You like trains?

You like trains?

why yes, I love trains!

Trains are super interesting

That one on the left looks a little unhinged.

You're imaging things

Trains are okay. What's not okay is a certain violent nutcase who points guns at her coworkers, and should have been fired after the first episode.

I love trains

Best watched with Sup Forums, of course.

I really did like the two-part episode with the mini-train, I thought it was really well done.

Anime fucked up the plot so bad. But the PLOT and Backstory was amazing.

I'd hitch a ride.

I loved this marginal show just due to Sup Forums. Never read the LN. Plot was a fucking mess but the story was a nice mix of autistic train bullshit and fanservice to create an entertaining show. I also liked the emphasis the director put on the asses.

Which rail would you war?

The only entertaining thing about the show was the production disaster. This show is quite literally the reason why the fucking medium should never be respected.

>one off joke
>people think she is some sort of yandere

>wanting """"respect""""
Respect is what leads to the GitS movie.

>He hasn't read the light novel

That was Hollywood and their insistence to make more money off white people

It looks good.

I am not autistic enough to. As far as I know from the anime she is a sweet girl.


You think they would have touched GitS if it wasn't a respected series? Same with Death Note, they won't touch anything unless it's something acceptable to the mainstream which is exactly what respect is and the moment they touch it they will fuck it up.
>muh revenge

I'll stop shitposting about this since I don't want to derail this thread off trains.

All of them are really good.

They would've made a Hollywood adaptation out of Nisekoi if it was a cultural icon

>uno makoto stopped drawing futa to work on this shit
>hasn't returned since
no, i don't fucking like trains

YFW when their is a better train show.

The people running things in hollywood have more scruples than that. They wouldn't make garbage just for attention and a buck.

>Sweet girl
She's the equivalent of Kaede from Shuffle but with the ability to memorize a ton of shit. She's only sweet if she gets what she wants.

It has backstory, plot, and even character development. What's not to love?

Then why does the GiTS live action movie exist?

Kaede is emotionally unstable only because Rin(?) was getting in Asai's(?) panties. The Mc here isn't like that and I doubt she would snap outside of that one time he was doing other things in that mountain town with some broad.

me on the right

It is a work of merit that deserves an adaptation.

>When you shit on the author so hard he just gives up

She's actually incredibly unstable emotionally. And when she sees the MC kissing the redhead she loses her shit.

this is the fastest I ever dropped a show

Awww shit nigga

Being a little tiffed isn't losing your shit. For all we know she was embarrassed and it came out wrong.

damn son, do you have more gifs?

Did the LNs stop?

>This anime is almost three years old

They both lose it when the reverse trap princess confesses in the latest volume.


>barges into his room without knocking
>stands there and lets the train hit her multiple times when she could of moved.
>gets pissed at him

Pretty to look at but her personality was shit.

is the LN translated?

i'm tempted to read this now.

I was hoping this would have been a not panding POS ecchi series and actually had more focus on Japanese Mass Transit.

Since there is some good stuff about privatization versus public companies, and local companies and how they are struggling to survive with the population decrease.


You hoped without the anime studio caring. There is ecchi in the LN, but it's not to the degree that the anime portrayed it. And there was more bombings and assassinations and shit, like with the Princess plotline.

You can say that again.

Trains are real interesting yup

I was so stoked for this show. I was hoping to see some nice train animation, maybe a good look at various train stops, a few pictures of them undergoing maintenance. Instead the show was just about a couple of dumb sluts.

Does anyone have that scene where they were putting up posters and they were all blank?
Holy shit, so much of this show was QUALITY

Really? So I guess he has suitors.

What did she do?

Don't forget the cars parked in trees.

I'm okay with posting more trains though.

>not which war would you rail

The anime was pure shit.
I still watched it all of course.
And I fapped to the fanservice posters and extras they put out.

Fuck, Marry or Kill


Is this normal for Japan?

>still have a folder just for aoi
goddamn this show was a miracle.


I wish it had a better character design and production values. Also, from the PV I thought it would have lots of action and shit but it had very few. But I dropped it at episode 4, am I wrong and does it get better? Or not?


There's much more action, especially near the end, but I wouldn't say it gets better

I'm still eternally mad that the only nipples we didn't get to see were Red's nipples