Pick one (1) to spend Friday night with


What is this garbage, delete this.

I want B, a big soft mummy who will spoil me!

wtf is this american cartoon shit

No thanks.

There is a little someting that makes me believe this is western art.
Friday night alone, thank you very much.

It's definitely done by a Japanese person. They have a Japanese name (Agawa Ryou) and they speak in flawed english.

Why do they all wear glasses? I refuse to chose.

K>L>C>Everyone else


Me an Bertha are gonna hit up an all-u-can eat joint and then rut like pigs till the sun comes up


>delicious brown
This isn't even close.


i'm stuck between choosing e because you can just tell she's into freaky shit like sucking toes or h who seems cute and shy and probably wants to hold hands the entire time

L, can't turn down an ojou-sama with drills.

I'd take F to an all-you-can-eat buffet like here but the only one in my back-asswards corner of the world only opens from 2 to 5 PM.

the truth is I can't pic just onek, agawa-sensei doing it again. even the gloomy flatso does things to my penis

L>J>A>I>=G>H>the rest.

This, even if she has glasses.

>All these votes for B
She has an alright figure, but she's just too fat.

>no loli

Not interested sorry tumblr.


>drawn by Ryo Agawa
The one that's actually a man.

it was a tough choice, but L wins

Just so you know, F won the poll.
Thicc trend too stronk.

Where? Tumblr?

H is the most normal-looking one.
I'll go with her.

F only has 3 votes so far.

Agawa put up one on twitter, the winner gets to have a CG set by him and fatty won the most votes.
Curiously, the muscle girl was second or third I think so I guess people just like extremes.

H is the only good one.


Go to prison Jamal.


What the fuck is wrong with you tier:

The Agawa poll I meant, my bad.

B. Would F too but she's a little overboard.

>Not only being a faggot, but a lying faggot as well
As far as I'm concerned, is the best answer. C is also acceptable, as is A. E seems like a dead fish, D and L are going to be a pain to deal with, and K looks like she would bite my dick off (and I like it where it is thanks).

They all have glasses, so any of them.

Only one girl, Drillhair, is capable of Drill Hair Sex so L is the best and only answer for this thread.

All of the ones with glasses.

Renaissance beauty standard is coming back and you can't stop us.

go for H. Those hips don't lie. She could take a pounding

Thicc isnt a nigger meme, but just as cancerous.

>no glasses
What the fuck is wrong with you user?

When will the thicc meme end?
These are not desirable bodies and anyone who thinks otherwise is a degenerate and a fat enabler.

Acceptable tier list, I don't really like A's type that much and I think B is a bit too fat, but those are mostly my own preferences.



c everyday

>When will the thicc meme end?
You'll have to go to Japan and convince the nip artist to stop fat worshipping.
People here liking it is just a consequence of what happens there.

Is this a joke? H is one of those girls who hates herself and forces her crippling insecurities on to everyone else. Would you date yourself?

Chests too large. E is awful

You seem to have picked the wrong board, my friend. Are you lost? Here, allow me to guide you back home.

Click this, and you'll be back where you belong.

I've fapped to this episode a couple of times

>H is one of those girls who hates herself and forces her crippling insecurities on to everyone else
That sounds more like E to me
that's hot btw

She just looks shy and nervous, I think you're reading way too much out of their eyes.

if you cant tell the different between most girls in the op and that, you might be autistic

Woman are built to have more fat. Only F looks obese, the rest are fine.

A => L > C

Brown fit girls with big titties are my thing. Too bad she's not blonde.

i thought about it and realized h is the most perfect out of all

>that moderate yet still cuppable rack
>that soft tummy with nice hips for firm grasping
>those thighs that almost rub together if not for the small gap

h is the superior choice

Her hair tells you all you need to know

A, because tomboyish and brown.

L and I are fine too.


>H winning the poll

Of course, the one that looks the "cutest" is winning on Sup Forums. This is why I hate this place. Anything close to "moe" and "kawaii-uguu~" is worshipped here. This placed is filled with shit taste.

They don't know how to identify complete wrecks

You want a fucking fight, asshole?

Are you implying there's anything wrong with twin braids? Say that to my face and not online, fucker.

>Would you date yourself?
Where the fuck do you think you are?
I'll bet a full half of this site would get with an opposite-sex version of themselves just so that they could get laid for once in their lives.

So you want us to all like the one who looks the most like a man then? I guess J must really be your thing.

This was how the Agawa poll ended.
Are you okay with it?

I don't know it the hearts on 2nd and 3rd means they'll also get a set and really, I don't care.

There has never been one well adjusted girl with twin braids. Prove me wrong.

Sup Forums BTFO

What if i fuck myself already?

the top 3 is literally the worst girls

Kill yourself

End it.

I'm surprised E managed to not get last place. She looks so depressive, and has the most boring body.

>if you're not infatuated with cute girls, then you must girls that looks like men!

Typical moeblobfags with moegoggles.

I guess girls just have terrible taste in how they present their own bodies, but we all knew that already anyways.

>the top 3 is the 3 worst girls
Man, they couldn't have picked worse if they tried.

no u

>the one that's closest to looking like a fucking child is winning

sasuga Sup Forums, you should all be imprisoned or strung up

>k 109
Holy Shit taste Batman

Do you think cute is negative or something, then?
Cute isn't everything, but it obviously adds to the attractiveness of a woman.

Go on, tell me which one you like the most, I could use a laugh. Argue your case for girls who aren't cute at all.

I dunno, man, she reminds me of a chick I know. I happen to like shorter women for some reason.

She looks like my only ex girlfriend, but with significantly smaller boobs and lighter hair.
I guess I still find that attractive.

It helps that the rest are borderline fat.

>she's good because she's the closest to 3DPD

Yeah, this is why I've been saying she's shit

And again:

>THICC girl 2nd
Not bad at all Sup Forums.
Good job

>normies voted for H
>H is winning
really makes you think

Devianart tier garbage.

B without a doubt

>H is the most popular
>Not patrician choice E
Betas, the lot of you

E gives off those Emergence vibes.
Probably one of the easiest ones, and as someone already mentioned, she would definitely agree to the kinkiest shit.

>cute isn't everything

How long have you been here? Sup Forums eats up anything that is remotely cute even if it's the most obvious moebait in existence. Cute can be fine is it's not an obvious bait and/or if it's not the ONLY thing going for the girl.

I like A and L the most. See, L is cute. She obviously has a rocking body but she's still embarassed about showing it in lingerie. That's cute.


E looks like she knows how to have a terrible awkward time and still accept me for who I am so that's who I am putting the ring on.

The patrician choice is L.


>Says people eat up moebait for simply being cute
>Picks generic drillhair ojousama because muh cute and pretends it's non-standard beauty

>The exaggerated meme designs won

Ah, you're one of those tomboy/fit fags.
At least your second pick is the same as mine, I can respect that.

As for your question, I think I've been here for 7-8 years or so, I can't remember.

The voters have excellent taste

I mentioned one thing about my life briefly in an instance where it was applicable, how does that make me a normalfag?

Not them but I used to date a 19 yo who looked 15.

I like L. Give me L.