Scanlation thread

Scanlation thread.

What are you working on?

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Gotta make do with any raw you can get I guess.

What's this?

I want to start scanning stuff, not just manga but artbooks and shit as well.

While looking into that I found this site here: , so i'm trying to figure out if it'd be more cost effective to spend like 300$-500$ on a camera/the supplies to build one of these setups and to not actually have to debind the books/volumes and buy duplicates to do so.

Anybody ever used one of these and can comment how well they work or how good of a camera i'd need?

Unbinding the book will give you the superior quality no doubt about it. Specially when we're talking about art books. These sets up seem to work really well but for normal books were you just want the text and they have wide margins so it's no big deal.

Well, how would I go about unbinding a book I want to scan?

google of course.

search the archive for debinding, there was a previous thread on this stuff

also google

put it in the microwave like you're tokyopop

I actually did search the archive (fireden) yesterday and didn't find any useful results, maybe you see something I don't

I don't think the heating method will be viable for the artbooks I want to scan, because the paper in question isn't just cheap manga paper but actual fancy laminated/photo whatever it's called paper, and secondly because these are big hardcover books.

It looks like EBJ updated again, so anons script broke.

Fuck, I had been holding onto that so I could rip their volumes of Gash when I could afford to buy all of them.

You can still do it with Rakuten.

What resolution are are the pages on Rakutens?

Depends on the series and publisher. You'll have to check yourself.

Is there a way to check that without actually buying a volume?

Rakuten is much lower quality for Gash than ebj, around 1200 px. I've got ebj ripping working with the new viewer, it's just less convenient since each downloaded image is now a two page spread but still easily doable.

They merged the fucking pages?

Ah, so will the existing script for it work fine, or does it need to be adjusted?

>Rakuten is much lower quality for Gash than ebj, around 1200 px.

Well, if the script for EBJ still works then it's not a concern. On that note, though, a few months back when I was first deciding to do this, an user in one of these threads ripped one of the pages from v1 of gash from them for me so I could see the page quality, but I seem to have misplaced the file now.

Would you happen to be the same person and do you still have it?

Their old viewer had a separate html canvas element for each page, and it would show two canvases on the screen at a time. Their new one just has one canvas that loads two images side by side. It looks the same to the reader, but the browser treats it as a single image instead of two. It's easy to download those, but splitting them is a bit more work than the browser can likely handle without shitting itself so it'd be easier to just run a local script that splits the downloaded images after the fact.
You can use responsive design mode to simulate a smaller screen if you want, doing that will make it just load one page in the canvas at a time so it's not like they actually fucked with the source images.

Splitting the pages isn't a problem, that can be done in Photoshop with an action.

I actually am, but I'm on my phone, sorry. If you have the script I can try and tell you what to change to make it work.

>I actually am, but I'm on my phone, sorry.

Ah, no issue. When you get to your computer, could you email the image to [email protected]? That's my throwaway for this sort of thing.

>If you have the script I can try and tell you what to change to make it work.
I have multiple scripts, actually, I'll need to find them. If the thread 404's before then, i'll just await your email and respond back with both the scripts and you can tell me which one to use and what changes I need to make that way.

Not that user, but can you post what needs to be changed anyway?

Can you put the script up somewhere, or should I give my email?

It probably won't be until tomorrow, but I'll try to remember.

Off the top of my head, if the script doesn't run at all or gives an undefined error then grant it xmlhttprequest and require the newest jquery, then reinstall it. After that you just need to change the html element names, I think the canvas is now ebiviewer and the controller you click on became viewer or something like that. It should be obvious if you look at the page source.

Anyone has a good script for rotating and/or cropping? The only one I've tried wasn't very accurate.

It seems the .txt files I had the scripts on are on my old, busted laptop, the files are all still there but it won't boot and I don't have a SATA to usb converter to plug the hard drives into at the moment.

So if you could just email me the script with the fixes applied to the throwaway I posted before when you send the image of the page, i'd appreciate it.

Well, if you forget i'll ask again in another scan thread at some point. Regarding the changes, thanks, though i'd still like the full script with the changes implemented sent my way because i'm an idiot and don't know shit about scripting/coding/anything and I'll probably screw something up

I suppose I'm looking in the wrong area, because I don't see ebiviewer when I ctrl-U a preview. I'm about to go to bed, so if the thread is still up tomorrow can you pastebin it (or post it in the archive)?

