
This is Neptune, she is best Nep. Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:

Neptune is an autist and worst Nep.

Noire and Uni are best Neps.

She's an eggplant connoisseur.

She should eat her dinner

Big Nep is best Nep


She transforms into Purple Heart, my wife and mother of two cute daughters.

I wish Vert was my big sister.

I really like her sister.

I like Big Nep more though.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

I am literally going to tonguefuck your fiance's asspussy!


this his how nepfags actually live

Nep-Nep is olev

fine taste

Okay David Aries.

Nep haet eggplant


iris heart is better

Goddess trips, HDD form superior confirmed

The dream?




I love Chika!

I wish I could live like that.

You can, working on it now

>Buy and pay off house
>Buy two rental properties, paid off houses
>Hire management company to handle renters
>Live off rental income

Should be there in another 4 years...

>>Buy and pay off house

houses are too expensive where I live. sigh...

I lived somewhere where houses started at $500k for a shithole. I moved.

i would move if i could but then i'd be too far from my job.

I want to pee in her butt.

>wanting to live like a scumbag NEET

off yourself

I want to look exactly like Noire!

Is this a new pic? I don't remember seeing it on pixiv
