Are most poor people generally just dumb?

Are most poor people generally just dumb?

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They voted for trump, so yeah.

>Im smart but somehow still a virgin and single.

They voted for Hillary so yeah

They voted so yeah

They donated the little money they had so yeah

>I spend all day thinking about his dick

Yes, we should just kill all non rich people


Most? Probably.
The other part is just broken, displaced, and alienated. Think it's bad being a virgin sperg in a middle class family? You could've had the exact same deficiencies with crack head parents. Awful place to be in.

There is a correlation.

Its a contributing factor

Most niggers and spics voted for Hillary. IQ testing consistently show these groups to have sub white scores.

I imagine class and intelligence are only loosely correlated. More relevant is the observation that this sort of argument functions in effect as "shut up unless you're an elite", whether that hierarchy is wealth, SMV, sociability, etc.

Too bad this is a bait thread, because this is a worthwhile topic that could be discussed about how stereotypes, circumstance, and base disposition play out to affect if not outright define someone's economic potential.

inb4 you've never read the book

jewish people are rich due to having a high iq

Isn’t that the same stereotypes attributed to nerds?

Pretty much this
>tfw grew up with heroin addicted parents and somehow did ok for myself

No, but most wealthy people are just lucky

Most poor people are dumb.

People 2+ standard deviations above average IQ also tend to be poor. These people have low representation rates in societal roles for which they are qualified according to intelligence alone.

So basivally, be smart, but don't be so smart that you're autistic or that you get so bored in school that you drop out.


And the average Trump voter made more money than the average Hillary voter, so yeah.

So they are heavily invested in believing

>that you get so bored in school that you drop out

Literally me up until I became an adult, now I regret wasting my time in my youth since I had to build myself up basically from scratch in my 20's. I think it comes down to having above average intelligence paired with absolutely no guidance or parenting from my parents. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people on here like that.

Some are, some aren't. I wish I would have been on Sup Forums when everyone said it was good. I come here everyday, and it's the same dumb shit, all the time. I think I'm just gonna go back to using the internet for porn.

Some are poor because of dumb luck.
Most are poor because they were either born into a culture bereft of intellectual exercise or were born with shit genetics.

They're unable to grasp concepts they've never personally witnessed, nor can they truly understand social paradigms more complex than knowing somebody face-to-face. The consequences of this are manifold. They'll steal from the company they work for under the mistaken belief that the boss isn't actually there to witness it, therefore the theft is undetected - only for the employee to be actually fucking shocked when the boss fires him after checking the inventory and cameras. If someone working in a different field tries explaining even the most basic concepts of their field to the poor man, the poor man will simply stare blankly. It's outside his personal realm of experience, therefore it doesn't exist.

depression, injury and ostracism can contribute.

the average human is dumb as fuck. education has very little to no effect on low baseline intelligence, and merely having access to education (that wealth provides) doesn't mean anything if that opportunity isn't taken. and really the internet has already totally destroyed the traditional concept of education, anyway.

yes the poor are stupid as fuck. the rich are also stupid as fuck. the middle class, RIP, stupid as fuck. we're all stupid as fuck retards bumbling through darwinian-evolved social systems that we live in as nothing more than cellular components.

God damn man how can you jerk off to this ? What happened early in your childhood that caused to you have such a weird balloon girl fetish ?

how the fuck do you measure that?

That's a misleading statement.

Batman happened, user.

I'll never understand how people are poor when they can at least hold down a minimum wage job.
It's like they have this mindset that they HAVE to spend their entire paycheck every time they're payed.
>Rent or Mortgage
>entertainment if anything is left over

I was literally making bank when I got my second job driving trucks around, delivering shit and working part time at McDonald's. Now I've got around 170k USD just sitting in the bank collecting dust in less than 5 years.
It's boring, but living below your means can go a long way. I'm talking about below $60 every month after bills, rent, etc.

Yes but there are some hard working, intelligent poor people out there.Some get dealt a shit hand or get stuck in poverty. For most, it's hard to stay poor if you're above average intelligence in this country.

>I've got around $170k sitting in the bank collecting dust
Then you're a fucking retard. Enjoy your 0.25% return.

Fucking so weird it's fascinating ,Still don't understand it. but enjoy ur trips.

What do you recommend I do with it?

It's the other way around.
Most dumb people are poor.

Being poor doesn't make you dumb, being dumb doesn't help you get rich.


Poor people are:

1. dumber
2. uglier
3. they have less higher values
4. they have less ambition
5. lack the ability to self reflect, which in turn causes a lot of them to be insufferable and act mindless

the worst people i've ever met, were poor

rich cunts exist, but they are a different thing whole together

It's the other way around swissbro.

used to be. now that meritocracy is dead there is no clear line.

