
Paul Nehlen is a loser meme candidate who stands ZERO chance in beating Paul Ryan.

Also, Steve Bannon even disavowed Nehlen earlier today.

Steve Bannon is a degenerate loser. But the truth is both these faggots are zionists and if you support Israel you deserve to be shot.

hahahahah neocons going after one of our own? who would've guessed. ugly abomination under the name bannon is an irrelevant shill for israel that will hang on the day of the rope. kys leaf

reminder leafs will be piled on the day of rake and your bodies will be jumped on by our children

Congrats to Paul Nehlen. Now you have a chance to win.

That piece of Zioshit Steve Bannon had to disavow Nehlen because Nehlen wasn't ready to play the (((game))).

what will Sup Forums do? This evil racist son of a bitch is just the kind of candidate Sup Forums wants. But then look what happened to the molester Roy Moore. If that fat fuck Bannon does not support this guy, he must be extremely evil.

/pol? nehlen is going to have a 24/7 army of autists backing him. I don't see him losing, desu.

Last time, Paul Ryan beat Nehlen 84% to 16%. It wasn't even close, and we shilled hard for Nehlen back then too.

No way he ever gets elected.

Reminder: Leafs aren't Burgers and have no say in burger politics

fuck off leaf
why dont you go suck (castros kid) treudeau cock a bit more

While Nehlen may be right about alot of things politicians aren't willing to admit, he comes off as a cringey teenage angsty faggot with a punchable face. Cheeseheads will never elect him.

Paul Nehlen is a double agent. He is a trojan horse.

Donald Trump is a loser meme candidate who stands ZERO chance in beating Hillary Clinton.

Also, Mitt Romney even disavowed Trump earlier today.

Mate, I don't think you understand. 2018 is to 2017, as 2016 was to 2015. The fire rises

Are you scared, Paul Ryan?

>Paul Nehlen is a loser meme candidate who stands ZERO chance in beating Paul Ryan.
who fucking cares? he could be satan and that would be better than Ryan

We need a candidate who can win, not a meme candidaye who will lose.

>Nehlen gets disavowed for appearing on FTN
>but not for ANY of the interviews he has given to leftist outlets

Shows you (((((who))))) is in charge.


look leaf, you're a minimum 800 miles from WI, so there's no fucking "we"

Thanks for the input Mohammed.

The only thing “we” need is the day of the rake.

Nehlen's a loser who knows he has no chance so he's just going to twitter troll like a fucking doofus.