Be American

>be American
>have a baby boy
>make sure he gets his genitals mutilated less than two days after he's born
what the fuck Americans? what's going through your heads exactly? how did this become a priority for parents? do you hate your children or what? so much for """first""" world countries

Other urls found in this thread:–5:2

dunno i think it has something to do with the jews

women. also, restore yourselves

You don't get into Heaven unless you have the mark of the Covenant according to God. So have fun never going to Heaven uncut fags

America is not a first world country, though. Their own president said so.

Science. Americans believed the science.

circumcision is inward. the law is a curse. the law WILL be disappearing. with this pile of shit earth you defiled. and those who lob off their dicks are described as dogs

>another thread about this
Yes it's weird that Americans chop off bits of their kid's dicks,but for christ's sakes, we never get anywhere flinging shit about this

>the earth is a pear

yes we do. go away shylock. this is how right wing closet fags gets boners of any sort

Really? Most Americans do this even if not jewish? WTF?

I'm American, my dick is normal, thanks. Sample size of one.

Keep drinking that Paul kool-aide

>"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Towrah or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Towrah until everything is accomplished." - Mattinyah 5:18

>what the fuck Americans?
(((They))) wanted to blend in.

>Getting cut/cutting as an outward sign of faith

catholic faggot. have fun burning in hell for joining a godless cult.

I know you're just LARPing but according to that very law it has to be done by a rabbi, not some doctor or nurse, and it's a jewish thing that Jesus himself and some of his apostles claimed was an insult to God. not that I care about that because circumcision is in itself barbaric and unnecessary

funny that you say that because catholics for the most parts don't practice circumcision. it's mainly a protestant thing in America but whatever floats your boat mate

Never cut my kids...thats their decision not mine... Oh, I'm a boomer grandma BTW fucktards

>trusting the word of the Demiurge


It's called Protestantism. It really is a curse.

>Muh sola scriptura
>Muh "work ethic"

Do some research on Dispensationalism.

and whether you cut a chunk of your dick off or not, determines your rite of passage into heaven

Do Russian and Greek Orthodox circumcise their kids? I trust them more than papist scum.

Ummm okay no wonder your depressed

Its a dying practice in america. Its being done less every year. Luckily for me, my european dad refused to allow them to cut me when I was born.

My son was circumcised because we wanted him to get as many blowjobs as possible.

Uncut cawk smells like niggers.

they don't, circumcision isn't a common practice in Europe like it is in America, we only go for foreskin removal when a man has a serious case of phimosis or infection which is pretty rare. only small muslim communities and countries with a muslim majority like Turkey do it to every baby boy

I refused analgesics during childbirth, refused the whole "shave your crotch" thing, refused to let them arbitrarily mutilate my kids... and some shills paint our gen as bad... Wake up to the shills BS

If you are a no bathing POS....Teach them how to bathe... thats all...

>Uncut cawk smells like niggers
yikes. turns out circumcision is a common practice in most of Africa where they can't afford daily hygiene. still, most men around the world are uncut and this includes the majority of your beloved white men. sucks for you and your sorry child who will probably grow up to be gay in a hilarious twist of fate

>what's going through your heads exactly?
Jewish-controlled christianity.

Where the one with pink cuffs so little girls can be circumcised too?

Can't afford daily hygiene...equal, I don't care... and the rest of your comment falls under cheap shill BS

they don't do that to women outside extremely conservative muslim communities. women and LGBT groups made sure it was banned in the US, but made no effort to ban male circumcision, and still don't. so much for the LGBT cause, they fight for tolerance, equality and diversity but when it comes to barbaric traditions like male circumcision they'll keep their mouths shut.

I think they did it to stop boys from jerking off. Something to do with the founder of Kelloggs cereals too. Not joking

Lets just rip sexual pleasure from everyone! Yeah! Wow, thats a shitty statement....

It goes MUCH earlier in history my dear son....Fuck them...

Tits or GTFO

Circumcision is a jewish mark for future USA soldiers who will die for Israel.

give me a minute

that user's post was obviously ironic, the fact that they only do this to boys is very hypocritical and denotes a blatant double standard. ideally this wouldn't be done to anyone

I didn't have my son circumcised

The babies don't even mind, th restraint chair is so the drunk doctor doesn't over circumcise

It happens a lot

my parents are from Wales but I was born in the US, my mother had to tell the doctor twice to not circumcise me.
The hospitals make a nice little profit on the side selling them, too.

fuck you grandma I want to suck your grandaughts little cunnie much juicier than you
i'm so juicy

Aliens don't have foreskins so it looks like I'm your overlord, now, goyim.

