board! Push back and put them in their place!
I actually disagree; Israel is guilty of numerous war crimes and they're an extremely problematic agitator of foreign wars, but I'm not opposed to the existence of a Jewish state on principle. The problem arises when Zionist interests infiltrate and undermine US interests.
Only peple who claim jewishness is cultural are non-orthodox "jews" They want the jewish stigma without having to live the religion. The epitome of professional victims.
I dont get it, how do you disagree with my statement?
I have no problem with Israel or Zionism on principle; it's just the fact that they've been notorious troublemakers throughout the history of their existence that I have a problem with.
Patton Oswalt just said on NPR: "Living in America under Trump is like living in a coal mine filled with poisonous gas."
My grandpa grew up and also taught me to be anti-Semitic and thanks to pol, it lingers
But recently, he told me that most of them aren't that bad, that's it's the top who are the worst of the worst
(Btw, grandfather was extreme canuck from Bakersfield)
Thats because zionists are elitist pricks that see goyim as inferior humans that were created in order to serve the gods chosen people.
Non zionist jews usually arent so nationalistic (im talking about jew that live in other countries that are not Israel) and arent so fucking deluded.
ALL jews are bad.
Jesus came back because of the fucked up shit they called religious when its built on lies.
The non-Zionist Jews are the ones who advocate for libtard shit like open borders and anti-white discrimination. A lot of nationalistic Jews are supremacists who hate goyim, but they're not necessarily any better or worse than non-nationalistic Jews.
>Sup Forums not hating jews ever
Their religion is based around jewish racial purity and world domination.
"You will lend money to many nations and not borrow, and you will rule over many nations and they will not rule over you" Deuteronomy 15:6
all the libtards that push for immigration and sjw shit are zionist you dumb shit
they all see israel as their coutnry even if they are born in the USA
the only jews that are good are those that dont see israel as their country if they are born elsewhere and they are a fucking minority
all the shitheads that put israel over their birth country will undermine the shit of that coutnry in order to make israel more powerful
as in filling it with migrants and terrorist and causing social, cultural and economic shitfests
I live in a small town that is infamous for having a high percentage of kids join the military.
At the local high school, I had a jewish chemistry teacher that served in desert storm. His parents made him join the army and defend Israel at 18. He hates them to this day for fighting for what is essentially a large jewish retirement community.
He went out of his way to redpill kids in my small town about not joining the military instead of actually teaching chemistry (he knew most of us would never use it). Looking back, I could tell he desperately wanted to name the jew. He was a great guy who genuinely loved America and realized selfish jews who refuse to assimilate to the American way are ruining his country and literally getting his students killed.
All are bad
They get brainwashed when young by rabbis and family jews ("your Grampa was gassed 6 times")
>all the libtards that push for immigration and sjw shit are zionist you dumb shit
That's absolutely incorrect, many of them are anti-nationalistic in general and are anti-Israel. Notable examples include Tim Wise and Mike Isaacson (the Antifa giraffe), both of whom are vehemently anti-Israel and anti-nation, as well as anti-white.
I'd say the truly "good Jews" are the ones who support American nationalism. Israeli nationalism is an entirely different subject.
Is it possible to rape the bad out of them? At least the women?
The people you know from Sup Forums as being horrible Jews are racial Jews who have abandoned their religion. Hasidic Jews keep to themselves and have the strictest observance of their religion. Most Jews in Israel are religious Jews. Part of the reason why so many Leftist Jews in the west are anti-Israel, or at least pro-Palestine; because they hate those who are actually Jewish because it removes leftist racial-only Jews from validity in their Jewish identity.
>I'd say the truly "good Jews" are the ones who support American nationalism.
The number of those Jews who exist, and aren't Israel firsters, can be counted on a single hand.
May all enemies of the holy Jewish people suffer and die.
>Most Jews in Israel are religious Jews.
Actually incorrect; Israel is one of the least religious countries in the world. The ultra-religious Orthodox Jews are the ones who control the country, though. And the fact still stands that most Israelis maintain a Jewish identity even if they don't actively practice Judaism.
Id prefer to be the guy on the right. At least he's white and has a normal skull. Being a Jew having to live with a deformed brain.
No obviously not all of them but theres enough to where its a problem
It's been said Jews lack compassion because their frontal lobe is pinched
They are a minority of Jews but they aren't entirely nonexistent or irrelevant either. Stephen Miller is one and he's literally working for Trump.
He's the one to makes a big show of his speeches, acting like Joseph Goebbels. I don't trust him to be honest.
>Hay guyize let's rape teh joos
you're the reason women won't listen to us you fucking JIDF shill
Her head certainly is aerodynamic.
Hypothetical question. Also rape has almost always been a part of warfare, so relax.
>women won't listen to us
I didn't say to rape all women. And Jewish women weren't listening to us in the first place. Maybe they will once the raping begins?
He's essentially destroyed DACA and also drafted the RAISE act, which is to say he's one of the few people working for Trump who's actively and noticeably fighting immigration.
I was thinking of marrying an Ashkenazi woman, but they just don't quite hit the same racial high-mark as European whites. Even the ugliest whites are at least human.
Never met a good one, the only useful ones are those sperging against their race and shenagings they do: Benjamin H. Friedman, Bobby Fisher, David Cole, Molymeme to an extent, there's sth wrong with this blood.
The good or neutral Jews often don't disclose their Jewishness.
gas the kikes. they are anti-human vampire scum
I don't do shit.
nice. And I agree. Once someone identifies as Jewish, they're tainted, since that means their primary loyalty is to the Jewish people.
By the way, as anyone can see I've posted a lot in this thread. I'm passionate about this topic because I've personally known Jews who mislead me, and because Jews are directly responsible for some things that may have negatively impacted me, such as the modern culture of degeneracy. For these reasons I hope they will leave my country, which isn't too much to ask, considering everything they have already gained here. I do not hate them personally, but only realize that their hyper-competitive nature fits better in the Middle East.
Orthodox jews, who are concerned really by their religion are total nuts, but I don't mind.
Jews who see themselves as citizens of their country, and not members of the multinational kikery connection supporting Israel are fine.
Jews using the lolocaust pretext to push their political agenda need to be put down.
>Sup Forums wants mexicans to go back to mexico
>Sup Forums wants africans to go back to africa
>doesn't want jews to go back to jerusalem
never mind the fact that it isn't really their homeland, you would think that mass self-deportation under the banner of zionism would be the best possible solution to the jewish question. so why is Sup Forums against it?
I'm not against it. Leave and never come back.
Well, they thought up Leviticus 20:13 so they can't be all that bad...
All Jews are bad because identifying as a "Jew" is a religious choice and Judaism is anti-White/anti-humanity.
those are ye olde jews. Todays jews are more 'open minded', even the orthodox ones.
All jews are bad