Little Witch Academia

Let's talk about Ursula's glasses

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to see Ursula without glasses.

Just imagine how many opening posts would feature that,

Is this a smile that should be protected?

>another episode without green team

So, how did Constanze, Amanda, and Jasminka die off screen?

Captured and raped by ogres.

They didn't, they're just taking a family day out.

Killed after wandering into an IRA neighbourhood while together on a trip to Amanda's hometown.

Hey user, wanna go target shooting together?

>In Roman mythology, Jupiter (the king of the gods) lusts after a young woman named Callisto, a nymph of Diana. Juno, Jupiter's jealous wife, discovers that Callisto has a son named Arcas, and believes it is by Jupiter.[27] Juno then transforms the beautiful Callisto into a bear so she no longer attracts Jupiter. Callisto, while in bear form, later encounters her son Arcas. Arcas almost shoots the bear, but to avert the tragedy, Jupiter turns Arcas into a bear too and puts them both in the sky, forming Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Callisto is Ursa Major and her son, Arcas, is Ursa Minor.

>Callisto, a nymph of Diana
>is Ursa Major

Hannah and Barbara are Shiny Chariot

Jasminka ate one of Constanze's machines.
Amanda fell from her broom.
Constanze just transfered her mind to an android, it was her dream as a transhumanist.

Ok, Can anyone point me out the source on this?

My search skills sucks dick hard and won't give me any results.

fucking broomstop

Whenever I see Ursula I just want to take out my "rock hard cock" and pound it deep into her "sensitive wet vagina" until she's my drooling lover

Constanze built a Walk-Brass.


my DICK.

Hannah and Barbera's daughter will be Shiny Akko's apprentice when she starts looking for someone to pass Shiny Rod on to.

Thank you

user, you really don't want to get shot in the dick.

Are they fake lenses? Shiny chariot didn't wear glasses

I don't follow.

Clark Kent-style

What does Chariot have to do with Ursula?

They didn't die, they just went home

rock hard rock = my medical tools
sensitive wet vagina = frontal lobe
I want to lobotomize her

>rock hard rock

They're out there somewhere fighting the real antagonist of the series.
spinoff series when?

Who would win in a fight?
Shiny Chariot's career
Ursula's love life

>asking about a cake's love life

Shiny Chariot's Career. You can't fight against something that doesn't exist

Akari actually gets a successful love life, though.

After finally seeing the episode. Andrew is hot for Akko and he's desperately trying not to be. You know he felt good jamming out on that piano. Best part is that Sucy knows her cue like a pro, that evil smile she had when Akko was carrying her. She's like Akko's Rottytops

I want to fix Ursula's love life!

You can thank the waste of life at Trigger who decided to add Andrew and Frank.
Just a reminder that I post this unironically.
They should have stuck to the formula of the OVAs,whoever decided to add Andrew and Frank needs fired, if not executed.
I've loved every episode aside from the ones where they appear, and the episodes they were in would have been good if they weren't in it.
Trigger honestly deserves to go bankrupt for this shit, I went in expecting a TV version of the OVAs, instead I get shoehorned faggy boys and shoehorned romance.
I was gonna buy the BDs but decided to wait after the first Andrew episode in case they continued to fuck up, and unfortunately for them they did. They lost a few hundred dollars from me and many other people for the shoehorning.
>No Sales Academia
>Little Sales Academia
>Little Andrew Shoehornemia
That said, I pre ordered the Akko nendo, I'll just pretend she is the Akko from the OVAs and not Romance Shoehorn Academia.

Her slogan.

Yeah, fix her, like a dog.

Imagine if this user met crack-kun


I want to make Ursula my wife!


Who is crack-kun?

What is the most strangest, most deeply fetishists thing you would want to see happen to a little witch?
I'm talking about straight weirdness, not the most degenerate or the most disturbing.




I would love to witness this guy's cavernous basement dwelling.

It must be fucking vile.


Avery better stop acting and looking like a fucking bitch!

Eventually she's going to get knocked the fuck out by either Akko or Amanda!


don't keep me waiting

Is this faggot going to post this every fucking thread?

Is episode 11 going to be the first episode in which Diana appears without her dogs?

She's has dogs? What breed are they?

shih tzu

As requested

2 loud chihuahas.

A Chihuahua and a Mastiff

So, since they clearly remember everything how pissed off is Andy's daddy at Luna Nova now? I'm actually surprised Akko and co got away from this without a punishment



You know, this actually just made me notice that her pupils are pure white.

Maybe the reason she wears glasses is because her glasses are her eyes, literally, and when she doesn't wear them she is pitch black blind.

How would Constanze react to being asked out?

>Take off Ursula's glasses
>Your vision becomes blurry
What type of mahou is this?

I guess three troublemakers in an ancient magic school is just a perfect recipe for a good coming of age series.

So pretty.

She'd stare, blush, and run off. Then moments later Amanda shows up to punch your face for making fun of Constanze.

Is because you asked her to let you wear them.

this is some high-grade autism

you wanted yuri, didnt you?

What did they mean by this?

She wouldn't.
Autistics tend to be incredibly stoic.

They're close friends.

Did they give up with the pink void and just draw them pantyless now?

>We are really tight

TATTUUUUUUUN!! What did you mean?

Anime drawing 101. Her pupils aren't white. It's just that certain eye designs have the highlight at the center, covering the pupil, instead of having it at the side like in most cases.

What if Constanze is the soon to be machine god?


>Lotte: Believe me, Professor. I've been asking myself the same question for three years.

Do you think the anime will cover all three years of school with a timeskip at somepoint, or that it will end with Akko still attending school?

>Ursula looking at Akko
>Diana sneaking glances at Akko while ignoring her two harpies

Oh for fucks sake. They have to have something about them that doesn't involve interest in Akko,right?

At this point it's people like them were waiting for somebody as crazy as her to show up in their dull lives
You guys really need to give up on that dude, he's not coming back after whath appened, dude's bosses really got on him about that.

Killed by mean witches. Akko gets a distress call from Amanda but she's cut off by the bad witches, setting up a short spin off of LWA: The Lost Episodes covering the green team encountering the mean witches.

For the low price of $90 USD


About what?

oh jeez...

it's boris' evil twin

Some nips snitched him out to Trigger's bosses. Through he could be here without his trip. Then again, dude's a mongo attention whore so who really knows

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little "sales academia" post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" "little sales academia" guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you post it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fuckin fictonal guy on a fictional show. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic waifufag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY HATE ANDREW AND FRANK." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>You will never have sex with a blind, glassesless Ursula
>You will never watch her manage to locate your member by scent alone
>You will never see her stare right through you as you fuck her
>You will never see her be able to tell what you like best bit by your face or your voice, but by the quickness of your beating heart

Good thing she isn't autistic then.

Cute! CUTE!!

Well if it's three years of school then with any luck it will have a season per year and the show will finish with three seasons, timeskipping the summers back home. I'd like it if they wrapped it up nicely with a planned ending instead of going on indefinitely.

How long until the familiar summoning episode?

The hell is up with those outfits?

>The event that made her lose her yay also blinded her

>There are people here who literally doesn't know about 2nd cour being in spring

They don't have a god.


You realize that his fucking Trigger boss came here, right?

That said, I think he won't come anymore because there is actually stuff to spoil.

>He didn't play the best MMO

>implying akko won't fail a semester or two

Which Little Witches are doms and which of them are subs?

Male: large overcoat
Female: basically a swimsuit

Well one of them is either gonna be too warm or too cold for the weather. God i hate character designers that do this. breaks the IMMERSION.