Hungarian discussion welcome.
Is this the longest headline Breitbart has ever published?
How come Hungarians are such bigots. Migrants just want a little ficki ficki
Orban is a legend. You know things are changing when your normie friend says 'i like what the Hungarian President said'.
I mean, he couldn't name him, but I was impressed he actually knew about his comments and supported them.
Especially after the latest car of peace attack in Melbourne when Australian authorities blatantly looked us all in the eye and said 'no, it was not terrorism, these are not the droids you are looking for.'
this works well in good until millions of christian niggers start trying to come to your country
what then?
The fuck is going on with melbourne anyway, I keep seeing Aussie posters flipping out about that city
fuck hungary really is the USA i want. trump needs to step his game up
Oh don't worry, he did step his game up.
It's Australia's equivalent of San Francisco or whatever the most pozzed city in leafland is. (Toronto?).
As long as they're not death worshipping cultists (muslims) they're welcome IN SMALL NUMBERS and we'll kindly ask our citizens not to fornicate with our guests for a few decades.
Fucking Kikes using their US attack dog to police other countries. Now Hungary can have nice Jewish, degenerate, propaganda outlets to remind them the benefits of diversity and cuckolding
Something tells me this isn't trumps doing. Probably an NGO
Orban is the only President who respects and represents the will of his people
german politicians on the other hand get elected and do what they want for 4 years
Melbourne has San Fran tier mindset and leaders. bend over backwards to be as anti Australian as possible. in the space of ten years they've become overrun with Sudanese, Iraqis, Afghans. These new arrivals have made no attempt to integrate and the city has no idea how to settle them in.
It's a first world city that is now becoming third world in areas. A large percentage of the population actively hates the country that has taken them in, and they have no respect for Australian people.
Melbourne has had multiple terror hits and even more near misses that Fed Police have shut down. in each of these cases the authorities have called the perps 'mentally unwell'
Off the top of my head in the last 2 years
> Rohingya refugee Nur Islam walks into a suburban bank sets of gas cannisters over 20 severely injured
> Afghan refugee walks into Endeavour Hills police station stabs one cop in the neck attempts to behead another
> Unnamed 15 yo male stopped from making car of peace run in Federation Sq during the AFL grand final this year.
> Christmas last year authorities shut down Bataclan style attack in multiple cbd locations
> Three weeks ago cops also shut down another Bataclan style attack by Somali refugees set for New Year's celebrations
> Somali refugee walks into suburban apartment block in Brighton, and starts attacking people. Ambushes police when they arrive. Calls radio station to pledge allegiance to isis before he is neutralized.
> Attempted attack on police during Anzac Day Dawn service shut down.
> Two weeks ago African gang went to St Kilda beach robbing people in a scene straight out of Brazil. Chimped out and attack police when they got there.
> Moombah festival overtaken by approx 100 Africans who riot, robbing and attacking people
Mate this is just a small amount of the incidents happening in that city. Its fast becoming a hellhole. People there put up with it and say it's either 'not that bad' or that 'we need to do more to help these people'.
How come Hungarians are such bigos?
National radicalism is the only way forward.
What is this dried baby vomit?
>How come Hungarians are such bigots
Crippling depression and complete hatred towards the world.
Remember when your country was partitioned after world war 1 and you were left an empty shell of your former selves?
Clearly the problem is Australians should be more accommodating
Cabbage, tomato concentrate and I guess some meat.
Got used to it, every century has a national trauma for us.
It’s the State Department which Trump ostensibly has influence over. Bright side is that it’s only 700k.
Got proofs of that
Sounds like more of the swamp that needs to be drained
Culturally, Eastern Europe is WAY more far right than America could ever be. Trump would be considered a hippie liberal if he were in Poland, for his attitude towards blacks and Israel.
Trump has ignored Hungary entirely in spite of Orban actually endorsing him. Pretty rude, desu. Hungary has an election in 5 months, Orban will certainly be reelected with or without help from Trump.
I imagine he's too busy with things closer to home
We don't have blacks so his attitude towards blacks (which is?) can't be compared to anything here really.
We're having ok relationship with Israel. There are problems but on diplomatic level at least it's decent we had a god-tier ambassador once he still does some good job here.
Fuck off, niggers will never be welcome.
You guys have the darkest national anthem I've ever heard
Looks like the urukai is about to put the white hand print on another ork
Fucking kek
I like how it looks like it's totally falling apart though, seems they are desperately trying to channel money away from us.
I saw one of our notorious america-funded kike puppet advertising for one of his events the other day and he needed a "free server". Dude used to get a 200k dollar yearly grant from the US "media" program to promote gay pride parades/vegan parades/whatever.
If I were a German politician I wouldn't be so gentle as them. If I actually killed off my country, race, family, people, civilization and entire identity and they STILL voted me in office, I'd just go ahead and round up some children and create pedo-rings for the kikes in exchange for money. I'd round up some muslims into an army, pay for it with increased taxes and go conquer me a tropical nation or two to hold a vacation.
You take your politicians for granted my man, if they weren't from the same cowardly mold as you, you likely wouldn't have the PC or internet to even post your opinion on here.
I'm going back to my families ancestral homeland, fuck staying here with these pathetic weak minded Canadian pussies.
You’re making the right decision.