I want to hear office stories from Sup Forumsacks who are desk jockeys like me

I want to hear office stories from Sup Forumsacks who are desk jockeys like me.

It can be office politics, sjw horror stories, bullshit that HR has pulled, stupid diversity trainings, company refrigerator lunch thieves, anything really.

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1 bump

i worked in an office once

Avoid all women in your office, everything else is secondary.


My former job made the whole watch this video even though sexual assault only involved 1 percent of my former professions population.

They'd rather bark at the rank and file with this crap as if grown men didn't know rather than teach them to competently use a service rifle or even teach the value of what it means to actually use one in defending oneself and their buddies.

"Intriguing, heart - stopping story with excellent character development. 11/10, would watch again"

IBM employee here, downtown Houston office
We have 3 legit MtF trannies and it makes most of us, including the liberals, VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!
There is hope because even the die hard Hillary supporters are turned of by legit trannies.

Im a middle aged office drone.

If I could give young people some advice it would be this: watch your mouth and watch your ass around women.

You can "joke around" if its all guys (unless one is gay, they are very sensitive [lol butthurt]) but be very, very careful. One wrong person overhearing your 'joking around' can get your ass fired. If you work in a place that is all male (you know, like the actual productive 'get shit done' departments of any corporation) you're fine. But if you work in any capacity near or around women, keep your fucking mouth shut 99% of the time and do not ever disagree with one, at least out loud.

Women, despite generally doing fuck-all at work all week besides gossipping, backstabbing, and discussing the fucking bachelor, are quick, QUICK to toss someone under the bus. Why? They do it for the same reason shitty workers always seek the downfall of good workers: they're jealous and just seeing someone good at their job reminds them how fucking bad they are and if there's one thing women cannot stand it is self-reflection.

So yeah...watch your ass. They are like a bunch of hyenas looking to tear apart any lion they can outnumber and catch. Avoid them. In the last 20 or so years I have seen literally a dozen men lose their jobs due to women initiating a witch hunt, hounding them out, etc. I'm not even talking about shitty guys being dipshits with crude comments or whatever, I mean good workers who happened to slip and offend the cunt circle somehow. Gone. They have no mercy at all when they are on a witchhunt.

So yeah. They aren't your friends. Nobody at work is your pal. Watch your fucking mouth, and watch out for the women....they will fuck you up in a heartbeat if they can find an excuse. Also P.S. stop adding work people onto your fucking facebook you retards.

My mom has been involved with some of the absolute biggest companies in my country for +30 years. She went from lobbying for the danish oil sector to representing the danish state in eastern block countries such as Russia and Kazakhsthan in purchasing natural gas, to finally ending up in top executive position in a sort of "Union" of bigtime danish employers.
Her political opinion has always been shaped by her work as she has seen the absolute inner workings of international european businesses, and my political opinions, i have gotten from her. She knows how much of a burden it is on western europes financial sectors to have cheap labor come into our economies and steal work from danish companies, and she knows that dealing with nonwhite-pseudoeuropeans for big contracts, massively decreases the quality of work being produced, be it in the energy-sector or any other sector.
She has been at the top 1% of danish business for a long time, is very well educated and very intelligent and she knows what shes talking about.

>used to work as accounts receivable for a small hospital
>system went down so phoned IT to fix it
>"we'll have it done by the end of the day user"
>end of day arrives, haven't even showed up
>phone again in the morning "hey y'all coming soon? needs to be fixed kinda now"
>"oh yeah, we'll be there today"
>don't show again
>speak to manager about it, she talks to IT "oh yeah tomorrow for sure"
>fast forward six weeks
>everything is still broken as fuck
>I have been unable to do my job for a month and a half
>entire hospital's receivables are backed up stupid far
>IT not answering my emails/phones anymore
>manager just says "just keep asking nicely"
>fuck it
>get pissy send pissy email
>"yada yada yada you all are shit at your jobs and are making mine a living hell. get your shit together and get this fixed today"
>include admins from IT and my department
>get visit from HR an hour later
>"the content of your email was not in line with the spirit of our company"
>HR doesn't give a fuck that i've basically been blacklisted by our IT department or that 20M per month in recievables has been backed up/ not done in six weeks
>just butthurt that i swore at them
>quit, because fuck those people

Take the last bit of this to heart.