Wow you truly believe that you have to cut off half your dick to go to heaven? I'm cut but if thats the truth then fuck heaven

Are protestant that gone full "Muh old testament", jerk.

absolutely. they sell the foreskins to cosmestic industries where they develop their skin products with foreskin extracts (this sounds like bullshit but it's 100% real, look it up if you don't believe me)

Better tits than my real ones... teaching a noob how to race drive..

Fuck off roastie

>let your children got his baby dick sucked by a depraved jew
>go to heaven
pick one, you fucking leaf faggot

Enjoy your smegma and phimosis, foreskinniggers

>what is basic hygiene

Nobody wants a dog dick you filthy animal. Fuck off

That's literally for Jews. New Testament no longer has it required.

You know the rules. Topless, timestamped pic or leave this site immediately.

In the jew bible, a boy under 9 molested or raped by a male is not considered a faggot.
You can gay out as much as you want with jews until age 9 and still get into heaven

I fapped off off my fymosis.

first of all, smegma appear after more than a week without washing your dick, so this isn't a problem for people with running water and soap available. second, women get a similar substance down there as well, just with a different name (and I'm sure you love pussy but won't complain about vaginal secretion). third, circumcised dicks get smegma too
rare condition. try again.

Dude, you don't want to kys tonight... I'm in my 60's Let me see what I can do! lol...wait for it....

Don't look at us, shit. We know it's a load of garbage. It's the normalfags who don't take a second to think "Hm, maybe I should wait until my child is old enough to decide for himself whether he wants an irreversible mutilation on his dick." I brought this up to my parents and they just spewed the usual "hygiene lol" without the vaguest apology.

Normalfags are a plague.

Its lazy mothers not wanting to clean their sons a few times a week so they mutilate their kids causing irreversible psychological damage (this is proven) Its a shame and those women should be tarred and feathered.

>Be year old kid
>Have a little trouble pissing
>Parents take you to the doctors

>Instead of something logical like loosening skin or stretching exercises, they suggest cutting the skin off

>Doctors burn your penis off by accident while trying to circumcise you

>Parents take you to the doctors about the penis incident
>They suggest raising you as a girl
>Renamed from Bruce to Brenda at 17 months old, and get castrated
>Doctors tell parents never to tell you or your sibling about the sex change
>Be raised as a girl

>Yet by the time Brenda reached puberty at 13, she was feeling suicidal.
>"I could see that Brenda wasn't happy as a girl," Janet recalled.
>"She was very rebellious. She was very masculine, and I could not persuade her to do anything feminine. Brenda had almost no friends growing up. Everybody ridiculed her, called her cavewoman.
>"She was a very lonely, lonely girl."

>Faced with their daughter's sadness, Brenda's parents stopped taking her to see Dr Money.
>Soon after, they did the one thing Dr Money had warned them against: they told her she had been born a boy.
>Within weeks Brenda had chosen to become David.

>He had re-constructive surgery and eventually he even married. He couldn't have children himself, but he loved being a stepfather to his wife's three children.

>Now well into his thirties, David had become depressed. He'd lost his job and he was separated from his wife.
>In the spring of 2002 his brother died from a drug overdose.
>Two years later on 4 May 2004, when David was 38, Janet and Ron had a visit from the police. David had committed suicide.

Majority do, yes. I was born into a fucking Atheist family and they still cut my dick.

>a dick the way nature/god/evolution intended it to be is a dog dick
enjoy your dried up penis you piece of shit

Excess dick skin is pretty gross. Uncircumcised dicks remind me of animal dicks, where they can't be seen unless the animal is aroused for whatever reason, whereupon it "emerges" like a fucking wet worm.
Gross as fuck.

Kikes and shit skin cultures like cutting parts of their genitals.

Its fucking weird and iv always thought it. I had Pacific Islanders as friends and most of them had "The chop" as they call it. Except unlike Jews, they do it when the child is older.

All of them described traumatic events, even tho in their culture that is how they "become men"
I always found it primitive stone age shit. How the hell have semites progressed so far, yet hold on to mutilating their children.

The jews normalized circuncidion and americans are okay with it. Why are americans against pedophilia now?
I spy a leaf under that ancap

Hands are dirty as hell too, they touch everything and there's always bacteria in them.

