Koe no katachi / a silent voice uk showings

sasuga, kermode-sama
the madman made it his movie of the week

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I'm pretty sure that most hard Kyoanifags are Brits, so this isn't surprising.

Big Black Cock news has it right for once

Maybe he'll have a row with that other reporter

Didn't he also do it for Kimi no nawa?

Yeah, and it made it into his top ten films of the year list

Mark is a weeb and he doesn't even know it.

Kermode is usually right. He's more a Sup Forums man than Sup Forums though.

>I'm pretty sure that most hard Kyoanifags are Brits
They're South Americans and muslism

Anyone else going for a second screening?

i don't think it warrants one so soon
shit's too heavy to just enjoy it taken at a face value, at least that's how i felt

Shouldn't really surprise anyone that flappyhands-kun likes it.

>movie of the week
There isn't much competition

>closest cinema to me had the highest prices in the whole of the UK
>it would be cheaper to buy the bluray

Source please

So was the movie good? Did it have any good sakuga or just the usuall mediocrity for KyoAni movies?

Kermode is based. He also rated Your Name as one of his top ten films of 2016.

I can't see to many americans liking k-on, or maybe that's just me not liking k-on that much

lol, her fucking face

did they keep the cocktease ending or do we get a goddamn confession this time?

Got a link to this discussion?

It's pure anime kino

I can only see americans liking K-On.
Shit like that can only appeal to uneducated people.

I mean, I guess I really like KyoAni and I have a few friends who like KyoAni, but I wouldn't say they're exceptionally popular here. I could be wrong though. It's not like we have any reliable measure.

It all makes sense now.

when can i torrent this movie

Not sure if it's the same thing.

The review in the OP is like a 30 seconds long, so the video you linked is the one to watch.
I found it interesting that he mentioned shots of legs and looking down, because Hibike was also full of that. Someone at kyoani loves legs, man.

sounds like a degenerate weeb. it was good for an animu move, but certainly not a top 10 film

>but certainly not a top 10 film
You must not realize what a shit year 2016 was for film

It's a shitty anime.

>being autistic enough that you need a confession

>La La Land
>Hacksaw Ridge

I honestly dont usually watch western movies, I was hoping Sup Forums wouldnt be here to refute me. I'm sorry

Hacksaw and Silence are the only good ones there.

Just because your husbando is on them doesn't mean they're automatically the best user-kun.

Kermode is a cool dude.

>Someone at kyoani loves legs, man.
It's all Yamada. It's cool that she was able to imbue her little kinks with a lot of meaning though.

Hacksaw Ridge, Moonlight and Silence weren't released in the UK until 2017

Just to clarify, Kermode's top 10 list is based on UK release dates.

Garfield is the worst part of those two films.

No idea why people liked this.