Just finished the anime, and it was fantastic but the ending felt unsatisfying. Did anyone else feel like that?

Just finished the anime, and it was fantastic but the ending felt unsatisfying. Did anyone else feel like that?

I'm glad gon found ging but what about all the other story lines they left open? What about the weird Hisoka v. Gon stuff? Killiua running off? What about the rest of the Phantom Troupe and Kuripika?

I know the manga is continuing but will it actually end? Idk

I also would like to see more of leorio. I thought he was a character that didn't get enough story time.

Which anime did you watch, and did you check the OVAs?

not even trying to be rude here but yea read it although only one of those things get resolved
can you not read its obvious

also why are so many people watching hunter now are you fucking baiting me faggot

beats me... maybe because the "big 3" are ending, and HxH has been relatively less known for western fucks up until now?

No I legit don't know. I had a friend highly recommend it to me so I watched it. I'm not that well versed in anime. Honestly, I'm a normie by all stretches of the imagination

I guess would have a spot in the big 3 if it was actually consistent. So how weird is 2011's dub

more like it could've been the Naruto of our time, had it not enjoyed its fuck-long hiatuses. HxH started couple years earlier, and is so clear proto-Naruto, it's totally uncanny.

>how weird is 2011's dub
no fucking idea, nor do I wanna know.
Still, 1999 > 2011

Please don't tell me you watched the inferior 2011 version

>3D reaction image

>1999 > 2011
this entire argument is so ridiculous to me both sides normally just nitpick and cherrypick its a completely opinionated argument.
I do think you should watch both though doesn't matter the time or the order. It has been a long time since I've watched 99 though I remember yorknew being good.
but for OP read the fucking manga and lurk more before posting


tfw all shounen anime is shit except hxh and one punch man

>one punch man

>this entire argument is so ridiculous to me
what "argument"? I just stated my opinion; opinion of someone who started watching HxH stuff for the first time eve last month, and started by viewing ep1 of both 99 and 11 versions, and found 1999's art-style, directing and pacing to be vastly superior. Finished 99 earlier this month, started 2011 version, and got to ep 35 now. So far, it's been inferior in every possible way, and feels very rushed + censored.

t. pretentious oldfag

99 version is shit bro

calm down I was refering to the whole 2011 vs 1999 thing in general

Nice ""arguments"", kiddo.
1999 > manga > 2011

for something based off of an incomplete work, the ending was reasonable enough

well rip u dudester. togashi is being slowly poisoned to death by his bulldyke wife

I just started watching because of these threads.

I unironically found Komugi sexy.

Mai nigga

Are you the one who has been posting pictures for ants, Meruem?

I'm going to assume you're not baiting.

The manga is still going on. The anime ending was the best possible option for a near-conclusive ending.

If Togashi does continue HxH, you'll probably see more of those plot lines. The manga that goes past the anime' stop already gave more time to Leorio, had the match between Hisoka and Chrollo, and is introducing Kurapika and his eyes hunt back.

Thank you! Ok I'm definitely checking out the manga now. I just wanted to see if the read was worth getting past the watch's end

Basically this. Honestly I'm one of those people that thinks Hunter X Hunter is never going to get a real conclusive ending, I just think that Togashi is going to straight up die before he actually writes an ending.

Since it seems like you've watched 2011 you might as well skip the manga from beginning to the elction arc and continue reading from there. You can read the whole thing though if you want it to last longer before waiting for the next chapters to release.

Is it best to start reading the manga where the anime ended, or start from the beginning?


Yu Yu Hakusho is vastly superior to HxH I dunno what the fuck is with all the hype about it.

>I dunno what the fuck is with all the hype about it
the dark continent arc could be seen as an apology letter to those that didn't enjoy the final arc of yuyu and wanted them to keep fighting demons as they got deeper and deeper in to demon world or at least actually fight each other. DC really reminds me of how the demon world was spoken about but even more intense don't get how a yuyu hakusho fan wouldn't be all over that shit.

I dropped it just into the finding Killua arc, I'm just not willing to keep going through hundreds of okay episodes in hopes it gets good later.

i was like you until they got to the yorkshin arc, which is arc 4, but then it suddenly became great

to be fair I can genuinely understand that as the beginnings good but it does slowdown a little after the hunter exam but I would push you to give it another chance some time at least make it to yorknew.
The Zoldyck arc is more for characterization of their friendship and is one of the shortest arcs in the series then comes one the best arcs after

give me ONE (1) good reason they shouldn't just give it to Hype Kubo when Togashit dies and let him go for broke to the finish line. you know that they're going to have to asspull from now to the end to resolve everything they've set up. why not truly deconstruct shonen by letting it become one. swing for the fences. choose kubo

you secretly know it's true

Aside from the main cast, that's wrong in every way possible.

this. Perhaps the die were cast when togashi decided to leave a million plotthreads.

kubo is the final solution