I mean you could just wash them, but why do that when you can cut them off?

Let's all cut our hands off instead.

And our foreskins too, because of that 'european culture' religion that came out of israel 2000 years ago and was rejected by generation upon generation of our european ancestors before finally succeeding in being pushed on them.

Ah hell, let's just kill ourselves. Can't be dirty if you're not around any more.

A faggot can't make correct judgements about anything - news at 11.

that is abandonned through jesus christ though, just like the 10 commendments which one still should uphold but arent 100% necessary to make the cut

There is no point to responding to people literally so dumb I could kick their kid in the face and charge them money for it. They still piss me off for ruining this world though.

listen to yourself. how can something you were born with be excessive? foreskin has a function and by removing it you're messing with it

Hands aren't gross. They might get things on them, but they *themselves* aren't gross.


>how can something you were born with be excessive?
You mean like an umbilical cord?

>he doesn't know how it works because he's never had it
I can make an appointment to get circumcised tomorrow, watch how fast I don't do that.
>lulz grls will laugh it and you'll be a virgin forever
American girls are fascinated by it because they've never seen it, plus i have a 9" cock, there is no laughter, only fear

that would eventually fall off by itself

What about your ass, your ball sack, your bowels? Those have to be as dirty as hell, right? Just get your whole waist & backside surgically removed. Cleanliness is next to godliness, after all.

So will everything eventually. "Natural" =/= good in the first place.

an umbilical cord has no function after pregnancy and birth you tard

You're the dumbest Jew I ever met

You think "gross" is referring only to outside stuff being there? It's a word that also concerns itself with pure aesthetics. A dog/worm dick is just gross.

Who's talking about function?

Just another small thing that elites do to ensure that men are as miserable as possible.

Tripfags are subhumans

your arguments are getting ridiculous. are you really going this far to justify a barbaric practice like genital mutilation? you might be bitter because of your lack of foreskin but going out of your way to justify it? take a seat and think it through

>your arguments are getting ridiculous
The only things I've said are that uncircumcised dicks are even more disgusting - aesthetically - than regular dicks, and regular dicks are already gross.
"Natural" =/= good is just basic fucking reasoning - it's not an argument it's an observation applicable to all states of affairs.

from my limited knowledge of scripture, acceptance of christ breaks the bond of law. why would a gentile be expected to uphold the old doctrine?

>feminists to this day cite Dr. Money when saying gender is a social construct

Aesthetics, huh?

Noses are pretty unsightly. Let's all get our noses chopped off.

In all seriousness, your penis is a reproductive organ that has a protective skin, the result of evolution & biology and all of those shenanigans.

It is also not non aesthetic whatsoever, unless you have some hygiene problem and never clean it, or have a micro penis and it's all wrinkly lmao, but even removing the skin would just make it go from a worm into a bald little baby worm.

>arguing with a shitposting tripfag

I am. umbilical cords are removed because they have no function, the appendix is removed because it has no real function either. the foreskin has a very important function so why is it removed?

We cut off our cocks to spite our balls.

I don't think noses are unsightly. But whether I do or don't, removing anything is a cost-benefit analysis. There's no real cost to removing dick-skin from a baby, while the cost of removing their nose would be fucking disastrously awful.

>the appendix is removed because it has no real function either.
The appendix does have a function. It's a bacterial colony for the flora of your gut and digestive tract.

The Nazis were able to identify Jews to persecute via penis inspections. Millions died. In order to ensure that it never again happens, you must also be snipped so we can blend in more easily. Furthermore, the covenant of Abraham stipulates that our slaves must be circumcised in addition to our sons, so that seals your fate if you are a burger.

>I am
I'm not. So have fun talking about something no one else is talking about.

>be me
>be circumcised
>masturbate daily from the age of 14
>have thick, good looking peen that has never failed or even troubled me
>fuck women in my 20s
>marry in my 30s
>late 40s, dick still works the same, never had problems with depression, anxiety, premature ejaculation, loss of snsitivity or erectile dysfunction
>see angry idiots blame circumcision for all of these since 1984 on TV in papers and magazines
>now the internet allows the same fools to whine and blame jews for their fail
that article is garbage here's why: if any real doctors thought there was any kind of opposition to research into negative effects of circumcision they would, when threatened with dismissal and legal action, yell "Come at me bro!" and destroy people in court.
That pic is entirely fabricated, these threads are gay and paranoid, hostile people are boring as hell.

right (my mistake), that's why it's not removed unless there's an infection