ITT we pretend we are writers at buzzfeed
ITT we pretend we are writers at buzzfeed
Other urls found in this thread:
>God guys, my vagina itches big time *belch*
Hey Laura, you almost finished with that write up of that Muslim feminist who wouldn't get a refund from Disney after the power went out?
>Chaim, come over here and see the latest Trump tweet, oy vey he's going to kill us all! I'm doing a write up on it
John you promised a promotion if I let you throat fuck me, what's taking so long? I'll cry rape!
Black people are literally AMAZEBALLS, and it's beautiful!
>"That headline looks good, but put some more emojis in it."
fadoiufads fqlijnn agsfpoijgfa gsafaf0o8i34t qfqd ;'lkimads vavcs avs9o8ui;ht gfeihfgsa gsdf;opij sbv o8ujhaffd 78934ikujgp;jnoikml tgiojklhnergoil4trol.u8i hn44oi8u yuvsaop/l hnfv'p9ovccaopav 8isavcs0-9ou9t43 4o8hdgsafcoiujrw cvx;lkjlhvxccx9
my vagina hurts!
Rape incidents have increased in European countries with significant migrant populations (And that's a good thing, here's why)
>ITT we pretend we are writers at buzzfeed
Well, you made a thread on Sup Forums, which is how most Buzzfags start any standard article they write
I hope my bank doesnt bounce my paycheck this Friday.
26 GIFs That Explain Why Jews Are The Chosen People!!
Which Pepe Is Your Spirit Animal?
| find out which caricature of the infamous cartoon frog REEEEEEEEs out to your soul!
Guys, my period just started today and it's beautiful.
This thread gets a bump and a tab in my browser
OMG! Here's 5 reasons why we LOVE BUHLACK PEEPOLE!
10 Reasons Faggot Nigger Trump Bad AIDS Stardust Hellscape (And You Won't Believe THIS Big Secret to weight loss)
Why white women should exclusively date black men
This Brave 4 Year Old Non-Binary Boy Loves Sucking Off His Dog [Video]
OP is a faggot, time for a promotion!
21 ethic dishes that you should ditch your white people food for
10 ways white guys are worse than ISIS
>Can race mixing actually be racist?
Tashonda Johnson talks about her experience dating a white man whom she perceived to have a racial bias....
>Is refusing to race mix the most racist thing you can do?
Laquanda Johnson tell her experience of testing the waters on dating white men and their obvious biases against women of color.
I bet ur parents call u dumb
its ok for a 25 year old to have testosterone levels less than 300 ng/dl
Hello dear fellow 4channers, I am a member of anonymous, so I might ask, what are our directives again? How are we imposing our white male sensibilities? How about that trump, heh? what a cool guy!
This Refugee's Beautiful Story Will Literally Make You Cry
>hey hello is this Sup Forums? this is *BRAPPPPPPPPP* Buzzfeed writer Cucklos LeFiftysixpercent *BRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPT* uh sorry I had a huge bean burrito for lunch with my hot pockets so tell me I'm writing an article on internet culture can I ask you some *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* questions?
Trump, am I right, guys? He's so whacky!
26 Reasons Why You It's Okay Cheat on Your Boyfriend
*writes informative article that triggers stormdurps*
How This White Detroit Rapper Became The Next Malcom X, Except By Telling His Own Oppressive Race To Fuck Themselves
Why White Men Need to Stop Breathing the Same Air As Us
How Russians using the Internet elected Trump
Watch This Black Woman Give Powerful Speech After Discriminated Against In Welfare Office
Why Don't Straight White Men Want To Date Trans Women?
12 Reasons Hanukkah Should Be Celebrated Instead Of Christmas
Why America Turning Brown Is A Winning Battle Against White Supremacy
Why Affirmative Action Helps Even The Playing Field for Women and Underrepresented Minorities
5 Ways To Kill Yourself
X is Y, and it's Z
You have just been BUZZBEED
Top 10 reasons all white people are literally Hitler, and how you can help by sucking a nigger dick
You know, we should literally Destroy Men, by Litterally making them like blacks and you know, shit like that
>That's a Great Idea, maybe we could like put a penis on us or something
Yeah, that is like a good idea because like we don't understand it
> I know, Wanna Play some more life is strange, cause we PC
Yeah, that sounds good because like, men are stuck in like 1950, and we are like in the future.
This accurate enough?
Why scientists are working on a new reconstructive surgery to give men Vaginas that still shoot seman so women can have babies together
Leaf thinks He has an opinion
.Here we have a new, inexperienced member of ShareBlue
I hope they sued the fuck out of that school. Also, I would hope that CNN wouldn't be sensitive enough to get insulted by a small child wearing a mild parody t shirt. Then again, they did dox a guy for an 8 second webm,
All my friends are married and are getting children. I spent all my good years fucking strangers and partying. Lately I noticed that I have more and more trouble getting laid.
Listen to these top 5 reasons on why you shouldn't have children anyways that I've just made up, trying to convince myself that I've haven't destroyed my life.
9 Sexual Orientations You Didn't Realize Hitler Had
"Rib Removal"
Is sucking your own dick the way of the future?
"My favorite quote from Marilyn Manson on the subject comes from his autobiography, The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. Paraphrased, he says 'If I could suck myself, do you really think I'd ever leave my house? Besides, I looked into it after I heard this rumour and it's just too expensive.'"
Why gay black men are the white people of LGBT+ black people.
