What type is Cell weak to?


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Was that fucking Freeza?

So, is Team Rocket going to be okay?

even spikier golden hair

>they think cell has enough power to kill team rocket

Well he'd probably be Bug/Fighting so really Charizard would have been Ash's best bet.

Ice, because he kinda of remembers me Zygarde


so weak to Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Fairy.

Guess which of those Gohan is ;^}

There's only two certainties in pokemon. Ash will always lose the league, and Team Rocket will survive.

He looks like bug/fighting so flying would be your best bet.

>TFS choosing the best companions

Even they know Misty is best girl.


>Kasumi and Takeshi
>no Serena

Fucking dropped.

I prefer the one with Kenshiro


Wrong, it's Dawn

I was under the impression that each one of these was based of another abridged series doing a crossover. I don't think there's any decent pokemon abridged series that skipped right to Kalos let alone got past Kanto.

You're probably right, I'm just autistic you should probably just ignore my posts.

Wrong. It's Misty

Dawn is the sexiest.

It's the best one by far.

That's because it has WeeklyTubeShow's awesome Kenshiro. There should have been more Dub of the North Star.

When are they gonna have Kirito & Asuna?

Abridged version, of course.


But....why would Cell have the same pressure points?


>these guys tried to insinuate that Saitama would have an actual match against cell.

Fairy, as Bug/Fighting cant do anything to it.

It's a fucking bug, learn the fucking type chart you nignog

Would he?

It's funny because the only two notable Bug/Fighting types have coverage to kill flying types

their Pokemon voices were pretty damn close to the original VAs

I want to fuck Misty.

Getting killed.

He will die if he is killed.