Do celebrities frequent Sup Forums?
Any documented proofs?
Do celebrities frequent Sup Forums?
Any documented proofs?
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Based captain Kirk pretends like he only visits Sup Forums and /x/, but we all know to include Sup Forums
I do
This guy look famous.
You mean """based"""" (((captain))) Kike
is that you shatner?
Trevor Moore is redpilled as fuck, he's around here somewhere.
100% Trevor was responsible for flat earth and planet pizza.
Hi. You would know my name (you write about me here often enough). Children in Malaria-infested parts of the world know my name.
~t. 88s and XoXo!
Hi Tay. Lose like half the weight. How's Meredith?
Tay Tay! IS that you?
this mofo is here all the time
is that you shatner?
Don't worry Tay, I had a good 2017 too. Ignore the shitskins and hambeasts
>Children in Malaria-infested parts of the world know my name.
Christiano Ronaldo posts here?
I'm 90% sure William Shatner does. The media would twist it into him being alt right or some bullshit, so I imagine he left Sup Forums out for that reason.
I love that there's a nonzero chance that Shatner has called me a faggot.
Hi Trevor, have a nice Christmas?
Used to have a few famous Norwegians shitposting. Then Sup Forums became Sup Forums and Sup Forums became shit.
jews steal all our shit, they always have.
Any celebrities lurking in this thread, use the word 'salient' in a tweet.
>all the time
any evidence other than that screencap above?
>implying Trevor would shy away from posting his photo in the thread
Not Trevor but WKYK is best comedy.
Got that backwards, Muhammad.
I used to be famous in the 90's. Most of you probably hated my show. You people are hilarious and are the new bohemians and beatniks.
Never screencapped them, but he's timestamped on Sup Forums and Sup Forums dozens of times
Only Tila Tequila
What's good?
Bob Saget?
>no anthony cumia
Anthony Cumia
Zach Morris?
HOLY SHIT FORREST GUMP JUST TWEETED "wtf does 'salient' mean? recipe for chicken fried rice directions to lt. dan's home"
Screencap for us no social media types?
Right network, but no more or you guys will docks me or something
Who are you?
Queen Elizabeth
Doing panels and telling banal jokes doesn't make you famous
Seinfeld you nut we loved your show
So close.
If you're Hugh Grant, get the fuck out.
If you're Prince Harry, I think you're fucking awesome (plus we're really really distant cousins).
Only thing Tom Hanks has posted lately is lost flip flops & baseball caps.... Weirdly enough
I think Lauren Southern browses /pol sometimes :3
I've got a folder on my (presently non-working) computer with evidence of some celebs that browse the boards. Penn Jilette absolutely does browse Sup Forums.
What always interests me is some of the get coincidences, and what if, you know, an angel needed to get on here and reach out to someone? Does Gabriel hold his hand to his head in exasperation as he posts on /r9k/, trying to answer a prayer for help? Are there cherubim disappointed in you for both your life situation and your posts?
There were only a few shows that would be hated - that's a pretty strong word. They would have to be popular enough for other people to watch and we'd be forced to watch by proxy.
Saved by the Bell. America's funniest home videos. Blossom. 90210. Those are the only shows that fit the criteria for me.
lol docs
Your pathetic
El kostanza
You shouldn't have screamed the N word on stage, Michael
Tay? Is that you?
I can't believe I just got a you from frasier
Is /ourgirl/
How do you live a long life like you have? Is it self preservation, or really good doctors?
Also God Bless if you truly are the Queen.
Back to /vr/ Matt
musicfag here. i'm not taytay level famous but some of you might know me. have to hide powerlevel from ultra liberal music business but we're around.
and , from what i know taytay really does come on here. she shitposts along with the rest of us. she was a Sup Forumstard before she put out her first album.
Oh, Friends was the first show that came to mind.
I'm convinced that future government leaders are browsing Sup Forums at the moment.
Made a deal with Satan
>Also God Bless if you truly are the Queen.
There is no universe in which the queen of england shitposts on Sup Forums and that is proof right there the multiverse doesn't real.
No way! Obligatory:
(Race War - The Whitest Kids You Know)
all the celebs go on /asp/
other than James Woods. Look for the gadsen flag and you'll know
James Woods is, without a shred of irony, /ourguy/.
What genre?
There's no way Sienfield, the richest actor in the world, posts on Sup Forums.
"She's Italian"
>"Don't bring her"
Fucking kek.
>when you don’t understand that you’re here forever
It applies to celebrities too, m9
He said "Most of YOU probably hated my show". That means jew or nigger themed show....
>most of you probably hated my show
Either spin city or the one with the female anchor. I know you aren't Michael J Fox beeeeccauaase yoooouurr pposossst wassnnsn't ttyyypeped liikeeke thsisisiss.
That man is a god.
Hi, you know me as Shadman.
Oh shit, the postman from cheers.
If you're shadman, proove it, post a quick sketch of the followup to the comic of the paraplegic daughter.
I think I know who it is, if it's the same guy that posted in a classic rock thread a few weeks back,,, but I'm not going to reveal.
i won't say what genre or even what instrument. it's generally known that if you get associated with this board in any way, it's career suicide. that's why the celebs who do come here can only leave hints and clues.
In your next picture, include a small picture of Hitler in the bottom left corner or this is officially false and homosexual.
Go away skrillex
He also has been outspoken in opposition of the 2010 health care reform bill, referring to it as socialism
probably some lefty cbs sitcom
scary monsters is god tier though
Angels would never even consider posting on this site. They're more likely to use local street signs and such to get people's attention. Worst case we use a scrap of paper blown on the wind.
What else is there to do when you hit that level? We've all seen Curb Your Enthusiasm; the dude just fucks around autistically all day everyday.
I could see either jerry or larry getting balls deep into shitposting.
I’m certain he does. His writing style is pretty distinctive. I can always tell when he’s posting to tv. I’ll see that same style of writing pop up here, particularly when there’s a discussion about politics in entertainment.
Fucking retard.
hey kramer!
blah blah blah Ayatollah, blah blah blah Tipper Gore.
Isn't Morrissey /ourguy/?
...Is it you?
nah, Seinfeld would be diametrically opposed to our counter-semetism.
Robert DeNiro here
stop calling me and my family the DeNegros
He is.
Why are you even mad? I don't visit reddit faggot so why don't you go back seeing as you think of it so much.
He's a Jew and a national treasure, he's bulletproof
Taytay I know you stole my ss13 character for your last video you huge dork.
If Bill Murray actually lurked Sup Forums he would be less of a douche.. Or more i dunno