/bugman/ general
Post bugmans, share bugmans and comment on bugmen.
Soyboys are welcome and encouraged to be posted
/bugman/ general
Post bugmans, share bugmans and comment on bugmen.
Soyboys are welcome and encouraged to be posted
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Is that a black kid?
Yes, his wifes son.
Sup Forums meetup
They just photoshopped his skin.
Why do all of them have the same teeth?
What is considered a bugman
That's quite literally taken from r/thedonald
A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.
Everything about his personality and life is not defined by who he is, but by what he buys and his consumerist tendencies. He'll be subscribed to at least one, maybe multiple subscription services, he'll happily use social media and upload all of his information to the cloud, and he'll gravitate towards things that seem "rational" and use big words.
In fact, their social media use defines a lot about who they are, as they try to get the most likes on social media bragging about their life and viewing the lives of others who do the same.
Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen.
>he thinks its photoshopped
>not smiling
The two in the individual pictures are trying not to fear grimace while the cucktrio are gaping their mouths open like retards
black babies look white when first born.
No one even goes there anymore.
>black babies look white when first born.
No, its just the light
I guess everyone starts as good in life.
>her son
Bugmen are subhuman.
Bugmen aren't human
Nah m8 that is from some Canadian speedrunners. NASA.
this can't be real, please tell me its not real
Also, I just realised that the kid in the photo is a nigger.
>The most normal looking person in this picture is a woman larping as a man
The west has truly fallen.
It's photoshoped
A reverse google image search shows the original
As if it's any better
Unless she was rushed to the hospital, they were probably both bored out of their minds waiting for the child to pop out. Childbirth isn't as exciting of a process as it looks on TV.
Why do they make that face? Is it a meme?
>one of the most important moments in your life
>you're on your fucking phone playing a childrens game
I get soy boys but why the term bugman?
Yea but its a shoop
Looks shopped. The bull would have to be ancient african, black hole black to yield a halfblood niglet that dark.
>t. someone who's never had to wait around a hospital room for hours because they greatly overestimated how soon the baby was coming
>he thinks Sup Forums and r/thedonald are two different things
umm sweetie
Try mentioning Jews in r/thedonald, let alone racial differences
Yeh so I nearly lost my wife and child during a very traumatic birthing process during which I could hear two heartbeats slowing down dramatically during contractions. Pokemon seems like a suitable response.
This is the saddest and most accurate thing I have ever read. Damn.
Holy shit. Is this shoop'd?
>no man's soy
>Why do they make that face? Is it a meme?
That's "ironic happiness". They're happy but if they show genuine emotion and someone belittles them for it, then they have no recourse other than to be confrontational and effectively say "fuck you, I wanted a Nintendo Switch, I just got a Nintendo Switch, and I'm pleased with what has transpired."
However as you may have noticed, soyboys are not at all confrontational unless they vastly outnumber the enemy (e.g. Carl the Cuck, AIDS Skrillex)
So in order to pre-emptively protect themselves from criticism, they take their justified joy at getting something they really wanted (gay as though that something may be) and way over exaggerate it, with the wide open mouth "I look like I just won the lottery" face.
Then if some jock tries to give them shit about it, they can say "I was only pretending to be retarded."
Wouldn't that be a good time to offer moral support to the mother of your children?
Hold her hand?
Tell her how much she means to you and how wonderful your child is going to be?
If that's true, it's revoltingly pathetic. No wonder they don't even look like they're actually smiling.
yea its a shop
>"Open your mouths!"
For hours and hours?
Yes. Black babies have lighter skin when they're born
For seven straight hours?
>she's got ice chips coming in one end
>ropes of shit coming out the other
>there's a holographic diamond encrusted Charizard in the next room by the Pepsi machine
Sorry there, Shakespeare.
Yes, let's instead of interacting with our wife whip out our phones and walk around the room like a retard pretending to catch pokemon and post photo's on twitter
too white
Fuckin B A S E D
Someone who's interest and personality are based on consumption of media. This media can almost always be found in some "top 100 best" list. They religiously follow trends so as to avert any risk because they are cowards.
>HER Son
Just spotted that she spawned a nigglet
That must be the kind of person for whom they implemented the "trending videos" tab on Youtube.
oh, hey virgin/social outcast
She looks like she's invested in whatever's on TV in the first picture.
and it was completely ripped off from urban dictionary
>rams head statue with fruit offerings
hail satan!
Are these bugmen or bugwomen?
My god they all look the fucking same
Notice not a single open mouth soyim in the bunch.
They look fucking nuts
Female equivalent:
I think it's bug women with a bugtranny in the background.
Wait... Is that moot?
>that mug
>a fucking leaf
>Playing consoles when you could just build a PC
Also aren't Nintendo's for children?. Most men progress onto shooter or strategy games, not fucking Mario for 8 year olds.
Anybody have the screenshot of the guy who did the psychological evaluation on why they do this?
Can't find it.
What the hell is he doing with his arms and legs?
An eclectic group of individuals is all I see
I think it's more like when a wolf bears its throat to the superior alpha wolf to show he isn't a threat.
If you payed the Jews to watch the last Star JWars you’re a bug man
old boy's only chance is to shave his head and focus solely on getting as jacked as he can. balding at age 17, must be brutal.
Bug merchant?
Smirking, he steps on your porch with a paper that declares your property to be owned by the state. What do?
nu-males don't grow up
Hey guys i am new to pol. What is wrong about the picture? Maybe he is just loving this great women?
Fuck off krautfag.
I think it's just about infinitely better.
>Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen.
They're missing being punched, really hard, right now.