There is nothing attractive about 2D girls acting like 3D piggu.
There is nothing attractive about 2D girls acting like 3D piggu
You can always stop being a fat creepy.
You're mistaken
Your low-tier normalfagging containment box is over here >>>/facebook/
Here is your
I miss Girlish Number threads.
I miss Fall 2016.
There's nothing good about being a self entitled little bitch, OP.
Don't bother, it's a shit, dead in the water anime with no fanbase that has any worth and hopefully it stays that way forever.
You sound upset
You're right, those two are both self-entitled bitches that didn't deserve the good things that happened to them.
The fat fuck is mad.
They sure deserved it more than some angry failure raging over anonymous shithole.
You seem triggered OP, perhaps you require a safe space?
This type of behavior is not relegated exclusively to 3D bitches, all normies act this way
Found one
Empty those unopened Dorito bags already, the chips won't shovel themselves in.
Opinion discarded.
I'm not even fat, nice projecting though.
No, they didn't deserve it because they're both transparent bitches who couldn't get real jobs because they're both losers.
Momoka get a "real job" to begin with because she's still an underage. Did you only watch one episode?
Who hurt your feelings? Be sure to talk it over with your therapist.
can't get*
Fuck off, this is my safe space.
You're right, but common normies aren't voice actors.
That just makes her an underage bitch then. It virtually changes nothing about my original statement.
>uses normie
>hasn't even finished watching the show so he has no idea what he's talking about
Not only you're dumb, you're a cancerous crossboarder, too.
Also, she didn't turn down some random guy, that fat fuck was basically her employer. If you think you can treat people who can give you a job in anime industry like everyone else than you're total retard.
I have watched the anime, read the entire summary on Wikipedia, which is good enough for this festering pussball that was Shit Number.
I hope you're baiting because, employer or not, she's still a bitch who rejected an outing for no reason other then "I'm better than everyone else".
Before you insult another person's intelligence, improve your grammar some more, you dumb ESL, crossboarding, normalfag cancer.
The fuck does "entitled" even mean?
>employer or not
It is important, moron. It's Japan anime industry, for fuck sake.
>for no reason other then "I'm better than everyone else".
Yeah, she's a bitch because she didn't want to go drinking with the men in their 20s and 30s she doesn't care about.
> "I'm better than everyone else".
That wasn't the reason, idiot.
>you dumb ESL, crossboarding, normalfag cancer.
Said the guy who uses "normie", HS rips when BDs are out, and judges the whole show based on one episode and wikipedia article. Go back to facebook, twitter or whatever other shithole you crawled from. You clearly don't care about anime or having any kind of quality discussion.
Thanks for posting a picture of my wife. Could you get the blond chick out of the picture though?
>It is important, moron. It's Japan anime industry, for fuck sake.
What a retard, they wouldn't have even asked if it was so important in the first place. She just said no because "reasons".
>Yeah, she's a bitch
That's the whole point of the thread, finally get it? As expected from a Chitoshit faggot.
>That wasn't the reason, idiot.
I know nobody actually watched this beyond the first 5 minutes, but it was clearly implied and you're autistic if you didn't catch on.
>Said the guy who uses "normie", HS rips when BDs are out, and judges the whole show based on one episode and wikipedia article. Go back to facebook, twitter or whatever other shithole you crawled from. You clearly don't care about anime or having any kind of quality discussion.
Clearly a sad newshit who is completely fuming red in the face that no one likes his garbage animu of no substance and has nothing better to do with his time then shitpost on an SJW hentai board.
You're obviously aware that "what's-her-face" and yellow slut are both unlikeable, inferior, secondaries, but haven't defended a single thing about them. People like you run anime into the ground because of their horrid taste they don't realize is horrid, and then move on to infect other things into the same level of mediocrity.
Fuck on off back to whatever normie shithole you came from and then kill yourself, 4ch is not your social network.
>mfw shit like this flops
Feels good.
Inevitable when your fanbase is just anime-hating, casual plebs.
All this samefagging.
Does it hurt being an insufferable, lonely secondary all the time?
To this day I still don't understand why the show flopped. Chitose was reasonably popular in Japan and the girls were really cute. It seemed to have gotten quite a bit of promotion there, and there's the Yahari fanbase that could have been tapped. What happened?