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Post the vid faggot.

The most convincing evidence is building 7. Any remotely skeptical person can see plainly that there was foul play.

Really? The twin towers themselves are much more physics defying.

holy shit
isnt akamai the intelligence agency front company that manages all the facebook data

>EXIF data that anyone can change is proof
you must be joking nigger

Thats true. But, for the unbrain normies they used too much smoke and mirrors on the towers.
Building 7 on the other hand, wasnt hit by a plane and there is very clear footage of it falling down on its own footprint. This makes it easier for the unbrain to see it was "pulled".

The construction of the towers was tube based pillars instead of grid based. The floor of the tower has key structural supports in the centre and perimeter but leaves the floor space open. Had the construction been grid based, the towers may have stayed standing. It's possible that if 9/11 was planned, the towers were designed to fail from the beginning.
This video BTFOs shills 100%

The owner of the towers successfully obtained the insurance policies from the disaster (implement just weeks before) including tower 7- which was completely unattacked!

Don’t be retarded nigger. The worst that should have happened would be the top of the building toppling over, possibly pulling some facade down with it.
>muh pancakes
As you pointed out, the shell should still stand.

Bump. Never forget.

they were designed that way so they couldn't be knocked over in pieces, since it's the middle of NYC, one of the highest, if not the highest, $$ per sq. ft out of any city in the world.

they were not designed to be broken or even come down. they were meant to be an almost permenant fixture.

if you believe the official narrative of 9/11, you're a fucking idiot


What are priors, aggravating and mitigating factors, etc?

The whole thing a scandal.

Even some authors of the report say the government didn’t really want to get to the bottom of what really happened. They were being hampered and stonewalled the whole time.

At some point there is going to have to be a real report that gets at the actual truth... or at least tries to.

they’ll probably try to wait several decades till the short attention span public no longer gives a crap and has more urgent issues to deal with.

Former cell network engineer here

Even with CDMA tech, you couldn't make a call in 2001 from an airplane...GSM wouldn't withstand the high speed and CDMA would drop tower to tower. We still have trouble today because planes are above the ceiling of towers. Towers originate signal out horizontally, not vertically. They're aimed. So yea, no way in hell people made calls from a plane to loved ones...not buying it.

Yep. That’s the intro to the lie. Also if you look at an engineering schematic of the twin towers with so many fucking steel beams running through them, a little soda pop can airliner could never ever ever take those things down.


I wonder how many Hitler clones the NAZI occultists made after paperclip.....

I think Sandy Hook is easier to prove is a hoaz than 911, and Pulse Nighclub is the most retarded of all the hoaxes.

>Pulse nightclub shooting.

This event was so fake, so obviously staked and fake, I thought it was an admission and finally the goyim will understand these things are all fake.


beam me up scotty these people are hopeless.

>so obviously staked and fake

>Staged and fake. (Staged)

No, but today it is possible unlike back in 2001. You don't need a phone line to call people in the air anymore. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection and something like WhatsApp.

If you have recently flown, some airlines let you text for free through Wi-Fi using certain apps. What they forgot was that those apps can voice call people using the same allowed signal pattern.

t. 30 year old who called someone in another country on WhatsApp at 37,000 feet using free T-Mobile Wi-Fi and the boomer flight attendants got mad at me and couldn't figure it out how I did it no matter how much I explained to them. I kid you not.


I have been making cell phone calls from onboard private aircraft for a long time. As long as you're relatively low altitude they have always worked good enough. Anyway I thought the passengers were using GTE Airphones, technology we had to use in the olden days when you were swimming around in your dad's balls.

Reminder that the pentagon was where the operation was carried out, somebody in the military fired a missile into it to try to stop the attacks.

now that's an interesting take on the Pentagon being targeted.

I think 911 is lost cause as far as reaching the normies. But Sandy Hoax and Pulse nightclub, you can ask them to provide you one shred of evidence to prove those events happened, then they say "well the government said it happened and they wouldn't lie"

and then you can ask "uh the government lies every day about everything" then they get mad like you killed the kids personally.

anyone who does is a fool