Just finished Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood since I never saw it and wanted to watch and my friend told me it's...

Just finished Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood since I never saw it and wanted to watch and my friend told me it's better than the original. Now that I watched all of it i'm watching the original to see which is the better version, the original or brotherhood. Why have I heard most people say brotherhood is better and is it really that much better? I want to hear both sides of the argument. Those who prefer the original and those who prefer brotherhood.

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brotherhood is the only good anime that came out within the past 10 years

You were supposed to watch the original first ya dingus. Now you only have yourself to blame if the 1st half ends up boring you,

Is a matter of preference, Brotherhood is more standard type of shonen, however at the same time is more concise, coherent and tight compared to the original. 2003 is more experimental and weird, but it's also full of nonsensical stuff.

I personally prefer the characters in 2003 as I think they have more development and depth.

why was I supposed to watch the original first? So far it seems exactly the same. Might be the website i'm using to watch but original seems lower quality. Not that much of a problem though I like this older style of animation.

>the website i'm using to watch


Also You said brotherhood is more concise which is weird because it's actually more episodes than the original. Only like 10 more but still.

More than anything its the cinematography thats better in 2003.

Heck the opening scenes of both series are indicative of this - 2003 clues you in on basically everything you need to know without beating you over the head with it, Brotherhood does a much shittier job and feels more like a standard shounen, because you were already meant to be invested from the original.

Brotherhood was very good, but the original had much better characters and I find that I prefer it over FMA:B

People Stream. Get over it.

I don't know how else they expect me to wake up one day and decide to watch a show that went off the air over 10 years ago. Not like it's on TV. And I don't have a blue ray or DVD player.

finished the first episode. Seems exactly the same so far.

You can just download it off of nyaa and watch through a decent video player so you don't have to sacrifice any of the quality of the recording
I used to be a streamfag, but honestly downloading is a lot better, especially because I can't rely on my internet being up whenever I want to watch anime

>he laughs even though the files he dls are probably just rips for streams


It's not hard to find genuinely hd quality streams in this day and age, grandpa. Try using this new thing called google.

THe Bones ending for the 2003 anime was hard to swallow, but Conqueror of Shamballa is a steaming shit on the franchise.

It's because of how it was paced. The 1st 33 episodes roughly constitute the (vastly inferior) first 13 of Brotherhood. The only reason I can think of for why FMAB was paced like that was likely because of Bones assuming their immediate target audience already saw the first anime and wanted to just get to the fresh material.

You can't exactly skip those episodes either because of all the major and minor differences sprinkled throughout.

The 2003 full-metal alchemist tried too hard at being deep and edgy. The only reason people like them is because they gave a little more depth to the characters that were sort of ignored in brotherhood. That's mostly due to the fact that the 2003 version had SO LITTLE characters compared to brotherhood.

>good character development
>good action scenes
>good story
>way more characters
>larger more immersive world
>more interesting characters but less development
>amazing story
>good action scenes

A lot more happens in Brotherhood, so it's obviously longer. Even in the first part where the story is the same in both versions, Brotherhood is much more concise and has less fillers. The pacing of the original was a mess, especially in the second half.

Oh funny you should mention that movie. After finishing brotherhood I watched the movies and that one confused the fuck out of me. Made literally no sense. Asked my friend and apparently the movie was supposed to be the real ending of the original full metal alchemist. That's why I was so confused.

Also I watched some of the special episodes from the original and brotherhood wrath and sloth are better than the original.

Bradley being wrath was great and idk what that little kid with the long hair was supposed to be. Also water sloth is stupid. Giant sloth was a lot better.

'03 had a better villain and list stupid battle shounen cliches

Seriously brotherhood was worse almost all around.


ignore this faggot. They're a worse cancer on Sup Forums than losslessfags on Sup Forums.

'03's villain was literally an immortal granny you stupid turd. I was trying to be nice but honestly '03 is complete shit. I can say this as someone who's seen both.

FMAB had a being from another dimensions who turned into a god. Better themes. Waaaay better villains.

You literally have no taste.

Brotherhood follows the manga almost 1:1, 2003 makes up a bunch of weird shit for filler since the manga wasn't done yet.

Seen both multiple times.

FMA is decent, early episodes are great
Brotherhood is phenomenal beginning to end

If someone made a combined viewing order that mixed the first chunk of the original and then transitioned into Brotherhood that'd probably be perfection.

>I can say this as someone who's seen both.
You're not special no matter how much you think you are faggot.
FMAB was a completely generic battle shounen and you are proving how new you are to anime/manga if you thought there was anything remarkable about it. '03 was at least somewhat interesting

I also liked FMAB version of sloth and wrath more.

