Sena is a miracle of the universe

Sena is a miracle of the universe

I wanna give her a hug

Why do you feel the need to say this? Our dicks think of her all the time, she has quite the legacy

I'm glad it's over.

No you aren't


Stay plebeian, Senafags

Well, I wish it ended earlier or never existed perhaps, but I'll take what I can get.

Poor Sena. Stuck in such an awful show, with an awful MC, in an awful story. Unfortunately, spinoff where she travels the world with Kobato spinoff never.


They will never learn.


Fitting for an awful character. They all deserve each other.

Yozora is literal worst grill
Sena a 2nd best

The cumdumpster of the universe, es.

Kobato is just a better version of her.

My angel

Can always be improved

Posting best grill, the others can't even compete

I wanna give her a fug

And water is wet, way to point out the obvious.

Such a happy family.