>watch your fucking mouth
yeah i learned that one the hard way
figured i had a good enough reason but it literally didn't matter. i was a naughty boi who needed discipline no matter how justified I was
>don't friend work people on FB
this is a lot bigger than most think

Or maybe just don't be a faggot and delete your facebook altogether


Or you can eat a dick for assuming I have a facebook. It's a warning for plebs not me.

Watch Valve's BIG PINK COOKIE and you will learn everything about the office life.

we all got moms, user. that's all mine is for, that and the occasional catch up with aunts that i rarely see irl who are too old to into anything better


>Project manager (PM) at a major defense contactor
>Required weekly PM meetings to discuss how to achieve a "safety first culture"
>We begin every meeting with a joke to set a "positive tone"
>Week before Christmas's joke
>Q: "What came first? The chicken or the egg?"
>A: "Neither, safety always comes first"

There are women who work and those that dont, sadly, your mom is in the minority



>fly under the radar
>do decent at your job but not too good
>goto another firm that will offer you money after a few years
Rinse and repeat, thats all their is too it really, stop being a fucking faggot.

I've seen a couple people get hounded out over shit they posted on facebook. It seems like everyone under 30 or so just immediately adds everyone at work on facebook as soon as they start working there. Someone posts something, and word goes around and bam....bye bye.

You have to watch out for that shit. Watch out for the cliques and "grapevine". Keep your ears open at all times, but your mouth shut. Especially keep complaints about anything and anyone to yourself. Word will get out. You will get fired, or blacklisted until you quit in misery. I have seen that happen many many times. You want to fly under the radar of the herd/public opinion/the cunt brigade. Be damn good at your job, so going after you will hurt the company or anyone who tries, but be 'boring'...keep headphones in while on break, or be deep into reading something. Listen. Listen to everyone. Smile at their bullshit but be non-committal. Be boring as fuck. But always listening.

I don't know how else to describe it. Keep your head down, your mouth shut, get your shit done, and go home and laugh about all those worthless cunts you work with to your buddies. That's what most of us do who survived.

Corporations fucking suck. One of the biggest reasons is you have to work with dumb fucking women who serve no purpose and go to work to play social games instead of doing their fucking jobs and going home.

Be careful.

>Avoid all women in your office,

This so much.

Women in the workplace can be the very worse. Keep away from them at all times whenever possible. Limit yourself to absolutely 100% professional behavior around them when dealing with them. No jokes. Ever. No conversation outside what is absolutely needed to get the job done.

They will have no hesitation in destroying you, even while they smile and laugh. And the relentless way they will gang up to bring you down is despicable.

They are all potential agent smiths

What an alpha holy shit

David is one sick motherfucker.

Because they're betas.

In my work place I've been able to leverage my attractiveness to receive favorable opinion from the girls. It in turn raises my overall status within the org and sets me up for leadership status.

fuck the safety committee.

It's all bullshit and posturing. Call it the "liability committee" and it would be more accurate, or maybe the "I'm a low level middle manager who thinks posturing at this stupid farce of a safety committee will move me up the ladder because I am too young and stupid to have figured out the corporate world yet" meeting. That's the only good its for.

Useless waste of time. Avoid that shit. Get out of it. Claim to be too busy actually working and getting shit done for your company. If they don't take that for a legit excuse then you suck at your job.

screencapped and saved


I work in IT, there are no women in my side of the building, they're all in sales and management. My job is alright in regards to office politics since it's pretty much all men and all we do is take the piss out of eachother all day and have a laugh. I was in an IT role in my last place but it was a lot less complex so there were a few women in the office and even a FtM tranny, who was actually alright and not a Tumblr type surprisingly but you can't really banter around women, they just don't understand it.

My company manages the IT infrastructure for a lot of hospitals. Whenever we need something from the hospitals IT team and they're reluctant I always go to their manager, I've even gone straight to company directors before. If something breaks or could break in a hospital or a fire service or anything where it could be a life or death situation I am covering every single base possible to absolve myself from any kind of blame and documenting everything. That's all IT is really, it's just finding someone to blame when something fucks up. I hate it.

