They see your terminal cancer

>they see your terminal cancer

my aunt has that

oh god

That's not funny.

You hating on Doermi?

Sharp had the best OP

Doki Doki Waku Waku Kuru Kuru Maware!

That's easy to say. But then you DANCE!DANCE!DANCE!DANCE! おどろ!

>Sup Forums doesnt like Doremi anymore

Just kill me

>one tripfag says oh god doremi
>wtf Sup Forums hates doremi now

I like da doremis.

If you didn't watch this show raw, at initial airing, while being a little girl, you are a poser.

Boring show for babies that Sup Forums pretends is good because one episode in 200 has some forced drama shock value.

gosh, you've talked me into hating Ojamajo Doremi

I don't think you should even jokingly say such things about Ojamajo.

Why do people who dont watch shows judge them

That means I've won.
I don't have to put up with this shit any longer and everyone will think of me as a fucking hero for losing my hair and laying around all day until the end comes.
>"Oh, he was so brave."
>"Yes, he fought so hard. So tragic."
Suckers, I got my ticket out of this shitshow!

When did Fresh Precure get such good animation?

Dokkaan best by far.

I want to fuck a two year old.


didn't knew she was such a bitch.

here in mexico we had doremi too, i think only the original and #, but i guess i deemed it, or was forced to deem it, as 'too girly' to watch.

She was a bitch in the 1st season, kinda after that too but she really grew on me from s2 onwards

She grows on you lots more later on. She's a bit more complex than the other ojamajos.

WebMs sure are fun


Two best side characters together.

shit taste senpai

From the classmates the flower girl and the rich inferiority complex ojou were the best

Those are respectable choices.

But I just can't get enough of Nobuko-chan and Shimajura-san. Shimakura's voice is just too good, and Nobuko-chan has fun episodes.


I like the characters and the jokes


Oh thank god! I thought they might've seen my terrible self esteem.
>zips up dick

what is wrong with her mouth?

She was born like that, user.


Happy Lucky Minna ni To~doke!

Other threads on Sup Forums aren't worth not shamelessly bumping this one.


They sure are.

Is it true that doremi waifufags exists?

There most likely is an internet rule that will confirm that, yes.

If I didn't already have a waifu by the time I watched Doremi, I know a certain girl who I would have waifued.

What this guy said.

Yeah, me too, a lot of the girls are very charming. I'm sure I would have had someone to post too, had I actually thought about cheating on my waifu.

is she kill?

She gets better.