I will give 03 the better pride though. I didn't like Salem. Salim? However you spell that kids name.

This better be shitposting.

It's it just watch until Hughes dies, then switch? I'm pretty sure that's when Bones ran out of material. There are a few changes early on in 03 but I don't remember any being really critical.

03 took the story in a better direction and actually respected the concept of equivalent exchange.

Brotherhood appeals to kids with ADHD who want a sacrine sweet happy ending where nobody learns anything.

03' to episode 33, then pick up on 14 of fma:b. Dont actully do it though cause both series themeaticlly are going different places even if the storyline is the same.

I hope you're the one shitposting and not really a sad little shit that picked something this trivial to feel superior over others with. Seriously, think very carefully about what you're actually getting mad over then kill yourself after you realize how stupid it is.

I watched all of the original FMA and don't know what people talk about when they say it took chances and risks. It seemed like an ordinary anime to me. Nothing special. It wasn't bad or anything it just really wasn't that unique. What chances and risks did it take?

mother fucker i have been watching anime for more than 15 years your words don't mean shit to me. I know i'm not special but you certainly are 'special'. And by special i mean absolutely autistic.
You = shit
Your opinion = shit.

the ending was fucking shit. I wanted Winry and Al AND Mustang and Hawkeye to be together but I was disappointed they didn't do shit with it. In fact I got the most pissed when at the end of conquerors of Shamballah Winry looks up at the ship saying "Als on that. Guess this is our last goodbye" and just fucking accepts that. Doesn't give a fuck. I mean what the hell was that bullshit? I thought they loved each other.

Yeah I'd have to say this is the closest absolute comprise you could get. But just watch '03 and then Brotherhood for maximum enjoyment.

>Implying Mustang has time for family when he's the interim Fuhrer until the country reorganizes.

But he and Hawkeye are about as heavily implied to be an item as you could get.

Or watch to ep 33 then start Brotherhood, since Brotherhood assumes the audience already knows what happened so it can speed through that part.

The ending to the original is much better since it isn't wishy washy thematically.

Yeah but the rest of '03 finishes the narrative well enough and the first few episodes of Brotherhood are good even for someone whose seen '03.

>The only reason I can think of for why FMAB was paced like that was likely because of Bones assuming their immediate target audience already saw the first anime and wanted to just get to the fresh material.
Brotherhood's pace is much closer to the manga than 03's was. FMA03 added a lot of padding and filler at the beginning, it's like the Elrics couldn't go from Point A to Point B without getting sidetracked by some bullshit.

I like 2003 more because of nostalgia glasses, the splitting story at the end, much more entertaining plot, quick watch time, and the Shamballa movie.

I like brotherhood for it's tone and animation.

So 2003 for me.

who said anything about a family? I just wanted them to be together. They didn't need to have kids, Just get married or some shit. Same with Al and Winry. In brotherhood all we got was "i'll give you half my life and you give me half yours. That's equivalent exchange." Then Winry said no i'll give you 100% of my life which was better I guess but still...

'03 is one of the few anime original endings that were as good if not better than the real ending.

>I never saw it and wanted to watch and my friend told me it's better than the original.

Your friend lied to you, I am sorry.
People say that because Brotherhood follow the manga, while 2003's FMA is an original anime.
Usually, original manga > anime, but not in this case.

.5/.5 = 1
1/1 = 1
Equivalent exchange, senpai.

what do you mean? What real ending? Of the manga?

well... shit...

Some things are better in the original, some things are better in Brotherhood.

I think the thing that held back 2003 the most was some of the filler. There were a lot of padded episodes. However, it was also that deliberation which lent a better sense of gravitas to the series. A good example is Hughes, whose death had a much larger impact in '03 thanks to the superior developments and screen time provided for him. Some characters like Scar and Lust are so out-right better in '03 than they were in Brotherhood, though the same could be said in the reverse for certain characters (Bradley and Kimblee are much better in Brotherhood, for example). Ed's development in '03 is also much better, I think. He ends up being a lot less naive in '03 than he ever was in Brotherhood, and he has to sacrifice some of his own moral qualities on his quest. Some people might say this is too edgy for a character like Ed, but it was very well executed. I generally preferred the tone of '03 compared to Brotherhood overall, and the OST in Brotherhood just fucking pales in comparison to the '03 OST.

Worst thing about '03 was the cancerous movie it got

Brotherhood hands down.

2003 was good for what it was but the original ending and movie were complete garbage.

>FMA 2003
>The Original

The Hughes death is a great example. Honestly the entirety of that episode is still one of the best deaths in anime period

Also the English cast they got for '03 is still the best dub next to Baccano

I only watch dub so that's good to know.


what does MAL stand for?

