How did you get a fake rolex around that hippo hoof you fat fuck?
lol this nigga look like majin buu
how can someone get so fat?
First, that is some fake shit
Second, who the fuck wears a watch these days?
Third, how many twinkies do you have to eat to become such a fatbody?
Looks exactly like a cheap seiko, it's hideous.
But it's not even your pic anyway.
looks like a shop, pixels and stuff I can tell you hwat
it was posted earlier you dumb fuck
Lose some weight you fat fuck
The majority of americans are obese
those calves are riddled with cellulitis. poor soul
I think that's a wristwatch wrapped around a ham.
Nice. If you can hearing it ticking its a fake.
jealous fucks
I like the discoteecha and yachts with beautiful people like me.
this has been posted here last few days
fuck off
Nice lower-end rolex. What is that the 3500.00 model. N-rich douche.
>you replied to me and gave arguments to prove im a fat fuck that falls for easily pirated stuff THEY MUST BE JEALOUS!
I can't tell where his arm ends and his hand begins
Looks like frosty the snowman’s hand.
That a Polex or something? looks cheap as hell.
Hahaha look how fat you are hahaha
Rolex on a sausage.
The time is: Fat o'clock
American visiting Finland? Gotta be.
You were supposed to spend that money on diabetes medication you fucking manatee!