Poor people stink

No. The biggest predictor for wealth is age. Young people are poor and the older are more wealthy.

>public school

Yes because there is no such thing as general intelligence. Genetic intelligence peaks with the ability to learn and use language. Higher tiers of intelligence are different types of abilities which are almost entirely skill based.

Poor people spend more of their time and money simply maintaining their shit-tier existence. Being poor makes you stupid, because it changes the calculus of spending your time and the poor are just as rational as the rest of us. It makes more sense for them to spend their time on emotional and physical maintenance than it does learning more skills which are not likely to change their circumstances.

Yes. If they weren't dumb they wouldn't be poor.

They aren't necessarily dumb but they are chaotic. They need an external supply of ordnung to prosper.

I loved all the bernouts that donated money in hopes of having their debt erased instead of putting that money towards something useful like paying off their student loans.

poorfag checking in. never voted in my life. i will slaughter jews and steal their shekels on my road to godhood.

Medpack is actually right tho.

Poor people are generally dumb or lazy.

Yeah you're gonna figure out that most grills don't get wet on facts and figures, maybe except for a few, and most of those few are definitely not in the childbearing ages when they start caring about that stuff.

Sad reality of life but that's the case.

If you want grills go /sig/. Grills sense the energy of accomplishment like a sixth sense so get to it.

or dont care about selling their soul for money.

Poor people I know have incredible survivor skills. They can maneuver the toughest places at the worst times of day fearlessly. Professional people go and hang off the sides of mountains to prove to themselves that they can face the kind of fear that some disabled, old and crazy people do everyday..

>Are most poor people generally just dumb?

no,they're lazy

Group them into age category and you then see the dumb tend to lag their peers in net worth.

>or dont care about selling their soul for money.
Or slaving away for more more and more. When does more become enough? It's better to have simple wants and needs. In the end, everything is gone in a heartbeat.

No he is not.
Being dumb enhaces the risk of being poor
Being ugly doesn't help
Having poor values doesn't help
Having little ambition doesn't help
Lack of self reflection doesn't help

Correlation =/= causation
Having all of those traits doesn't make you magicaly dumb.
You start dumb or you don't.
Look at SJW, these are "erudite" dummies.

>he tries to woo girls with facts and figures

poorfag here i am not dumb i just lack drive and motivation for shit outside my hobbies and i cant make any money doing said hobbies because well i suck

voting is a forced meme. it's like "do you wanna be stabbed by a red knife or a blue knife?"

>lack drive
that's a real fancy way of saying "substance abuse"

Nah i dont drink, drug or do anything else anymore

Just lack drive in general.

I like cars, computers and cooking movies and tv and sadly every normie loves that as well and is miles better then me and already have work, $$$ and big social networks

> i suck
> normies better than me
Train then. Don't be such a defeatist.

Oh im good at like 2 things

>driving like a absolute nutter
Rest is kinda average/shit

i can wrench and weld ok, not good enough to get work

On the topic of that is 23k a year in aud considered poor?

No, "generally" people are average.

generally yes

I'm one of the smartest people I know but poor af. My millionaire friend told me he wouldn't hire me because I'd probably overtake him at some point.

It's just luck of the draw and fortune clutching, anons.

If you want something boring, just put it all into an index fund, or pick some dividend giving safe blue chip stocks yourself.

Put a downpayment on a rental property and enjoy fleecing niggers out of their money.

Chuck a few thousand into bitcoin in the chance that it blows up again.

Basically anything but the bank. Every year that passes, your money becomes worth less due to inflation. You're quite literally losing money, even though the number technically isn't decreasing.


I'm sure it's the proximity effect; if your entire family is stupid and poor, your likely stupid and poor as well

Excellent info, thanks user. Will do when I'm RICH!

A lot of homeless/dirt poor people have mental diseases. Really they should be euthanized to reduce their burden on the government and people around them.

Being poor means less disposable income for things like books.

Tho there is no excuse for ignorance nowadays. With the internet we have libraries at our finger tips yet the poor and even the rich are drawn to intellectual black holes like social media.

Information without critical thinking is useless.

I'm in the same boat as you, but only because I'm intelligent and slightly below average in looks. If I was at least a 7 I would've been able to manipulate my way to the top.
>tl:dr: genes determine what you are in life.

Hard to have a family when you care about things bigger than yourself or your ambitions.

Simply do not have time for it. Show me the greatest men in history and I will show you the most lonely and depressed men in history.