It means get off of Sup Forums and back to whatever shithole forums you crawled out of.

I didn't come from any other forum though. I don't go on reddit.

Brotherhood became to battle shoneny as it was winding down. It did Bradly and Kimblee a lot better than 2003 and that was it.

You can tell exactly when 2003 become anime OC because the plot takes the edge up to 11. You do t get that sudden shift in gears when watching Brotherhood

My Anme List

Some torrents are pretty much dead for shows because they're past their prime.

>Fake board redirection meme
What a loser

Childhood is idolizing Brotherhood.
Adulthood is realising 2003 makes more sense.

I liked Brotherhood's Sloth and Wrath more.

thank you. I don't see what that guy was trying to say though still.

>Also water sloth is stupid. Giant sloth was a lot better.
>a literal plot device
>better than an actual character that gave the Elrics an interesting conflict to grapple with.


Chose carefully

idk what the question is even asking nor do I recognize any of the choices.

Again for sure,

Deseign wise

>watching the original after brotherhood

Is funny how everyone say than the common one to like is FMAB but when you question them FMA2003 is more common

Btw, i didnt finish any of them, 2003 is nothing personal level of edgy and FMAB is lame animated
I only finished the manga and loved it

Either Undo or Rain.

I remember liking the original anime. Really though, the manga is the best way to experience FMA.

Even though people say 2003 had better characters, I feel like manga/brotherhood kimblee is easily one of the best written characters across both series.

He's a genuinely respectable villain that doesn't rely on cheap gimmicks like "xd so kuhrazy and badass" like typical mass murdering villains and actually articulates his points well enough to come off as more principled than the majority of the heroes.

Fuck off and kill yourselves.

I remember just fucking giving up looking for the dub of the 97 Berserk series and just buying the DVDs, I can only imagine what a pain in the ass it'd be for something more obscure.

I don't read mangas, only watch anime. And to make it worse I only watch dub. I've only watched specials and shit like that in sub because it's the only version available. They don't always dub the special episodes and stuff like that.

I can't even remember his reason for being evil desu. Just to see how powerful he can get? I remember him wanting to see which side wins or something like that.

Comparison. Man, the beginning is so bad in Brotherhood.

This autism is strong with this one.

I liked brown Rose better

added to watch later. Don't have time to watch a 20 minute video right now. Thank you.

Is this... is this irony?

So did everyone. Most of the Original was superior in every way.
But Brotherhood...uh...had Olivia and..uh...Pride was kinda cool.

That's about it.

this, it's always astounding to me when people say 2003 is better. Even right off the bat it's introducing chicken-chimeras and a weird puppet alchemist dude.

is this video seriously comparing the first episode of FMA to the Episode 0 of Brotherhood? For real?

I would add some things.

> Ooshima Michiru
> Nakamura Yutaka
> Andou Masahiro
> Yoshinari Kou

Hagaren (2009)
> Kameda Yoshimichi
> Oshiyama Kiyotaka

People who think brotherhood is better also dressed in naruto gear and wore a headband in middle school and now grow up in such irony that they call everything edgy and circle jerk about how much better their opinions are

None of you Fucking kids appreciate art and subtlety

I've only seem brotherhood. Olivier wasn't in the original? That sucks. I liked her.

I actually like Naruto and continue to watch Shuppuden and am looking forward to Boruto manga and hoping it becomes an anime. I know most people hate Naruto but it's one of my favorite animes.

I know user
It's because you don't know any better
Its like trying to explain Shakespeare to a monkey, he will only fling shit in return

It's not your fault, you grew up with this toei Korean garbage so your natural psyche of mind is going to violently defend it like a mother defends her cubs

But even if it isn't your fault I still hate you user, I will always hate you because you're an imitation, a product of retards who looked at masterpieces like original gundum and going ,"hurr I can do that" without realizing what made each frame of animation so amazingly perfect

You killed the future user
A future where story pacing like ashita no Joe can never be made ever again

I weap for whatever horror comes after your generation

>Alchemy comes from people dying in our world!

This was so stupid.

Fuck off newfag. Lurk more.

Kill Yourself. This gave me more autism than the kid's interest for Naruto.

Only character in anime who I think has an absolutely god-tier dub. Several dubs are okay or decent at dub, but Bradley's English VA was 11/10 and reason enough to watch the dub. His ability to subtly shift between kind and fatherly to chilling and intimidating is spot on.

*okay or decent at best

>the website i'm using to watch
pretty sure you can still find the episodes on youtube

Your such a faggot for responding seriously to bait, next to just post a pic related or ignore the post entirely.

Do you even anilist.co/anime/97938/BORUTONARUTONEXTGENERATIONS