Is McCain trying to die faster to avoid the hammer dropping?

He's going to be outed as the dossier leaker and god knows what else. Its in his best interest to make his escape now.

Other urls found in this thread:|

If you link to breitbart you're a faggot

If you don't trust breitbart you're a kike. Kys.

Breitbart is a Jewish controlled opposition media.

Oy gevalt! Listen to this poster. Hes got a good head on his shoulders.

so is the internet

Rumor is he's going to claim medical incapacity if he's forced to testify. He's a traitor trying to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison for sedition. (10 year in prison)

No. Just you JIDF trolls say that.

only a JIDF troll would say that im a JIDF troll

Or would a JIDF just sit back and rub their hands as the goys accuse themselves of what you are? Gas the entire site.

> He gets his news from breitshit

What a faggot.

the hill archived
and some McCain pasta
Turns out, Sen. John McCain has a foundation called the McCain Institute.

Here's a nice mug shot of the man, the legend:

What do they do? Why, they fight ... human trafficking, of course!

And who is on the board for human trafficking at the McCain Institute?

None other than left-wing nut job Ashton Kutcher. So nice of him to help out a fellow globalist conservative progressive. Glad to see they're on the same team. Way to go, guys!|

On the Board of Trustees is an interesting name ... Lynn Forester De Rothschild.

Among the donors, we have ... Saudi Arabia, Rothschild, Bloomberg, the McCain Presidential Campaign (ever wonder where your political donations go???), and several large corporations and billionaires.

In 2014, Saudi Arabia donated $1,000,000. Is this like the Clinton Foundation "donations?" Is it a way to sneak around campaign finance laws? Is it a reason why McCain has a certain "viewpoint" about the Middle East?

Let's look a little closer at the SIZE of the McCain Institute.

21 members on the Board of Trustees.

11 members on the Human Trafficking Advisory Council
10 members on the NGL Advisory Council

4 Fellows

the other half
27 Staff Members, all with very important sounding titles, too!

And 7 Interns

That's 80 people. Nice!

So, with all that manpower on staff, and all those corporate and government and powerful, billionaire type donors (not to mention John McCain's campaign money) ... you would think they would be doing all sorts of great things to help stop human trafficking, right?

They are probably donating millions and millions of dollars around the world, and helping fight such a terrible problem, right?

Umm ... how about ... no?

In 2012, the foundation donated exactly $500,000.

In 2013, it was $500,000 again.

In 2014, it was upped to $1,500,000.

Notice those nice, round numbers? Almost as if one person simply wrote a single check, put up a fancy website, and then did NOTHING ELSE for 3 straight years.

And to WHOM or WHAT did that $2.5 million go to? Some human traffic superfighter, right?

Umm ... how about ... no?

It all went to Arizona State University (scroll down through the tax returns to see the disclosure).

It ALL -- EVERY PENNY -- went here:

Which, oh by the way, does not appear to have anything whatsoever to do with human trafficking.

Are we looking at a money laundering operation here?

Looks an awful lot like the bogus Clinton Foundation.
Found on the glp forum

Great job user, post it everywhere.

I believe based Megs has hinted at about as much. If it wasn't his idea, he probably willingly cooperated. He's already in his 80s, so it's not hard to imagine him preferring to die over facing the music.

They'll let him fake his death to save face. Watch

>Die faster to hide shit
That is dedication.

>going to be outed
>going to be


MegaAnon said a few weeks back that they'd speed up his natural causes before he'd be arrested because he'd want to save his legacy as a POW or some shit like that. She said if he died, he was just about to get it.

>He's going to be outed as the dossier leaker

So? Almost everyone already assumed it was him.

For ease of spreadability

Weird digit competition.

>McCain trying to die faster

He can die when Trump gives him permission to die.

Which two?

Here is a quick summary of shills trying to derail the thread.

Kagan has bad diabetes and Ginsberg is getting pretty old.

would love to see sotomayor the absolute affirmative action fraud out of there

It will be more fun to pack the court full of conservatives and watch her slowly go insane during three decades of constant vote loss.

>I am a vindictive fuck and I also hate that bitch

Kagan is only 57.

My bad Sotomayor has diabetes

No, people like McCain don't ever want to die because they know where they have a one way ticket to.

Article is bullshit.

But there are some very old members who I personally believe are holding back on retiring because Trump is in office right now.

Otherwise Hillary would have gotten more than one nomination to the court by now in the alternate timeline.