>mfw i'm the safety manager at my work

love swinging my dick around desu

>manlet comes to my desk
>asks "Do you have any T-Tolkino book?"
>doesn't look me in the eyes even once
>when Im going to answer he literally runs out of the place while saying "I-Im sorry"

I'm not that good looking but I've used my work ethic and compassion to swing the majority of the warehouse to have my back. It was tested the other week when some bitvh said that I mentioned a failing co-worker during a meeting. The co-worker was fired after I left that day because he threatened me behind my back. The following day after everyone had my back but I learned that fuck other people and to worry about my shit. I guess my advice is to treat your workers with respect because it'll go along way and to never trust blacks for shit

You're young and naive. Everyone thinks that at some point.

Reality: they all love you now, but wait until two of them compete over you, or the fat 30+ year old "office drama queen" decides you remind her of some guy who dumped her in college and you get singled out for the cunt brigade's attention. You gonna be gone before you know what even happened.

Leadership position....hahahahah wtf did you just read your first dale carnegie book? Corporations work like "head down, mouth shut, kick ass". That's it. Why do you think most actual corporate leaders come from finance? It isn't just because of their ability to propose budgets and forecast the next few quarters.

that joke is amazing. I'm stealing it for my next safety meeting.

I'm a wh*te American male and I've never had these issues. I got my STEM degree, then became NEET for 5 years looking for the contemporary entry level position, then went to Japan to teach English, then came back with waifu to America to teach ESL to international students at the college level.

Maybe it's just American or Americanized women that are giving you these issues. Thank fuck I never associate with them, even my mother and sisters.

Sooo... you ever slipped her the beef?


It is a fucking liability comity. We plan all our safety fucktardary around "how would we explain this to a OSHA if someone gets hurt".
Out in the open

>first day in office
>run to bathroom
>gotta shit
>didn't want to sit on seat
>squat and pop and blast the fuck out of the entire seat and handle
>go to clean it up
>gets on white dress shirt
>leave and never come back

>swearing in a professional setting
You literally just pissed away the ammunition you had to fix the issue.

I understand how to rangle cunts; I've been around the block. I'm not saying you have complete control, but ignoring women is a sure fire way to lose ground quickly in a coed office environment. Women and men find one another attractive; dance with that and use it to gain authority and respect from your female peers. Work hard and maintain a respectful character and gain the support of your male peers.

that sounds kinda like my mom, but she worked for a member of Bill’s cabinet so she’s pretty bluepilled

>Games industry
>one crossdresser and two sjw/dykes
>95% of the guys else are numales
I used to think I was a geek. Not anymore. It's tough hiding the power lever sometimes.

did not appear i had the ammo in the first place, otherwise it wouldn't have taken six weeks. as it turns out, they did get it fixed the same day as the email. but yeah if i cared about keeping the job at that point, i made a mistake in swearing. hilariously it was my own manager that reported me to HR, not anyone in IT or their admin.

>They do it for the same reason shitty workers always seek the downfall of good workers: they're jealous and just seeing someone good at their job reminds them how fucking bad they are and if there's one thing women cannot stand it is self-reflection.
It's actually a good job keeping strategy for those stupid office bitches. I wonder if they know it is optimal strategy or as you say they are just jealous.

Work in an all female hr office. Candidate comes in (Muslim) and refuses to "shake hands with women as it is against his religious beliefs". Everyone completely accommodating and accepting except me. Refuse to meet him and do not shake his hand.
This is Canada...

fuck social media altogether, it is literally a state spying tool in my country, why participate or care enough about controversial opinions you wish to espouse. It is for people who are now totally indoctrinated to just spout any shit, so much low hanging fruit gets plucked by retarded shit they spout off about on twitter etc. people with an agenda against you only have to know your social media and can take anything out of context they want. ALWAYS hide your power level.