Anyone want to redraw 55 pages of a full color doujin for me? The text is laid over the image as well, there are not actual text bubbles or boxes.

>but I'll try to remember.

not him, but why not send yourself an email from your phone so next time you check your email you see it?

How much do you pay?

I got the second volume of Quick Start for /tg/ after someone said the translations died out since no one had good raws.

I don't have a scanner for the moment and don't know what sort of quality I should be looking for. Ideally something on the cheaper end would be nice since I don't think I'd use it for much else. I'm not afraid of cutting the book up for better scans though.

The satisfaction of helping the anime community and the chance to read it translated before anyone else.

I'm sure this satisfaction will help you do it yourself, then.

Some user recommended me the Canon LiDE 110 when I asked a while back. It's been discontinued, but the 120 model goes for $54 on Amazon + free shipping. Can't vouch for it though since I haven't gotten around to buying one yet, though.

Scanning, cleaning, translating, redrawing is too much work to do all by myself. I get satisfaction from the other parts.

Looks like a good deal. Might just go ahead and spring the extra $20 for the 220 model.

Also just took off the dust jacket and found the cover pages are little standees and a paper die you can make with the characters' faces on them.

Fuck, forgot the pic.

you made this ?

>it's just less convenient since each downloaded image is now a two page spread but still easily doable.
I don't mind honestly, so if you could,please mail me the script I can just make an action to split them on photoshop. It'll still be more convenient than trying to screenshot and stitching every page. I'm going to sleep so if you post it here with a timed link I'll probably miss it, so could you send it to [email protected]

I tried making a few of the changes you mentioned but it didn't work so I probably did something wrong somewhere.

How do you find the energy to keep going after doing hundreds of chapters? Shit feels like a second job now when it used to be so fun.

Western book scanners don't work well with doujinshi or artbooks as there is not enough of a gutter. The best method for high quality results is debinding and then using a flatbed scanner.

If the book is from an official publisher, then it's probably going to contain stitching as well as glue. I use a heat gun to remove the glue and then cut the stitching with a utility knife.

Just use the ruler and crop tools in Photoshop. Drag the ruler across a line that should be straight, then click the straighten layer button. Then with the crop tool, drag the box until it covers the page.

I agree with . I have worked with raws from this scanner and for it's price, it produces excellent raws. Unlike most other contact image sensor scanners, it doesn't have serious issues with colour balance.

>Just use the ruler and crop tools in Photoshop.

That's what I do, but I know there are scripts that can produce close results which would save me time, I just want to know if there's anything that can produce results close to doing it manually.

>If the book is from an official publisher, then it's probably going to contain stitching as well as glue. I use a heat gun to remove the glue and then cut the stitching with a utility knife.

How should I remove/cut the hardcover spine in a way that won't damage the underlying pages? I imagine if I heat the glue enough I can just remove the pages but i'd worry i'd damage pages at the same time

I've never seen a script that produces the same results as doing it manually in Photoshop. It's probably worth it to see if the software bundles with your scanner is any good, as this is usually an included feature.

Check that the outer hard cover isn't made of plastic, because if it is, it could melt or warp when you heat the glue. Slowly heat the spine until the glue is soft enough to gently pull away from the pages inside the book. Look at a few videos on youtube before doing it. Even if it isn't a hardcover in the video, it will give an idea of just how gentle you have to be.

Will certain types of paper be more likely to be damaged via heat then others?

You should be using no where near enough heat for that. Unglossed paper can warp under high heat. Paper can also be burnt. This is unlikely as the glue will soften well before the paper gets that hot. If you are going to do this, the highest risk is going to be from ripping the pages where the glue hasn't melted enough. I use a heatgun to debind raws because I can set the exact temperature. I can go upto 100°C without damaging the paper.

This is the kind of stuff I was wondering the other day. How much of the scanlating community nowdays is the 'old' altruistic groups and people who do it for whatever kind of saisfaction derived from it, and how much is it just people who see it as a business opportunity to get a quick buck?

I'm not super involved, but I feel the later has become the standard from the times I come to gaze at it.


Manga only has really bad web raws with very low resolution.

Should I just go full retard with topaz?

Why do you think acting like this is acceptable?
And yes, it is obvious you are the only one posting it.

Noticing blatant patterns in your behavior and telling you to stop spamming is not being insane.

The insane one is you, for constantly trying to start shit and derail threads.

user I am in no way defending that piece of shit but putting together a google doc tracking a shitposter does seem pretty insane to me