ITT: If someone posts an image of your favorite anime, you must go to sleep immediately



>having a favorite anime










Sweet dreams


Fuck. goodnight Sup Forums.



everything has been shit.
moe shit*

no one's favourite anime is eupho

goodnight mio

Good night my k-on! Anons.

I'm not actually going to bed, it's only 9:14.

Welp, good night.

>no one's favourite anime is eupho
I am positive that you're wrong.

You fuckers will never post it

Putting myself to sleep

Go to sleep, plebs.


Well, it is 6AM already.

go to sleep anons, and do better tomorrow

Sorry friends.

Time to sleep hipster neets

Sleep is for fags

I feel bad for anyone who has flavor of the season crap as their favorite anime.

Whelp time for you guys to sleep.


Thanks, I was feeling sleepy already

Off to sleep the lot of you.



oyasumi lads

good luck getting me faggots


If this is your favorite manga, go to bed with me.

now off with you

oh well, alright


But its only 2 in the afternoon here


oyasumi, koto



Nite, all.




I don't really have a favorite, but since it's nearly 7am I'll just go with lucky star.


Mine is something that everyone watched in 06-07.
Put me to sleep, let me die.

To sleep faggot

Try again, nerdo.

I know I got one of you fags.


suicide cuz tired

Fuck, that's it for me.
Call my taste shit all you want, to me, it's a masterpiece.

Still alive, fuckers

Jokes on you, i'm too much of a hipster to have SZS as my favorite Kumeta work/anime.
Goodbye, Sup Forums. Until some other time

I'l jjust go hit the bed, not doing it for you or anything idiot!


Literally no one.

i dont have a favorite anime

jokes in you i don't sleep


sweet dreams, you hipster Sup Forums fucks

observe these repeating numerals

oh well, i have to wake up early tomorrow anyway

god damn Ritsu that Healthy body.

Goodnight /m/

Ah fuck you, I wanted to shitpost some more.

Goodnight then.

Night cunt

We both know I'm not going to bed.


cry yourselves to sleep over the worthlessness of your existence

I'm sure one of you likes this shit.


Still here Ikuhara friends?




Sleep snug, Korbofags.

Ty homie

I hate these threads. I never get tagged and I'm really tired too.

Anyway, three-for-one special, go to sleep comfy fags.


well looks like im off to bed even tho its like 1 pm

No was gonna post it but I need that sweet release

just what I needed

Damn it all


Well goodnight

two in one

Some gentlemen with great taste will have to go to sleep.

goodnight my friends

Favorite anime and manga together. I'll sleep twice as long.