>Young user begins working at a overseas facility in a 3rd world shithole for 18 months
>Company compound with walls. Tight knit group everyone knows everyone
>Typical hazing for young shy user the first month
>user gets a nasty rash
>It spreads
>Go to company doc
>Doc: Contact dermatitis, were you exposed to allergens?
>user: Maybe. Started on arms kept growing to my shoulders, back and elsewhere.
>Doc: If it's not treated it can go systematic. Lets see it all. Where else?
>user:-Disrobing-It's on my groin too.
>Doc:Hmm. How long has there been swelling?
>user: Swelling?
>Doc: Down there.
>user: Just the rash, no swelling.
>DR: Oh. Um. Sorry Yeah. Prednisone plus a topical steroid. Um. But don't put topical on that. Sorry. Or the head, face and neck. Uh. You can get dressed.
>user: -smirks- Thanks.
>Thinks maybe next day everyone will finally respect me for having a big dick
>Instead gets forever name of "dick rash" for the next 17 months

I've worked in insurance for over 10 years. It's a pretty high stress and male-centric (only women use the word patriarchal) industry. Also I'm funny and witty enough for everyone to like me.

The golden rule is you go to work to work, not make friends, not climb the ladder, not lick boots. Be as ethical and focused on your work as possible FIRST AND FOREMOST. When women in the workplace try to embroil me in their office politic or water Cooler gossip, I walk away or literally tell them to shut up because I'm trying to work.

Most women will double their efforts and even try to manipulate you with sex and flirting when they see that you literally don't give a fuck about their petty bullshit.
After a few times of being brushed off like this, they just assume you are gay and not a viable target for being entrapped in sexual harrasment lies. Then they wanna be your best buddies because they want to be your fag hag.

I even openly supported trump in my previous workplace and did a dance when he won the election. Bitches were pissy about it but I just got back to work and let them stew.

i agree with most of that tea stuff. but sometimes i ask someone to do something to me knowing i'll fall asleep b4 they do it. and i'll expect them to still do it. i'd say that goes for sex. the key thing with sex is if the seed is planted, and if consent is given, it won't then make any difference if the person is asleep or awake to the seed.

Also his theory of consent doesn't work for other things, like surgery under general anaesthetic. So he can't be generalizing like that.

Also I've nailed lovers while they are asleep. All of them enjoyed being woken up to sex. Haven't heard of anyone saying they don't.

Do you know anyone, or have heard of anyone who doesn't like being woken up by sex?

I got an accounting degree and worked at an accounting firm for several years. I'm not sure how people stand doing this shit for their entire life, you basically have to be a complete and utter faggot to force yourself to live in the corporate cubicle farms. The kids I worked with were just complete faggots, there is no other word for them. Constantly drinking the stupid corporate-speak koolaid about the "opportunities," sucking their manager's dick every day, and they would go absolutely wild with any tiny little sliver of authority or responsibility they had over other people. Immature, insecure, kind of stupid but very entitled, typically neoliberal upper-middle class bugmen. The general sort of person who works in a cubicle farm tends to be the type who really wants to go to buffalo wild wings after work and watch the latest sportsball game, really aspires to get a used audi hatchback type of SUV. Pretty much the only topics they're capable of discussing intelligently are sports, reality tv shows, and the weather.
>Man did you guys see Lebron Ja'quan last night? That guys an absolute BEAST! Imagine that guy fucking your wife! He's be a BEAST!

Its also a very highschool, cliquey type environment, which is just downright bizarre for people from mid 20s through 50s to participate in. We had a boss who owned front row seats at the NFL and MLB teams nearby, he'd only invite certain people to games. "Heh heh ur invited but don't tell the others, only my friends can come to this game tonight winkyemoticon." - a 62 year old man

It was on a hand out. One FNG circled 'chicken' and handed it in like a pop quiz.

>Co-worker gets fired
>No information comes out
>If you want to find out more you have to meet with the absolute highest tier of boss we work with

Not the most interesting story but that's my first experience with that and it was really unsettling. It was like he was just disappeared in the night, and if you dare question the politburo's decision you'll get shipped off to the gulag as well.