Black is the new white, here’s how
>13 Reasons Why Letting Your Girlfriend Fuck Black Men Is an Intellectual Fetish
>Quiz: Which Beyonce Era Are You?
>Quiz: Which Harry Potter House Are You In?
>Quiz: Who Is Your Hollywood Soulmate?
>17 Reasons Why You Should be Watching Orange is the New Black
>Take This Quiz And We'll Guess How Amazing You Are in Bed
Hey, I made these pancakes with my vaginal yeasts. I'm gonna write an article about it.
37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018
First of all, America.
>oh wait that's an actual buzzfeed headline, oops
>ITT OP is a lazy fucking buzzfeed writer and as usual a fucking faggot.
No I will not help you do your job.
"If your man won't cut off his penis, he's probably a racist"
Here are 6 ways Drumpf can be impeached in 2018
No Trump no KKK no fascist USA
10 Reasons Soy Is Destroying White Supremacy (AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL)
Quiz: Which Harry Potter Character Are You Based On Your Favorite Harry Potter Quotes
Does Trump Poop? Here's 12 Reasons To Believe He Does (YOU WON'T BELIEVE #8)
How White Guys Can Help POC/Trans/Queer/Disabled/Genderfluid/Neuroatypical/Hamsters by SHUTTING UP
These 8 Gifs Will Prove That Black Guys Are Gentler Souls Than White Guys
This Brave and Powerful Woman SHUT DOWN TRUMP by Fingering Herself During a Televised TRUMP Speech (AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL) [Video]
35 Reasons to Date Anyone But White Guys [gifs]
"Pretend" is a social construct. You are trying to force us into a "real" and "pretend binary and that is very problematic. The term "writers" is equally problematic. It is ableist to persons who cannot write and it is also illiteratephobic. Please check your privilege.
> OMG its 2017! Get Pozzed!
> 12 reasons you should cheat on your white husband!
> The new star wars movie makes nazis mad! Heres a screencap of our own shadow writing to prove our point!
10 reason why no one is really heterosexual.
That's just slapping at a keyboard while tucking your penis between your legs.
>random opinion
This Black, Transgender Child Loves Sucking Off Other Children At The Park And It's Beautiful [Video]
>>Quiz: Which Harry Potter House Are You In?
When I took that quiz as a child I got Slytherin and it pissed me off because I thought they were the Nazis.
My ex got offered a job to write for Buzzfeed. She asked me if she should take it. I straight up told her that it's trash, not real journalism, and I will lose all respect for her if she takes it.
She didn't take the job, but she hasn't talked to me since then.
She got indoctrinated hard. College is a cancer that needs to be stopped.
My gf made me take like 4 different versions of that quiz and I got Slytherin every single time without trying. Which I'm OK with because it's basically the house of the alphas (or at least the closest to alpha by Harry Potter standards).
>hurrr durrr muh drumpfhy 2 gorillan sckeewwwpss impleachffg
10 Reasons why Donald Trump is a Total Jerk
Why Not Having HIV is Homophobic
faggit. what a waste
>36 reasons why zimbabwe isn't that bad
Holy digits but realistic headline at least, right down to the grammatical errors.
good job faggot you wasted holy numbers on pretending to be a dyke
Only alphas are homos
20 things you're not doing right in bed that the black guy that is fucking your wife while you're working is
12 signs your white boyfriend may be a closet nazi
Last year these two men were refugees, this year they are husband and husband.
Who are you to question the numbers cunt
Pedophilia...misunderstood sexual orientation or THE MOST misunderstood sexual orientation?
We go in depth with a club for lovers of children who are forced to hide their love...
that is so funneh, omg!
You have to think any girl whose priority is cock size is probably not worth a fuck in the first place.
I think that's a real one.l
>10 Reasons why letting your white, 12 year old daughter visit migrant camps alone is the future.
>OOOMMMGGG, black boys killin' it at beach bodybuilder contest (Video
>White America to officially end within the decade (And that's a good thing)
>15 signs a white man isn't simply asking you out, he wants to murder you
>Alpha black men enrich white girls during unconsenting sexual emergencies (And it's beautiful)
>Is not allowing your son to enjoy anal sex in 1st grade equivalent to the Holocaust? Experts say YES
>5 reasons to not have a condom when makin' love to a refugee in a literal pile trash in broad daylight!
>It's okay to have sex with minors... Unless you're Hitler!( Evidence Hitler raped children in Dachau)
Hate to break it to you
you ruined my thread you stupid leaf thanks
yellig fug drumpf wid no resuld god u down?? hug a pubby & ged bak du worg or eh buht u in a kampf :-DD
>gf made me
This is why Poo Poo Pee Pee was created.
did yall read that last askreddit post great potential
23 ways plus sized people saved 2017 ( 8 will make you cry)
Fat shaming should be illegal and here's why.
STDphobia is on the rise and must be stopped
99 reasons why women read vapid clickbait fluff at work instead of doing anything useful
Trump said Global warming is a hoax
Trump said the Holocaust never happened
Trump said Negroes are inferior
Trump said Hillary is a rapist enabler
Trump said obama is a lazy negro who gave free money to big banks
Trump said yo mama was a niggah fukkah.
Holy chit, impeach that muh fuggah.
You dealt with that autistically.
ive sent this thread to multiple buzzfeed writers over twitter and facebook. im hope you are happy Sup Forums.
Why America needs more African Pygmie immigrants
10 Christmas Presents that Assumed my Gender
Blah blah blah here's fake news blah blah blah Drumf not my president blah blah blah if you're white you're racist blah blah blah