The better chuuni?
The better chuuni?
Left isnt chuuni
They're both garbage
It's literally in her blood
>2nd episode
>"An Explosion for this Chuunibiyou"
Satania isn't a Chuuni, she's an actual demon.
>has an incredibly inflated sense of worth in comparison to her current situation.
close enough.
Obvious choice
I was hoping she would be a delusional girl who pretends to be a demon so she could make friends with all the demons and angels in her school.
Jurai Ando is the best one, for his Chuunibyou powers became real, and don't we all want that? Actual superpowers!
Literally neither of them are chuuni
Thread over.
>it's another "My waifu isn't a chuuni" episode
Satania > Megumeme
I don't get it. It's OK to like dumbasses.
Kotomi Tsuda is my favorite Chuuni.
The one with delusions of grandeur.
Western society frowns upon this because you are supposed to respect women instead of taking advantage of them. The problem is, bakas are for sex.
She'll regret being a chuuni
Megumin. Megumin was clearly best girl while Satania is worst girl by a huge margin.
My dear wifey Hotori who thinks of herself as a detective when she's hardly even cut-out to be a maid!
There's something wrong with this selection.
>random mage
>the Anti-Christ incarnate
Satania isn't a chuuni, she's just an EXCELLENT demon.
Satanichia saaaamaaaa
>tfw she will cut her pigtails off when her chunnibyoism runs out
>>the Anti-Christ incarnate
I have bad news for you user
Megumin is actually aware of the fact that she acts in an exaggerated manner and the reason for that is actually am important aspect of her characterization. Her explosion is limited in use but very potent making her a situational gamebreaker. She also has shown some quick thinking and intelligence (pointed out by Kuzuma no less when he didn't want to take her to the whole Darkness affair fearing she would see through his scam).
Meanwhile Satania is a one dimensional retarded and obnoxious autist. Dogakobo blown the fuck out as usual..
i'm gonna wreck it!!!
Indestructible monster husbando dark horse coming through.
OP here. I don't stream. I just got these images off of google.
I haven't seen either show, so let me offer an unbiased if uninformed perspective built entirely from browsing Sup Forums.
Megumin is someone who is a parody of Lina Inverse that only knows one spell and everyone wants to fuck her for whatever reason.
Satania is the devil except as a comically ineffectual student at a school attended by angels and demons and she gets bullied a lot.
I'm going to go with Satania. She seems to be overall the most smug and fun of the two.
Has she ever done something supernatural and demoniac?
She gets bullied by angels, that's pretty demonic
Having real powers doesn't make Megumin not a chuunibyou. Her archetype is based on stereotypes of real chuunibyou girls. She imitates mannerisms of anti-hero characters for comedic effect. She wants to be cool and fearsome but her stature and personality prevents that from being taken seriously.
Megumin hasn't been chuuni in a while.
I love both though
Megumin is old and busted
Satania is new hotness
>Having real powers doesn't make Megumin not a chuunibyou
But that's literally wrong. Having a fantasy about possessing various powers is the cornerstone of being chuuni. Plenty of people are trying to act cool and fearsome only to fail at it, but that doesn't make them chuuni.
Long hair Dekomoron is beautiful
>memorable waifu vs flavor of the season
Gee I wonder
Megumin isn't a Chuuni. When she says she's casting the most powerful spell in existence she's actually doing it.
When Satania monologues about her demonic powers and threatens to destroy the school all she ends up doing is wearing mismatching socks or something.
Pfft haha
>calling female characters 'waifus'