>Start new job
>Orientation day
>70% big beautiful 30-50 year old kwanes (nursing assistants)
>A few white women, also big and beautiful
>two white guys including myself
>One white girl starting a semester long internship
>Diversity Officer Al walks in
>"What does diversity mean to you?"
>All answers rewarded with candy
>Only the white women raise their hands
>"We need to be mindful of other cultures and values and respect each other"
>Diversity Officer Al tosses her candy
>"Good, what else"
>White woman starts to stammer, all eyes on her, kwanes staring intently waiting for her to fuck up
>"We need to be open to criticism and understand that maybe sometimes we are hurtful even when we aren't trying to be and um uh we need to be uh open to a dialog"
>Kwanes "das rite" in agreement
>One kwane shares a story about a time a white woman on the job said a little baby niglet looked cute like a little monkey
>Deep discussion ensues about how it's cute for whites to call their babies monkeys, but blacks have a history of being compared to monkeys, and that is not okay
>Diversity Officer Al calls on intern girl
>She grew up among all whites
>She thinks working among blacks is a great opportunity
>Al moves in close
>"You know in the Polish community, its very common for people who are close friends or family to pat each other the head"
>She isn't close friends or family with Diversity Offer Al
>He pats her on the head
>She never even claimed to be Polish
>"You know what would happen if I tried that on one of these big beautiful kwanes, right??"
>"In the black community something like that would never be tolerated, these women would slap me upside the head"
>cackles in nigger
>Kwanes "das rite" in agreement
>"Just goes to show how important cultural differences are, and how mindful we all need to be"

Yeah but that's a crappy excuse: they have to know we have to keep a few of them around for PR purposes and they have their own entire department (HR) they can go 'work' in and twiddle their thumbs inbetween checking facebook or whatever.

Besides, stupid office bitches almost never get "fired". Ever. It takes outright stealing or not showing up to work to get rid of one. Job performance means nothing. Dead serious...you sit down with HR to fire anyone and the 300lb HR director huffs her fat ass in, reads the files and if she sees a female name on there immediately goes "well we should give her another chance...or transfer...." so you already know whats up there and know that woman isn't being fired period. If its a guy? Fire away! Hell, HR is eager to help! It's a joke.

Head down. Be good at your job. Smile and listen a lot.

>work in healthcare billing
>have really gay coworker
>not that bad of a guy, likes the same vidya, but has to inject his gayness into every goddamn conversation
>doesnt stfu about how evil drumpf is
>annoying as fuck, gay as fuck
>hes in a different department so I don't see him too much, still in the same giant room though
>later, talking with other coworker about homosexuality in other countries
>coworker asks why russia hates the gay
>think gay coworker is out of hearing range
>proceed to tell other coworker that russia lost so many in ww2, gayness seen as anti-russian because no new commie babies will be born
>say i agree with the sentiment as it would actually have real world consequences if a nation in such a state were to embrace the gay
>thought it would be okay to say because i thought i was thinking objectively and faggot is out of range
>faggot was actually in range
>heard everything
>doesn't talk to me or look at me anymore
>following week, boss calls me into his office
>said gay guy told him and hr that i was telling people how much i hated gays
>boss is a bro
>hr upset, gay guy's boss upset, but boss took care of it
>told me not to talk to gay co worker anymore because "no one likes that faggot anyway"

I disagree. Don't leverage your sexuality in the workplace with the opposite sex. Sexual harrassment and workplace bullying is only becoming more rife in the workplace. Keep it professional and keep in control of your attention towards the opposite sex. If anything this will give you more power as women being the attention craving beasts they are, will work even harder to get even a tiny little scrap of attention or praise from you.

Scarcity and rarity of attention makes their panties wetter when you finally do decide to praise them or comment on their looks
>t. Claims Manager in an office of mainly women

I've been a Marine pog, security guard and now am IT helpdesk. There are few bigger cancers in the armed services and police agencies than women. They are weak, put everyone else in danger because of their inability to subdue belligerent people, fuck those above them to get promotions and then turn around and back stab them for sexual harassment. So many marriages were ruined when we were deployed. Absolutely sickening. I can handle regular office politics though. My manager only got to her position because of her vagina, but because of her lack of IT knowledge I usually can get what I want when I ask and she's good at catching the ire of angry users and keeping it from us. The other female IT girl is pretty good though. She's very quiet and keeps to herself. Knowledgeable to solve almost all issues herself. As for the users in the hospital I kind of enjoy going to going from nursing station to nursing station and over hear all the vicious gossip, back stabbing, and thank my lucky stars my department is almost entirely men.

