be honest Sup Forums, who is best girl?
Be honest Sup Forums, who is best girl?
from NGE?
I like neither of them. According to keikaku. If I must chose I'd do Asuka. At least she is a human with emotions n shiet.
>slut psycho bitch with electra complex
>slut alcholic with electra complex
>a clone detached with emotion
they are all shit and you should all feel bad
the correct answer is Asuka
Came here to post this.
You're not supposed to give the answer with the question.
Cucks, go back to prepping the bull for Jamal.
Asuka is probably going to taking BBC when she gets older.
Rei cucks you with the entire earth
Rei is for whites.
Laquisha please, go back to bitching at white kids in your sociology class, you're out of your element
Rei is by far the best Evangelion girl.
Gendo isn't white
We have a winner.
I'm just going to leave this here.
I don't like this new moot
Misato - I don't even give a damn that she's a whore
But its 2017, white supremacy needs to end! Asuka needs a black boyfriend.
only if Toji gets a cute black girlfriend
The same thread every day...
Every FUCKING day!
Old moot was an Asuka-fag, too.
Yeah but he didn't discriminate against Rei like that!
Asuka. Not that she had any competition. Can someone explain why the fuck cuck boi shinji was choking her at the end of end of evangelion? I know he choked her in that dream sequence or whatever but why after he had just saved her and himself?
Please stop pushing your cuckold fantasies onto others dude.
>can someone explain X about EoE?
Can someone explain why nobody knows how to google shit anymore? It's been analyzed to death for the last twenty fucking years and millions of people have written up analysis on it, all of which you can access within like two fucking seconds and your stupid ass has the audacity to expect other people to do this simple fucking task for you?
Old moot used to ban reifags a long time ago
I guess new moot is better than you think
Wew I didn't know you would get this triggered. I don't want some big ol' faggy write up about a pseudo-intellectual children's cartoon. I just want someone to tell me quick on here.
Anno already said its Asuka. Not sure why this is still a thing.
Cause Rei is objectively better regardless of what some faggots opinion is. Asuka is for the mentally weak and dependent who need to pick teacher's pet so they don't have to be insecure about their choice.
Doesn't help too much, because deep in their small, ugly hearts, they know Rei is better. Hence their outrage.
It's 2deep4u, literally. If you don't have the patience to read a few articles about it, then this children's cartoon is literally too deep for you to comprehend
I bet you gave evangelion a 10 on MAL.
I don't use MAL but yes, if I had to rate it I would give it very close to a 10
Reminder that Shinji is canonically heterosexual.
Please go.
Well Toji has Hikari and hates Asuka, they only had a relationship in the live action to show how she only goes for sex when she's older. It shows how shitty Asuka is as a person.
more like canonically desperate, lonely, and sexually frustrated, much like Sup Forums
>tfw never seen neon genesis evangelion
I prefer Asuka to Rei because I prefer a black/red color scheme to white/light blue. That said, Shinji's white/dark blue is superior to both.
Misato. Not because I like her. She's just the least shitty out of her, Rei, and Asuka. Rei is just creepy due to having the same monotonous face and tone, and Asuka is an abusive bitch with a superiority complex
I'm not actually, I'm only mocking those who view the eva girls as waifus. The point of Evangelion was not about waifus, or anything like that. People keep missing the point of what Anno wanted to tell you.
pic not related
Best woman? Misato
Best girl? Asuka
Best clone? Rei II
Best scientist? Yui
Best AU girl? Genki Rei
Best Rebuild? Mari
Best child? Toji
Best class rep? Hikari
Best cook? Shinji
Best facial hair? Fucking nobody
Best survival skills? Kensuke
Best angel? Ramiel
Best EVA? Unit-01
Honorable Mention: Kyoko from the Shinji Ikari Raising Project
pls halp
I watched EVA years ago, but i realized that i hardly remember it. Possibly because of my drug addled teenage brain.
I watched the original, and i was wondering which of the new ones i should also watch. and in what order. So please direct me.
Also Misato could make me pilot anything, pure or not.
There's the original series and End of Evangelion, then the rebuilds which are pretty straightforward as 1.11, 2.22, and 3.33. The rebuilds are each part of a long narrative and meant to be watched together in order.
Don't watch new movies, watch original series + End of Evangelion.
wow user! There happens to be just the board to ask, how convenient of Hiro to set it up way before you have asked this question!
Consider it as a welcome present from him and take your ass to there! Wonderful! 素晴らしい!!
But he'll miss the gay piano duets from 3.33!
Thanks, i'll watch the series + End of Evangelion. Then if it isn't 2deep4me and i'm still hungry for more, i'll look into the rest.
I just didn't want to start at the wrong point, and mess up the experience. Thanks again.
I don't have any more Misato pics, so here is best girl from another show.
My question might belong on another board, but your shitpost belongs in
Obvious best
Whats the difference? He wasn't sexually attracted to men.
s;g has better girls
>he doesn't have more Misato pics
Asuka is best girl
Kaworu is best girl (male)
I had a massive collection of images from the interbutts and 4chins, but i lost it all and never really recovered. Now i just apathetically throw random pictures into poorly structured folders.
I really do need more Misato pictures, especially lewds.
I know, right? I was going to make one but saw this one was already up. Spared me the trouble.
Don't say I never did anything nice for you user
I don't see how the clone detached from the emotion is on the same level as the other two.
I have never wanted more to be a confused young boy in over his head, graced with the attention of an older woman.
I would pilot my robot into a diamond wall for a sip of that bathwater
Jesus Christ the mammaries on Mayuri.
I don't usually think of indecent things with the s;g girls (besides suzuha) but damn...
Who the fuck cares about the point I'll enjoy this shit how I want nigger.
This fucking thread again. This needs to stop. Oh well.
My point is they are all bad as waifus.
Tuturu has always had big tuturus.
Will you come back when we're having this same thread 20 years from now to say the same thing?
Asuka has been a satisfactory waifu
muh dick
The only thing she has going for her is that she's the cutest out of all the cast. Yet, she's a selfish person with an electra complex. Asuka can't even cook. Pretty bad waifu, desu.
>Implying that isn't why I like her
Do you also like ones that are violent? As for me, I like my tsunderes that are willing to sacrifice for their husbando. Also an American red redhead with blue eyes. Kind of ironic.
Yes violent is good sometimes
>redhead with blue eyes
The ideal combination
It always surprises me that there are people who have such bad taste that they actually like Rei.
Why do you want that? Asuka can't even force herself to love others.
Obligatory superior girl posting.
Aahh, i feel better now. Long time ive been holding it.
I didn't like any of the girls. Asuka and Misato were the most interesting girls though I guess.
I thought we all knew this.
>not polt
>adam 50% dna
Who the fuck wrote that fanfic nonsese? That is factually wrong.
pls properly source your memes or asuka will frown
good tastes anons
>not woman
Step up, user
>Misato will never treat your wounds
Move aside faggots, real best grill coming through.
I am the best girl.
>pareidolia visions
From a visual character design perspective; who gives a shit? It's pure subjective preference. I ike Rei's design more than Asuka's.
Asuka is however by far the more compelling character though, and is therefore the superior character in my book.
Nice story time