Is Hideki Anno the George Lucas of anime?

Is Hideki Anno the George Lucas of anime?

More like george bush of anime

I see why you'd say that, but to be honest, that's an insult to George Lucas. I give him shit for the prequels too, but I can't deny all the work he put into modernizing cinema and the special effects scene. As shit as the prequels are, they're still far better than what the Rebuilds became with 3.33.

I'd say Toriyama comes closer. Shit like potara fusion suddenly having a time limit is "Greedo shot first" levels of stupid.

Nope, unless Moyaco had a hand in making Eva the classic today.

George Lucas was saved by his first wife, who was the true MVP and turned Star Wars from a incoherent mess into the timeless classic. That's why the prequels fucking sucked ass too.

3.33 is the best rebuild go fuck yourself

That title belongs to Kishimoto

>1 post by this ID

3.33 was shit for degenerate retards, and it makes the prequels look amazing and innovative.

He's the David Chase (creator of "The Sopranos") of Anime.

Both men created a TV show in the 90s that became a massive cultural touchstone for their respective countries, inspired a fanatical cult following around the world, and totally revolutionized their respective mediums (live-action drama and TV anime).

Both shows (Evangelion and The Sopranos) started out as straightforward, albeit unprecedentedly high-quality pastiches of culturally beloved genres in their home country - mecha and kaiju shows/movies for Eva, gangster flicks and nuclear-family dramas/sitcoms for Sopranos - and then unexpectedly changed direction halfway through, becoming increasingly introspective, dark and philosophical, as they turned their attention on the uncommonly rich psychological intricacies of their characters. The change in direction for both shows also alienated many mainstream viewers and culminated in experimental, unorthodox endings that incited fan outrage, but which the creators staunchly defended.

Both shows brought a level of artistic quality and intellectual depth to their respective mediums that singlehandedly set a new bar for television and influenced nearly all subsequent shows going forward.

Both men are fascinated by themes of depression, existentialism, spirituality, and psychoanalysis.

Both walked away from massive, genre-defining epics after they were over to direct tiny, intimate, low-budget live-action movies that only their diehard fans remember (and love).

And above all, both are notoriously grumpy, cantankerous old men who are always complaining about kids/TV/culture these days and respond to any kind of fan request to clarify the ambiguities or mysteries of their TV series by giving blatant, self-deprecating troll answers.

This is actually a really good comparison. I'll /thread that one for ya user.


Nope. Don't see any "Rebuild of Sopranos: You can (not) close the door" made by David Chase.

Take your anno-glorifying bullshit out of here.

Beyond the extremely topical "made a critically acclaimed work and then a series of remakes, rehashes, rereleases, and sequels that range from great to utter trash" and "not the expert of his own story", no the two of them are nothing alike in proclivities, characteristics, or works.

The Johnny Boy/Junior prequel spinoff is coming, don't kid yourself. Any day now...

This is pretty good.

>anno-glorifying bullshit
There's nothing wrong with glorifying Anno. The Rebuild are just a cash grab anyway, any smart person would've done them.

This makes too much sense

It is if it's a fat lie.

>Both walked away from massive, genre-defining epics
You fucking wish.

Maybe if Anno ended it with NGE and didn't decide to drag his magnum opus through the otaku swamp and then shoot it in the neck three thirds into the woods.

Congratulations on being fucking ignorant though, you may trick one retard or two tops.

I wrote it before the Rebuilds were announced haha


This is bullshit, Anno wanted the rebuilds to be the original "true" version with a big special effects budget attached. Anno is a hack.

You're retarded haha

Go back to Sup Forums

Now user, you I don't like that kind of talk

What the fuck is Lucas even doing with the storyboard there? I'm going to assume this shit actually means something, like he's using certain colors to indicate certain types of movement or something (like making something purple means "this part moves smoothly" and yellow means "this is a jagged movement" or something).

Hideki Anus?

Who the fuck is that?

If I recall correctly he's indicating which parts will be done with actors and practical effects and which will be CGI.

>totally revolutionized their respective medium
Nice meme.
What's next, it deconstructed mecha?