Overheard a guy in my place spout about the "DAY OF THE ROPE" once. I wanted to tell him to keep that shit to himself but didn't want to reveal myself.

This is normal HR bullshit to avoid being sued.
Recently had to fire a fat fucker who would fall asleep at his desk while watching YouTube videos instead of working. And snore. Loudly.
HR instead tells us it's easier to lay him off for no work and then hire someone else with a slightly different job description with the same job. Had to lie to my team and say he was laid off for lack of work when they were the ones complaining to me about him.
It's all HR bullshit

I have a degree in finance and right now my job is ok but I need to find a new one soon and am scared to work at a place like this.

I figure I can go to some generic corporate shithole like this, or some startup filled with soyboys. Where do normal polacks work?

I really need to just get rich off crypto so I can start my own business.

Always be suspicious of the man/women (mostly woman) that is constantly HAPPY and POSITIVE. These people usually can't stop talking, and will always give off the air of being a NICE person.

These people are dangerous because they will use their "niceness" against you. They act NICE and POSITIVE all the time, so they can use it against you in such a way as "why did you say X to me, I'm always so NICE to you" "why are you acting like this, I'm always so NICE to you"

It's hard to explain, but hopefully you understand. There are genuinely nice people, but anyone who is "on" 24/7 with that attitude is just looking for an excuse to compare your attitude to their "NICE" attitude and make you look bad.

holy fuck u expressed that better than i ever could. A critical and succinct advice. 10/10 capped

So you got paid to do a job that you couldn't do?
And you had a paper trail showing that you tried everything to raise the issue.
And you were getting paid to sit on your arse and no one within the company could be bothered to do anything about it?

Easy money.
Just throw a little bit of money each month at a lawyer for when someone realises and needs to blame someone else, and keep records.

Have your daily call to IT recorded, have a daily email sent about the problem to management or HQ.
Get hard copies of everything.

Give lawyers copies.

Spend rest of day playing on your phone "waiting" for responses that would never come.

It won't last forever, so you want someone on retainer for when shit does hit the fan, but that will make you a harder target, there are easier fuckers to blame.

Worked for a company with an open door HR policy. My office was a couple of door down from HR so I could see that everyone that went to see HR got fired the same day.

I'd also say that's a technique to try to create trust between you and them. No one is happy all the time and if you work in an office where there's interaction with stakeholders and clientfacing as part of it , you'd expect the happy happy joy joy for that. Not amongst all staff internally. They obviously are hiding something in their personal life or trying to make everyone like and trust them too hard.

I'm always weary of women & men that dress like they are going to the Oscars at work. It's work, not a gala or awards night. You're not here to bedazzle (unless the role is client facing) so just sit down and get to work. The computer screen can't see how amazing you are...

Yeah HR was definitely involved, since I knew the HR girl from a previous training.

I think I was assuming that it was more of a big deal when people get fired. That is, he would have been put on performance management first.

Although it's also possible through this that he actually left himself because of ego

Exactly what I'm talking about. You don't date them, but you do some minor flirting in a masculine way (work out, dress well, be coy and desirable) and let them vie after you. From there you be receptive but distant. It's that simple. Ignoring them is retarded and a surefire way to be just another guy even if you work harder and especially if you have a female boss (female social status is based on what other girls like)

If I overheard a coworker say that, I'm not sure I would be able to stifle my initial laugh at the comment.

I’m not sure what would happen in my office if people found out I liked Trump and Brexit.

One of the brokers I worked under a few years ago got accused of rape by a coworker when they both worked in Sydney. It was after a conference and late at night. He offered to give her a lift home.

She filed sexual assault charges against him,he moved interstate and got so depressed about it he almost took his life. He's doing great now though and we are still friends. I think the case was thrown out of court after 5 years!
Sometimes being nice to women ,espeicially ones that dress to the nines and know how attractive they are can be a death sentence.

I work in a factory so my cohorts are a bit dumber but I do have advice.

Put yourself in a position where you coordinate what your team does. Such as, go out of your way to take the task of managing your department off your bosses hands.
After a while, they will be so distanced and inept at understanding the flow of your team, you can control what is acceptable and unacceptable in terms of time frames, changes, and personnel to it.

At this point, I tell them what we can and can't do and they simply accept it.

id hardly consider the gloryhole an office there grandad

It made me cringe pretty hard.


I have dated two different girls at work. Both much younger than me. Am still with the most recent one.
I wouldn't recommend it, except it's hard to find a quality qt nowadays. So rare. Gotta take the chance when you see it.
Assuming you have the social skills to see it, of course.

That phrase is completely inappropriate to bring up at work, what the fuck were they thinking

>worked a manual labor job through college
>high physical exhaustion
>semi-dangerous work
>get an office job
>in charge of turning an entire IT segment from "Mom and pop-no documentation ever-fly by night-no processes/procedures in place" to an actual organization that can get shit done without breaking everything it touches
>set up proper IT processes in line with Industry best practices and keeping it as lean as possible
>People who implement objects into production servers have to fill out a change management
>They act like this is fucking grueling labor

I can't stand how fucking pampered all these faggots and cunts are.

That and the company has this "Puke sunshine and shit rainbows" culture that is sickening.

Lastly, the company WORSHIPS the heirarchy.
>OMG a VP of segment X is here!
>Roll out the red carpet
>Grovel before them

Doing nothing at your job all day is fucking boring and can make you want to drive your car into oncoming traffic.

t. guy with brainless do-nothing job

>get new job
>obvious that I am more capable than most others there
>get trained for a management position
>girl who was being trained as management when I was hired gets mad that I am promoted before her
>she gets transferred to somewhere else because no one wanted to deal with her

>be me
>software developer and sysadmin
>best friend works with me in cubicle behind me
>it’s his birthday, he’s late to work
>edit his Windows XP
Registry to say ‘congratulations you’re gay’ after login
>he shows up to work, and as he does owner of the company walks back into our department
>wants to show us something online
>logins into my friends workstation
>owner gets pop up, looks at us and says “congratulations i’m gay?”
>I have to quickly explain the situation
>he proceeds to show us what ever it was online
>as he’s leaving our department he comments something to the effect “don’t worry I dont really care what you guys fucking do back here” and laughs

End up getting promoted later that year and become my friends boss

This is exactly what they want out of employees. This is model behavior and what will actually get you ahead.

No one knows what day of the rope means. It's fine.

It is a big deal to fire someone, though here in the US it varies a lot state to state.
It's easier to lay someone off where they get unemployment.
But legally we have to commit to the reason for the layoffs or firing. It has to become the official truth once the paperwork goes in. So we lie or keep our mouth shut about it afterwards.
It sucks. Blame (((them))) that made the laws on this shit.

Sounds like a shit life.

This man preaches the truth. Avoid women at all costs in the work place. Avoid all work functions. Never ever add people from work on social media unless you are 100% confident they won’t fuck you. All it takes is one post, one comment, one picture and you can kiss your job goodbye.

Flat out ignoring someone in the workplace is a form of bullying now....

Sound advice

He was kinda a loudmouth, but apparently redpilled. He was talking to another guy who I suspect is also RP'd but i agree it's a dangerous phrase to say openly.

I can't tell you how frustrating it is that people either don't believe me or don't care when I tell them truth.

> Don't do a 23&Me test, the owner of that is siblings with the owner of YouTube which is owned by Google.
> user, that's not true.

> You should get a VPN to protect your privacy.
> user, the government already has everybody's information. Why would you even bother trying to hide it.

> Media lies to you.
> Now you're just being a crazy conspiracy theorist.


Even Brexit is too much to bring up in my workplace, unless you are against it

Lots of young people in my place. I once heard people talking about the "the waz Kangz" meme once.

I honestly don't know how people work in offices without killing them selves in droves

I just let people know that I'm autistic right off the bat.

Dis nigga know